Hi all,
im new on this forum and have tried looking around but cant find what i am after.
The other day i picked up a 5 figure macross set here in sydney, it included a destroid and valk with the deep space armour and missles (if that makes sense to anyone) full assembled and moveable. the other three needed to be built, two from scratch that could be put in either jey/gaurdian/robot mode and another final one that required a slight bit of assembly but is in robot mode. all are about 8cm tall standing.
They were meant to come individually but i scored them as the set
i know this is a vague description but my flatmate cleared out the box before i thought of trying to track down anymore sets.
My questions are(if any one actually knows what i am on about) are there any other sets in the series as i beleive mine was 2nd edition?
where can i get them in Sydney(or order on the net)?
does any one know of any other (around 8cm high or to that scale) sets,preferablly with some zentradi mechs?