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Everything posted by whytwolf
Cool kit! What's the scale on it? Sean
WOW. Very cool. You've clinched it for me, I'm gonna have to get one of those resin kits from Hobbyfan now Great work macroadster! Sean
The Hasegawa kits actually mold the three barels inside the muzzle of the GU-11. If you want to accurize them, simply drill out the barels with a pin vice (as I did). Much easier than trying to find small diameter styrene tubing. HTH Sean
Looks great, and very well proportioned as a Battroid. The few fighter kit to battroid conversions I've seen always look too lanky to me ('thin as a drink of water' my grandpa would say). I look forward to seeing it completed Sean ps - in addition to the pics, could you perhaps explain in a little detail about how you made the mod?
Oh how gauch, replying to my own reply! Due to the boards being down yesterday, the last post was intended to update to boxing day--now here's what I accomplished tonight while watching a Randy Bachman special (and if you don't know this legend of the Guess Who and BTO, shame on you! ) http://www.whytewolf.ca/media/qrauleg1.jpg http://www.whytewolf.ca/media/qrauleg2.jpg http://www.whytewolf.ca/media/qrauleg3.jpg The little white guy with green putty is the new Valk pilot I'm working on for the Block 5 cockpit mod I mentioned a while back--just to give a sense of scale to the suit. And yes, the leg doesn't look like much now (and it's upside down, with the Club-M leg on the right) but you could think of it as a view of the suit's internal structure Sean
Mechleader: well, that is part of the plan. Once I'm further along on the 'masters' I'll be talking orders--but thanks for the vote of confidence. Well, thank God for XMas holidays--I got some more work done on the QRau. Mostly I decided that the pilot's head looked NOTHING (even if very skeletal) like Milia's, so I spiked it into the trash, and also discovered that the pilot's arm positions are different between the two suit versions--the DYRL version has the pilot's arms pointed forward to grasp the waldos behind the chest cannons, whereas the TV version has the pilot's hands in the shoulder units. For that reason I repositioned the arms and have started on yet ANOTHER head (will show it when I feel more confident it looks like an anime chick ) The pictures linked below show the refined figure, as well as the beginnings of the suit's main chest/groin section where the pilot compartment resides. http://www.whytewolf.ca/media/qraumain1.JPG http://www.whytewolf.ca/media/qraumain2.JPG As I continue to work on this project I am continually surprised at both the poor engineering of the Club-M kit (most of the ball/socket joints for the limbs don't fit at all) not to mention that the kit and it's pilot are not to scale with the measurements given at Egan's site (well, at least as far as I can tell). That said, I'd like to ask other people who have built or own this kit what they think.. Is it that I simply have a crummy recast (Sorry AlphaHX, but the bubbles and warts in this kit are a shame--hope you don't mind me cleaning it up for you ) or was the original kitpoorly engineered as well? Anyway, I'll keep updating this thread as I progress--although, knowing my life, I could be doing lots of work on it now, only to drop off the face of the earth for several months...fate of a single father I guess Sean
As some of you may remember, I'd mentioned I was interested in doing a conversion of the Club-M kit from the DYRL version of the Q-Rau to the TV version. My first hurdle though was getting the Club-M kit. Well, much thanks to AlphaHX for loaning me a recast he got--it's allowed me to rethink the scale of this project First off, the recast is a really crummy one, needing a lot of work to clean up to cast masters from to modify. Yech Secondly, as I determined looking at the kit, I was not too impressed with the detail of the original. Much of the interior detail was a rats warren of 'wires', leaving lots of scratchbuilding to capture the interior detail of the TV version. So, with all that in mind, and my handy cache of Robotech (::gasp:: horrors!) DVDs for animation reference, I decided to set out sculpting a new kit. Yes, long, arduous process that it will be, I think it'll be better, and easier in the end to do so than clean up and then modify this kit. Well, then, that brings me to my current progress. Though minimal, I do have some work to show off--namely the start of the Milia figure that will go inside the armor's cockpit. The photos below show my work after about three hours. On the left is my new sculpt, and on the right a semi-clean recast of the Club-M kit. (I'm linking these, beacuse they're rather large) http://www.whytewolf.ca/media/MiliaSculpt1.jpg http://www.whytewolf.ca/media/MiliaSculpt2.jpg http://www.whytewolf.ca/media/MiliaSculpt3.jpg Bearing in mind that this is VERY preliminary (heck, her entire head needs to be fleshed out--basickly she's sholders and a skull) I'm hoping to hear from y'all about what you think, both what my plan is, and what the current results look like. This feedback will help me ensure I have the best Q-Rau sculpt in 1/72 that I can get. After all, two (or two hundred) heads are better than one right? Sean
Oh wow, what a great custom Q-Rau. As you mentioned you've seen others I assume it's a kit? Do you know who manufactured it? Whats the media--resin? What scale? Inquiring minds (well, maybe just mine) want to know Sean
Grayson, I think he meant the VF-1 PE set--as he said, he'd wanted to do a 1S first... And from my personal experience the PE details are not really worth it unless you have FAST packs on the valk--although I do like the extra cockpit details, too bad you can't get them on their own... Sean
Hrmm, that's a neat idea....although the FoodSaver appliances are just outside of my price range, thus my need to go with a cheaper solution Sean
Sounds cool. Did you have to modify the pressure pot any? Did it come with a compressor, and if not, what do you use for it? Thanks again guys, great ideas! Jesse: I don't think I've gotten a hickey in any way since highschool, but now that I'm divoced, you've giving me some ideas Sean
Wow, this is just an outstanding model. Very good work, especially the camo--nice variation (and it would go well head to head with that Flanker-cammoed SV-51) Kudos to you! Sean
But isn't reanimating it simply playing the Lucas game anyway? To me that would be like all that extra CG crap added to ANH's Mos Eisly scenes etc. In any case, I crave more Macross. Zero just didn't do it for me. I'd LOVE to see a new series, but one definatly more in tune with the hard-edged realism of war than quite as mysticly flightly as M7. Sean
Dude! That's some f#*!ed up S#!t right here! Ah toilet humor...where would I be without you? Sean
I agree with Sithlord, if there was a 'remake' of the TV series, I'd like to see it deal with different characters and different situations during the same timeframe--perhaps set it on earth and let us see what happened while the Macross was away. I'd also like to see the 'definitive' telling of Space War One. Sean
If/when a Beta/Tread appears I'll pick up one of the Alpha's, but with all the negative reviews, I'll stick to my old Imai models thank you very much. OTOH, if a 1/12 Ride Armor were to come out I'd sell my good kidney to buy one! Sean on edit: I can't freaking type aparently
The new Jolly Rogers look--High-Vis Bug
whytwolf replied to David Hingtgen's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Personally I think it's a little too slick--says 'corporate graphic artist' to me. Previous color birds for the JR always had more of a made in the wardroom feel to me in terms of their design--this seems more a marketing gimmick than anything IMHO. Sean -
Anyone use/abuse Blender? I'm on a Mac and it's the only free/open source alternative that I know of. Y'see, I'm just a teensy bit jealous of all this great work and want to try my hand at it too.... Sean
Thanks for the info guys. For the second question--does the vacuum or pressure need to be on for the entire cure time, or just until the rubber de-gasses? Sean
All, I know I've seen one posted on these forums before, but the search isn't finding it for me. I'm looking at trying to put together a homemade one with some PVC pipe fittings and my Dustbuster, and was hoping I could get some advice. Was also wondering about how long the vacuum needs to be on--only untill the mold/resin is de-gassed right, not for the entire cure time? Thanks for the help. Sean
VERY nice. BTW which Hasegawa decal sheet did you use, #1, 2 or 3? I'm doing an F-35 in a Macross Zero scheme, and need "UN NAVY" decals. Sean
Is there going to be a 'bed head' version? Sean -> sorry, that one clawed its way out of me. You have permission to groan
ROTFL! I think any thread can be made cooler with a Simpson's reference! On topic: I'm not a huge fan of these designs--too Gundamish for my taste, even if they end up re-painted. I think a valk should be a sleek strike craft--not all pointy and lumpy with weapons ports jutting from every angle. It's a variable fighter aircraft for craps sake, not a destroid! Sean
Hey congrats! Better start putting away money for clothes for this one, my daughter was 8lbs 4oz 21", and at 18 months is wearing clothes for 2+ year old kids--the bigger they are the faster they grow it seems! All the best to the family! Sean
*cries out in agony* GAHHH! The VF-1D is *NOT* a dedicated trainer! We've been over this a million and one times! We've had multiple threads (see THIS thread, we went on forever about it) before and I thought we had come to the conclusion that the VF-1D is NOT just a trainer! The VF-1D is no more a trainer for pilots than any other 2 seater aircraft is. It is capable of being fully armed (unlike the VT-1, which WAS a trainer), and CF VF-1Ds were seen in the series (more specifically, during Max and Milia's wedding.. when they themselves flew in a VF-1D painted in Max colors.. and later fought in it), sure.. some may have been assigned to training wings and RAGs, but that doesn't mean it's a "trainer". Sorry, that thread was a bit before my time and thus I ended up missing out on all the dead-horse-beating fun Didn't mean to re-open old wounds. In the end, all I was asking was, with all the advanced OT instrumentality that could be put into the valks, is there really a reason for a two-seater for purposes other than training? Guess, i got my answer