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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. well yes the car was originally green and yes the color is sonic blue from fords 2005 paint. everything on the car is custom paint, "NO DECALS", the kanji in front was hand brush and cleared over so it can blend with the car, and that goes for the rest of the design. all of this didnt cost me to much since my dad does body work and custom paint job for work(self employed of course, but it pays the bills). i im planning on buffing it sometime this coming week but something really missed up yesterday. some little bastards decided to tag up my passenger side door with graffit, i was reallly frakin pisssed , lucky my dad and me managed to take most of it off but some of it is still there frakin gold spray paint..................w/e if anything ill repaint the entire door again but from now on im parkin my car inside(damn miami thugs). hey david,saddly no factory never made them chrome i bought these rims from another camaro for like 195 with tires. what i plan to do is wet sand the rims them paint it with the same silver then put like 3 coats of clear. chroming would make them look nicer but its to expensive so thats my solve. o lord kungfu, i unforturly had a car crash back in november and the bumper was all farted up and both fog light were gone. so i bought a new bumper, repainted it, and bought new fog light blue of course. also keep in mind, im a big yukikaze fan(super slylph and mave:FRX-00 best non-transforming fighter planes ever made )and inspiired by how the name is on the noise of the plane, so i did the same thing only its name is blue thunder hey myk, glad u like the car and ill look into that thanks.
  2. i know that its not the fastest thing around but its my baby . the kanji in the front mean "blue thunder".the symbol of course is the UN SPACY symbol but in different blue colors(what can i say blue is my favorite color). the bird was from the last act of robotech or mospeada when the invid or inbit are leaving earth, in the last scene a bird appear which i loved so i have to have on my car . the camaro is a 94 3.4L V6 auto, am planning to put a new ring and pinion gear in the rear (3.73) and a shift kit for the transmission. also a cold air intake and a new muffler. within the year i also plan on putting a new high performance computer and vertical door kit. well so much to do so begins the legend of the TRUE blue thunder.
  3. where is the automative thread, by the way its ALL air brushed. me and my father did this. the idea for the kanji in the front was from yukikaze only it says aokaminari "blue thunder". the bird came from robotech new geneation when the invid regress leaves earth.
  4. there she is
  5. check this out
  6. this was my BT-0S but i crashed but in october, if u check some where here in fanwork u can see the crushed car, back in november i bought a 94 camaro so i will do the same thing and maybe a little more.....
  7. i got this from some website but it was what i used
  8. i used this one in my car
  9. i need R-A5, how much will it cost.....
  10. wwwwoooooo what the hell is that...........
  11. and what about this
  12. dodge this ....
  13. stage 1 alert........
  14. see you around, old friend.........
  15. A few forums ago i put a picture of my car with the U.N. Spacy symbol...am sadly to report that the vehicle has fallen, her captain did survive the crash but he's sprit is broken. with time he will get over it and he wishes her car while among the scrap heap that she well be among, she was a good car and did a good job at the end, maybe not the best or updated car but she was good to me. Lt. Betance......GOOD LUCK
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