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Posts posted by alindasue

  1. It's a busy signal.

    Cool. Thanks. ^-^

    And, that 13-second track just happens to be Fukuyama's favourite track on the album, strangely enough. Aso is credited as the drummer on it, but there aren't actually any drums 'cause that data was deleted from Fukuyama's computer. In the end he decided to leave them out as it sounds better without.

    I remember reading about that in Fukuyama-san's diary. He had lost a lot of information during that and had to redo a good portion of the album. That's why he hadn't been able to post anything during the entire month of April.

    I'm not surprised he liked doing that track. It's a very Beatles-like thing to do.

    And... even though it's muffled to sound like an old radio playing in the background, it's a nice piece of guitar work. ^-^

    Did he talk about it during the event last Monday? I really wish I could have seen it. Are you going to be making a report of it?

    Listening to "Jealousy" right now...

    BTW, I got my first translation for the album up now: "bikini no sora no kienai hi". I know it's the last song on the album, but I'm a bit of a sucker for that "peacenik" stuff. :p On the last album it was "hachigatsu muika"...

    I know that dude a couple posts back may consider me a "wimp" for saying so but, it takes a lot more bravery to stand for peace than it does to fight in war. Basara went into the battle and sang for peace, even when others were shooting at him and it would have been easier (and safer) to fight back, he held firm in his determination to convince people with the power of his music. That's what Macross 7 was all about.


  2. Alinda - is there an english speaking web site where I could import his albums? I can't seem to find my way around Amazon.jp :p and I haven't seen them in any of the usual import sites I go to - not very familiar with the scene.

    It took a little bit of searching, but I found it.

    Amazon.com has his first album listed. Tower Records has both of them.


    They also have Humming Bird's "Happy Birthday (Best & Live Anthology)" and a few Macross related titles.

    Hope that helps. ^-^


  3. When you say "Rik", you don't mean Rik Newman, do you?? Well, I suppose not, since it's seattle..

    I wish. No, actually, it's my friend Rik Wall. He and my husband and a couple others were the people who started Sakura-Con (originally called Baka-Con"). We started with about 400 attendees in 1998. Now we are approaching 5,000. Rik, who owns an anime shop in his "real" non-con life, is the head of Sakura-Con's Relations department. They are the ones who make the industry contacts and invite the guests.

    I'm still trying to get him to invite Yoshiki Fukuyama.

    (Please refer to earlier message...)

    And hey, congratulations on the only fully-functional HB and Fukuyama site! Er, I just read this post now (tuesday) so I didn't manage to greet Fukuyama-san on your behalf, sorry, will do it next time.

    There are other "fully functional" sites... for those people who can read Japanese or Korean. ^-^ The best of them, of course, is Fukuyama-san's official site:

    Yoshiki Fukuyama Official Website

    Don't worry about not seeing my post before the live event. I post on his BBS enough... ^-^

    Do you ever post on Fukuyama-san's BBS? Under what name?

    Since my last postings, I got Fukuyama-san's new album! I'm listening to it right now. ^-^ It's great! But then I'm biased, eh. The only song he's done that I haven't really cared for much was "Planet Dance".

    I hope to start the translations this week. I am so behind on those... there's still about a dozen JAM Project songs I still need to do... and that one off the "songs from age" CD... Sometimes, I wish I had more free time.

    By the way, Renato, you are in Japan... maybe you can tell me. Song #10 on the new album... is that a busy signal or a Japanese dail tone?

    As for Japan, actually I haven't been here all that time, I just arrived here a few months ago. That time I was leaving for Tokyo and I stayed there for a year, then I had a year in Scotland, another year in London and now I'm in Osaka.

    Wow! You sure get around!

    I spent a couple days visiting friends in Osaka. Nice place. Very colorful. ^-^


  4. Tomo Sakurai looking about as sexy as warm taffy.

    Are you kidding? Tomo was farting HOT in that footage!

    And I would rather see the VA singing that the official band members. I mean really, who cares about the original? It's the VA who we identify with in the show. Not to mention Tomo Sakurai>>>Chie Whatever-her-name-is

    You are obviously male. I suppose if I were male, I would appreciate Tomo Sakurai prancing around on stage in tight skimpy clothes too. ^-^

    I wonder why they chose to use the voice actors, rather than the actual singers for the "Live Fire" show. The only thing I can think is that they intended it more as a stage play rather than an actual concert... although they did bring the actual singers out for the encore. On the "Live Fire!" CD, it is Yoshiki Fukuyama hitting those incredibly high notes near the end of "Light the Light".

    I've heard Nobutoshi Canna sing in the Fushigi Yuugi soundtrack. (He changed his name from Hayashi to Canna back in 2000.) He can sing. He can sing quite well if he's doing a slow ballad or such. He doesn't do nearly as well with rock though...

    Because of the nature of the character of Basara Nekki, they obviously needed a singer with a strong voice, so they brought in a real rock singer (Fukuyama-san) to do over 90% of the singing.

    Actually, since Basara sings at least as much as he speaks, you could say that Fukuyama-san was as much Basara's voice actor as Canna-san was. I could never understand why he was just listed in the credits as "Fire Bomber". The sad thing is that the only place that Fukuyama-san's actual name shows up in the credits of the show is as co-writer for the song "Dynamite Explosion". I found out his name from one of the CDs.

    Canna-san does occasionally sing small bits in the show. When I got to meet with Fukuyama-san last January, he mentioned that during that scene in the Dynamite OVAs where Basara gets up and starts strumming the guitar wildly and singing "kujira! kujira!" on top of that truck, it was him playing the guitar while Canna-san sang. ^-^

    But "Fire Bomber" is in reality just three singers (Fukuyama-san, Chie Kajiura, and Tomo Sakurai) and a bunch of studio musicians (including members of Humming Bird). If I were to go to a "Fire Bomber Live" concert, I would rather hear Fire Bomber than the the actors.


    ps... let's see if I got the quote thing right this time...

  5. By the way... If you want to see some videos of Yoshiki Fukuyama performing live, my friend, Kataoka-san, has uploaded quite a few windows media video files. The site is in Japanese, but the page with the videos is pretty easy to navigate.


    Basically, everything on the page except the second and third links is a video. The second link goes to the Yokosuka Shoppers Plaza site and the third link goes to Kataoka-san's BBS. Everything else on that page is a video. Just right click, then "save target as..."



  6. I was wondering if the Fire bomber band with the voices from Macross seven has ever toured the U.S.?I'd love to see them play.No one answered my question about Mara Ijima touring the U.S. in the other topic.

    I think that Fire Bomber as a touring act is long over and done with...although, judging from the performance on the Macross 7 bonus stuff, I'm not sure that that's a bad thing.

    As for Mari, she's performing at Okaton in Atlanta (sorry, I don't know the dates), and again at Geghis Cohen in Hollywood on August 13.

    I'll get that quote thing figured out eventually. If I make enough mistakes, eventually I blunder on to the right way...

    About Mari Iijima... I know that she also was at Anime Expo a few years back. My husband got her to autograph a CD there. She's been to a few other anime conventions as well.

    As far as I know, Fukuyama-san has not been to a convention in North America... although I'm trying to do something about that!

    I'm on the staff of an anime convention in Seattle called Sakura-Con. Our 7th year convention will be April 8-10, 2005. Every year, I keep trying to convince our head of relations (Rik) to invite Fukuyama-san as a guest. This year, it's not just me asking. At least a couple other people have requested Fukuyama-san as well.

    Please, everyone... if you guys also post messages requesting Yoshiki Fukuyama, Rik will have to pay attention!

    The Sakura-Con BBS is at http://www.sakuracon.org/phpBB2/

    Please, post in Convention forums>Guests&Industry> Japanese music artists/group

    Thanks. ^-^


  7. Ah, dammit, that Alinda Sue page really haunts me...

    Yea... spooky, isn't it? ^-^

    Hajimemashite. My name is Alinda Sue. I just found this site about an hour ago. I'm really enjoying the messages.

    OK, look. I was the first person ever to have bothered to make a webpage in English devoted to Hummingbird. Yes, that page is now gone, but I just had to make that clear.

    Was the URL http://www.students.stir.ac.uk/99/r/rr028/web/humming.htm?

    I still have it in my bookmarks. When I began my web site, I knew of two Humming Bird fan sites that were in English: the above site and the English version pages on Sadahiro Asai-san's site. Asai-san's site hasn't been updated since 2000 though.

    If the above site was yours, then last I read, you were going to study in Japan. Apparently you are still there. ^-^

    And yes, Hummingbird disbanded a few years ago, I remember it exactly... My dreams shattered..

    Sadly, the first Humming Bird album I was able to buy was their last...

    But nevertheless, Fukuyama is better than ever. I saw him two weeks ago doing his acoustic thing, his new album came out last week (it's awesome) and I'm gonna see him again next Monday.

    Next Monday... in Osaka. You got the ticket when you bought the CD at Animate, right? I'm a bit jealous... but it's OK. ^-^ During the handshaking meeting, tell Fukuyama-san hello for me, OK? Are you going to the Fukuyama band live in Osaka on August 28th or 29th?

    In fact, I may hijack the boards for a while and put up a little concert review type topic like the Mari Iijima one recently.

    Please do!

    I haven't been able to go to any of Fukuyama-san's concerts, although I love to read everybody's live reports.

    I did get to meet him though! Last January, my oldest daughter and I got to go to Japan for two weeks. (Only two weeks... T-T) It turns out that he didn't have any concerts planned during that time because he was taking time off to record. However, he did show up at the Tetsuro Morita-san's concert I went to as a surprise special guest. He mostly sang harmony and only did one of his own songs, but still, watching him improvise on the guitar and sing live for a couple hours... he was amazing! Truly amazing! And extremely friendly!


    Well... maybe not GOD, but definitely heavenly! ^-^


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