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Everything posted by nucleartiger

  1. wasn't me... ::pinches nose:: ::points to exo:::
  2. Knowing me, I'd use it as a clothes hamper. Pretty damn cool though, give ya props on making something like that!
  3. Hmmmm... looks a little funny, the lions seperately look pretty cool.
  4. Those are some beauts!
  5. Almost makes me want to start collecting those cute lil buggers...
  6. Yes, that would be pretty cool!
  7. Sweet!
  8. Best line I've heard in awhile.
  9. major improvement over the way it came.
  10. I like this limited (super limited -- only 3???) but I think they could been a little more original with it, kinda like the meteor one. It's cool, but I won't dream of owning one, my break my heart.
  11. I need a minmay doll
  12. I just got mine off eBay for 5.00 US, it's worth it, a very well made bootleg, no major quality issues. I put Macross stickers on it though and some 1/55 fast packs, looks great!
  13. 1/55's rawk. period.
  14. looks cool so far! sup from eBay!
  15. I love the displays! Very original! Makes me want to do the same thing with some of my display shelves. Framed pictures actually compliment the Valks nicely.
  16. Hasegawa makes those, Fujimi and Testors makes some nice ground crew sets as well, kinda hard to find them in stores though. Looks great with the Valks, nice painting too, 1/72 is hard to work with.
  17. I love the Blue Angel look, awesome job!
  18. Looks better than the original.
  19. Now this is an awesome paint scheme! I am diggin' it!
  20. Read my first post, it is Megablok and LEGO, so I can call it whatever I want since I live in the United States of America.
  21. Yep thats the kit I built it off of. PS: If you read my first post I said I added pieces to a jet kit my friend gave me. PSS: Thanks for your smart reply.
  22. That is awesome stuff!
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