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Everything posted by nucleartiger

  1. Hot mama!
  2. Loved the movie, saw it tonight. Angelina was smokin'! Sky Cap's warhawk was pretty wicked too if I don't say so myself!
  3. That's a nice $800 dollar photo Haterist!
  4. Hilarious!
  5. Man, those look really nice hollowed out like that.
  6. I'd like to see all of that!
  7. Ahhh, yes... very nice stuff, I must own!
  8. Some awesome schemes in this thread!
  9. nucleartiger


  10. Voltron to me is all about nostalgia anyway. Amen.
  11. nucleartiger


    1 more never hurts.
  12. I think some people just get too sensitive about this Macross vs. Robotech stuff. I like it all because it's got cool mech, interesting plots and it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
  13. nucleartiger


    I love the stealth valk. BTW, Graham? why don't you get a stateside MW'er to buy it for you, have it shipped to them and then have it shipped back out to you that route? Not worth the hassle and extra postage? Just a thought.
  14. Yeah, but thirty years down the line they'll be monopolizing the planet with their computer software *ahem -- Bill Gates -- AHEM!* That's a big exception.
  15. As Ruby Rod would say... "hot, Hot, HOT!"
  16. I agree with haterist 100%
  17. Your super power is: You can inflict any disease on anyone at any time. (your social life goes to hell, but at least you have a super power) The color of your costume is: Olive Green Your Battle Cry is: "I WILL ENJOY WATCHING YOU DIE!" Your side-kick is: An elephant that is afraid of the dark
  18. awesome art!
  19. from maporama decimal deg-min-sec latitude 21.4964 21° 29' 47" longitude -158.0508 -158° 3' 2" from travelgis decimal deg-min-sec latitude 21.4964767898627 21° 29' 47.3164435057" longitude -158.050836941284 -158° 3' 3.01298862236"
  20. shweet!
  21. true that man, i played with a lot of dangerous stuff as a kid and i got my battle scars as a result, but looking back at it, i sure had one hell of a good time being a crazy knucklehead. don't be too protective of your kids, they'll end up being the school wimps and be picked on for their lunch money!
  22. I liked the movie, the story line was a lot better than the first movie, which was cool too, but I'd have to say the second was not as stagnant (sp?). I liked the creepy tone set in the church with the mutant "spiderman" wannabes and fight scenes at the end. The character development went up a notch and I am sure RE #3 will be even better.
  23. I don't get it... I dunno, I guess the funny bug bit me and I went way off course.
  24. Check this thread! http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=10287
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