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Everything posted by nucleartiger

  1. Just buy a regular release 1/48 and paint it yourself. Unless you want an "official" low viz to resale or have as a status symbol. I tell ya, some of the custom made valks I have seen on these boards blow the "official" low viz outta the water.
  2. Very nice.
  3. 1/48: 1 - RF (the only other one I want is the Low Viz) 1/55: 8 1/60: 3 1/72: 3
  4. Yea, Dragon models are hot! You can get a lot of good information on these and other diecast planes at http://www.modelhangar.com/
  5. Amour/Franklin Mint
  6. Seems like this debate thread would be interesting with some of the fellas over at the other board I frequent. For anyone looking for a strictly aviation related forum dealing with diecast models and toys like Corgi, Dragon, Amour, etc. Check out www.modelhangar.com It's a fairly new forum only about 92 members and we're looking for other warbird enthusiasts like you. My board name there is nucleartiger as well, hope to see some familiar faces.
  7. That is very beautiful, very nicely done, now custom paint a 1/48 Yamato valk and sell it to me.
  8. http://www.robotechresearch.com/rpg/mecha/...1_hovertank.htm http://www.artemisgames.com/robotech/Veritech/Hovertank.html
  9. Now thats what I'm talkin' about! Whoooo!
  10. AGREED!
  11. ewilen, here are some more: http://www.modelhangar.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=38
  12. Nice picture! I'd like to link it in another thread that shows Macross stuff with other stuff in-scale, if you don't mind. sure!
  13. You can always try ZERO-F on eBay (99.9% positive), he's based out of Asakusa in Japan and he is an awesome person to deal with in getting Transformers. I've bought from him on many occasions. Ships real fast too.
  14. Hey, that's pretty cool Renato, never saw anyone do that before.
  15. Are those airliners made by Herpa? Also, did you ever make your own airport for a display?
  16. More like, lucky you lived with your eyeballs intact! (sharp cornered objects in bed with you while at sleep. yikes! )
  17. Nice! Got any Hawaiian, Aloha or Mahalo airliners?
  18. WOW! That's a lot, got any pictures?
  19. Well, theres a nice little board for Diecast Airplane collectors if you're interested at www.modelhangar.com, I just joined it this month and they have some cool hookups to Corgi with some upcoming special editions from the Flying Mule. I come to these boards for Macross and Sci-Fi, and the others for nitty gritty on warbirds, especially the WWII variation. Anyhow, if you wanna swing by, feel free to.
  20. That's cool, to me, my Valkyrie collection goes hand in hand with my Diecast planes, aviation is the lure to me. Are you guys members of any Diecast forums? Here's a pic of my 1/48 Roy w/ a 1/48 Jolly Roger F-14:
  21. Just curious how many Macross fans out there that collect, also collect diecast or other model airplanes, like Corgi, Dragon, Armour, Matchbox, etc.
  22. I like all the scales, although, the 1/60 is a lot easier on the display space!
  23. I concur sir!
  24. wow, my fav!
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