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Everything posted by spellbinder99

  1. John posts a lot on the sci-fi modelling boards. He is a prodigous modeller and kitbasher of Star Trek models as well. All his stuff is really high standard. Cheers Tony
  2. Haven't built any yet, just started buying them a few months back. I basically have been trying to catch up on what has been released. I have so many Virgin Road VF-1D's because I got them cheap on e-bay, I like the lines of the -1D model and I figured worse come to worse I could use the decal sheets to convert two single seaters to Max and Miriya versions using the white striping as I have not been able to get the M&M two pack yet. One good thing about the -1D versions is you basically get a single seat front fuselage and center chest section to practise on and to see how well the parts glue, what sort of filler works etc. All very usefull.. Cheers Tony
  3. Oh, and they were all bought to build, not collect.... Cheers Tony
  4. What I have so far.... 1.) 4 x Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1A Fighter Valkyrie 2.) 1 x Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1A "Low Visibility" Fighter Valkyrie (In the mail) 3.) 5 x Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1A "Angle Birds" Fighter Valkyrie (Want to do a formation....!!) 4.) 1 x Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1A "Clear Red" Fighter Valkyrie 6.) 4 x Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1D Fighter Valkyrie 7.) 3 x Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1D "Virgin Road" Fighter Valkyrie 8.) 4 x Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1J Fighter Valkyrie 12.) 2 x Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1S Fighter Valkyrie 13.) 1 x Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1S "Clear Green" Fighter Valkyrie 17.) 2 x Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1(A/J) Super Valkyrie 18.) 2 x Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1(A/S) Super/Strike Valkyrie Version 1 19.) 2 x Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1(A/S) "Metal Plated" Strike Valkyrie 20.) 1 x Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1(A/S) Super/Strike Valkyrie Version 2 21.) 3 x Hasegawa 1/72 VE-1 Valkyrie "Elintseeker" 22.) 3 x Hasegawa 1/72 VT-1 Valkyrie "Super Ostrich" (DYRL and/or TV Series Release Battroids) 23.) 1 x Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1(A/J/S) Battroid Valkyrie 24.) 1 x Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1A Super Battroid Valkyrie 25.) 1 x Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1S Strike Battroid Valkyrie 26.) 1 x Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1S "Minmay Guard" Strike Battroid Valkyrie (Macross Plus Valkyries) 27.) 1 x Hasegawa 1/72 YF-19 Fighter Valkyrie 28.) 1 pre-order x Hasegawa 1/72 "Ravens" VF-19A Fighter Valkyrie 29.) 1 x Hasegawa 1/72 YF-21 Fighter Valkyrie 30.) 1 pre-order x Hasegawa 1/72 VF-22 S Fighter Valkyrie (Macross Zero Valkyries) 32.) 1 x Hasegawa 1/72 VF-0S Fighter Valkyrie 34.) 1 pre-order x Hasegawa 1/72 VF-0A Fighter Valkyrie 35.) 1 x Hasegawa 1/72 VF-0B Fighter Valkyrie 36.) 1 x Hasegawa 1/72 SV-51 Fighter Valkyrie (Miscellaneous Releases) 37.) 2 x Hasegawa 1/72 Valkyrie Display Stand 38.) 4 x Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1 Valkyrie Weapon Set 39.) 4 x Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1 Valkyrie Photo-Etched Detail Set 40.) 1 x Hasegawa 1/72 Macross Option Decal #01 "Macross Plus Designs" 41.) 1 x Hasegawa 1/72 Macross Option Decal #02 "Character Model Designs" Most have been via HLJ for what was available or via e-bay. I have to say, most of the e-bay ones were sub-HLJ list price, so I don't feel stiffed on any of them. I actually will be getting one more Angel Birds kit as I did not realise there were numbers for 5 single seat VF-1A's and a single VF-1D on the sheet. Cheers Tony
  5. As a new member I have to agree. If the problem was people asking about a project that is ON THE FRONT PAGE, then why not remove THAT info? Stop the problem at source, is all I am saying. Cheers Tony
  6. Good reasoning! I am ex-RAAF Hornet groundcrew myself and served in Tindal from the opening of the base in 1988 and was in Willie before that with 2.O.C.U., plus I was on Orions in Edinburgh for 6 years so I have an ARDU connection as well. I would actually like to do a VF-1 in Fox's 75 Sqn markings as a tribute to him, the best C.O. I ever had in my time and a life tragically cut short..... I would do a Fast Flying Fighting Turds one, but they have big enough heads allready.... I am currently in the Middle East and have been for the last six years working on Jaguar Strike jets.....thank god not in Saudi.. Cheers Tony
  7. I have been working my way slowly through building a VF-1D as a test build for the pile of other Hasegawa Macross models I have recently picked up. Thus far, carefull removal from the sprues and alignment wile gluing has allowed me to assemble pieces with no putty once I have smoothed the joint, so typical Hasegawa there. The decal sheets are well impressive also. From now on, I will be picking these kits up as they are released.... Cheers Tony
  8. I picked up two of the plated VF-1 strike kits off e-bay and I was wondering what would be a good way to remove the plating from only parts of the model. I know there are certain products that will safely remove metal plating from model kits, but I have an idea for one of them that entails only removing the plating from certain portions. Thanks for any suggestions. Tony
  9. Berttt, any particular reason you want to do a RAAF 75SQN VF-1J? Will it have the black diamonds or the Top Hat on the fins ? Cheers Tony
  10. I agree, but having a few of the Hasegawa kits now, I am pretty sure it will be a nice kit. A different decal sheet and head may be the only differences, but that will do me. Plus, I get the 5% off if I order now and can allways cancel later..... Cheers Tony
  11. Thanks for the input guys, it really helps out. I am a pretty late started in buying Macross kits, but I am trying to catch up a few I missed, like the above two, so re-issues work for me. Having said that, I respect those who collect kits as yet another part of the hobby. I like to eventually build the kits I buy, but I also understand the allure of mint-in-box stuff. Cheers Tony
  12. Thanks for that Christopher. I actually want these to build them , so I view the re-releases as a good thing from that point of view. I am wondering how the VF-0A will differ from the VF-0S I allready have. Any clues? cheers Tony
  13. Well, now they just added a VF-0A to the pre-order list....sorry if I am dissapointing you. Cheers Tony
  14. Hi guys, a new member here. It appears that Hasegawa will be re-releasing the above two kits in August. HLJ have them on early-bird pre-order. Cheers Tony
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