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Everything posted by Saruta

  1. Is that really JUNNA smiling on the second photo?
  2. Are you sure you are not talking about the other universe, which has, instead, Masters and Invid? Invid. Another set of rapidly evolving flying critters, they're EVERYWHERE!
  3. Now that is a VERY different kind of Madoka! BTW, the last name of the anime Madoka is actually Kaname. So yeah.
  4. Yeah, does seem like an inconsistency. I could not spot any difference between Reina and the others in that sequence, so the "they are wearing skintight suits, except Reina" hypothesis does not seem to fly.
  5. Personal opinion follows: Delta is doing music "by the book". M7 and Frontier had dedicated creators who, despite being very different (an ascending rock star and an anime composer at the peak of her power) believed in their work and could be interesting and spontaneous. Delta has a music plan and sticks to it pretty well. If they planned out the story as well as they planned out the music, it would be an awesome show.
  6. Could anyone point me to episode/time where Reina is wearing that space suit? From what I read here, my hypothesis would be that Reina could intentionally refuse the new fanservice gear because she is shy, keeping her older suit. But I'd need to watch to check this idea.
  7. The unrelated series likely being AKB0048 because it has the same mecha designer?
  8. Macek got pulled in even on this thread! And then somebody asks me *why* I wrote a fan fic around a character referencing him...
  9. If you liked Psycho Pass, try Madoka. Because Gen Urobuchi.
  10. Wikipedia: = Laurie Maran (ラウリ・マラン Rauri Maran?) Voiced by: Eiji Sekiguchi A staff member of N.U.N.S. Section Two. He is sent to Ragna to inform Chaos that the Protoculture ruins of the planet are to be destroyed to prevent the Windermere Kingdom from using them to amplify the Var Syndrome. Following his failed attempt to destroy the Protoculture ruins, he is killed in his fleet's failed assault on the Windermere Kingdom near Windermere IV's orbit. = If this be true and if "big" NUNS (as opposed to Voldor NUNS) and their jamming won't be heard from again, I'm disappointed. I was pretty sure that the fleet was a "first attempt", and that they knew it could fail - why else would they NOT send a Macross class? They just thought "if Var happens and the fleet falls into enemy hands, they should not get a Macross class". And three fleets with Macross class ships and far more redundancy in jamming are being prepared, right? RIGHT? They failed due to a single good pilot. Simultaneous attack to get that pilot busy is so obvious, even the lackluster Chaos could pull that one off with the help of Voldor NUNS. A triple-fleet attack would be a pretty obvious response. I can believe in Chaos winning *before* NUNS had the time to attack - and saving Windermere from the dimension-weapon genocide that a NUNS success would be. (Saving NUNS itself from that, too. A planet-killing response would bring them to Darth Vader level, and I somehow can't imagine them doing anything less). But if NUNS actually gave up after losing one fleet, suspension of disbelief is gone.
  11. The two works that convinced me that modern anime could still be good (and not just good, but interesting for me, personally) were Macross Frontier and Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Neither were around in late 1998, when I was done with the big fandub project. And I was really uninterested in what was modern back then. It was the time when "Those Who Hunt Elves" was new (well a year old, but things took some time to get into Russia). The big name of the time, EVA, also did not really attract me, somehow. Chobits, in retrospect, might have, but by 2002 my attention was well and truly elsewhere.
  12. I love the idea of Black Jack and all the manga I could get my hands on. which is unfortunately not very much. I can't afford to buy the full colleciton. Was able to borrow a few volumes osme years ago. I also owned Adolf but donated it after moving country.
  13. I do see something redeeming about Herman. And death flags over him. Keith... he deserves to die well, with honour. If he turns coat to save his brother or something like that, he deserves to die a hero and live on in memory of the cluster. (I suspect this is what he is being set up for in the story, anyway). If it;s that and Mikumo sacrificing herself by singing as she wants to, then this is getting very predictable. I do agree the show has a lot of good ingredients and mixes them in a bad way. And it was actually going well until ep.13...
  14. Not sure how EX-gears would help here - if the teamwere to fly they would be easy to spot, and also easy to blast out of the skies? They are, after all, not aware of Heinz wanting them alive. (And I wonder if that was actually Heinz, or Roid manipulating Heinz). Also dropping spoiler tags - 24h from subs have passed.
  15. Yes. This. Very much. After about four recording sessions with the team, each a few hours long, I ended up spending 24 hours at the PC putting all the sound together. All that for a woman who was not even "real" inworld (being, you know, a robot). But it was worth it in the end. Though perhaps not following up was a mistake, I could have started something... thing is, though. at the time I felt anime went all downhill after Tezuka's death and was not really interested. It was Macross Frontier that spanned me out of this view many years later. Yet, the feeling four years later, when I realized this version of movie was now known and loved from Vladivostok to Israel, gaining new fans! In a way, our team succeeded in giving the movie, and Olga, a "new life" in the Russian-speaking world for a few years. (Playing phoenix?) I've shown her the thread and she is well pleased with it I doubt she will register here, though. She does not like Macross, except Macross Plus. Thanks! I'll see if I can get somewhere, though money might be an issue right now. EDIT: refused to ship to Ireland.
  16. Positive vote. A rather weak positive, but a positive. This looks like it was picked from the original movie script or something -there is action, there is a reasonable pace.
  17. Wow. Just wow. If THIS be true... But Hikaru can not reappear. His VA is dead. They would not do it. I don't think Mari would go along with it, for one. They were friends... Never mind the plot. Older!Mari as older!Minmay would make a dream of mine nearly canon - the idea that some later songs by Mari are later songs by Minmay in Macrossverse. Notably Survivor http://tidido.com/a35184372196483/al56015b9de7c622686aa1dcdd/t56015b9ee7c622686aa1ddb5 - it would fit the story too. (Somehow the better recording and lyrics that were online before are not there now. But Minmay could be addressing it to pretty much any of the major Frontier or Delta songstresses, I'd pick movie!Ranka).
  18. cwmodels: apparently we had the very same waifu, way before the word waifu became mainstream. Olga. (It's a Russian name so the reading "Orga" never crossed my mind). Another interesting point we have in common is respect for a very real lady, Anna Panina, who wrote that Russian website. Moreover, the our common work on the 1998 fandub helped her step out of her private shell and become an outspoken fan. I will send her a link to this thread. I wish I could get my own copy of that comic, but unfortunately I have no idea how to order it from Japan or how much the delivery would cost. Not understanding the language is no big deal as I know the movie story by heart. Sometimes I joke that my claim to "be" Saruta works just fine with canon as he was reborn countless times and not all were drawn Also: wow, you worked on the VIZ version of Phoenix! I have all the volumes I could get my hands on, which is about half of the total, I think. Thanks for the new pinup - never saw this one! For comparison, I went looking for an original Tezuka pinup-style drawing of her I linked from TiE a few years ago and it was gone. I found it on another website and this time, downloaded it, and am attaching it.
  19. Yay! Not alone! Let's move this chat to here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=44110 (I'd really love to have that manga adaptation. And I know the lady who runs 2772.otaku.ru )
  20. I have suddenly bumped into two more people interested in HINOTORI 2772 on this website. As it was in a Delta episode discussion, I'd like to move the discussion here. I was the driver of the Russian fandub for HINOTORI 2772, which apparently was the first of Russia's full-voice fandubs. It was done over an English VHS, following a pretty dramatic story. The story involved me translating the movie from Japanese for a large audience - without knowing any Japanese. For the details of the dub and the story, see my old post on TiE: http://tezukainenglish.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2771 There is a Macross link. Historically, Kawamori's formative years were influenced by Tezuka - it had to be so. And then in Sayonara no Tsubasa there are some outright Tezuka references, including Hyotan Tsugi toys. Whyie I hear this was the result of an agreement with Tezuka Production. the references are very well placed in the movie. Right at the time when Ranka talks about the value and sentience of all life - sounding like she had a chat with Tezuka's Phoenix or something.
  21. Just realized. Mikumo acts and sounds and looks very adult but is actually 3. JUNNA sounds very adult but is actually 15. Deliberate? And FWIW I don't agree with the "Mikumo is a bad copy of Sheryl" idea. Mikumo appears to be the ancient trope, "I am a robot, am I human? do I have a right to my emotions, to be ME, or am I just a tool for a function?", explored countless times within science fiction, including my official lifetime favourite anime, HINOTORI 2772 (Osamu Tezuka, 1980). And much other anime of course. "I sing... is this just what I am programmed to do?" and so on. Old theme, but I do like it. They are keeping very superficial for now, though. Mikumo is likely to become fanfic fodder for lovers of this trope, unless they get better at expanding it (not likely).
  22. Neutral. Some good action. And some missed moments (like the instarescue of the two girls). Also, Cassim is someone we knew very briefly and he nearly died of old age, yet they tried to make it as emotional as Messer's death, right down to scrolling credits for an ending.
  23. Okay. okay. I get it. Lady M actually bought into the Walkure idea of saving Mikumo with their energy or whatever. But wanted to keep a semblance of order in Xaos. So she locked them up - on the medship next to Mikumo! And allowed them to communicate even though each was in her own room - probably a loudspeaker system for all the cells including Mikumo's, ensuring the girls spoke into the mic. This is a good idea - and the only reason I gave this a Neutral, not a Negative. The flashback is decidedly underwhelming. The mecha action, uninspiring. The yuri relationship development, nonexistant (let's fight for some time, then suddenly join hands when hearing Mikumo? Could they at least stick in some discovery that Reina's lesbian and was bullied for that, or something?). The former Walkure members, cardboard. Also, the singing in the flashback sounded forced - though that might be intentional and a plot point, all the other stuff is just bad writing/animation/whatever. The two reveals - that Mikumo is a clone and that Makina is after all a descendant of Ranzo Nakajima - were pretty well spoiled. We knew this from Episode 2, or 4, or something like that. If we got these reveals by mid-series it would be satisfying, now it's "too little, too late". One reveal remains, who is Lady M - but it's also been delayed way too long with no good inworld reason (the girls now mention Lady M told them something, so they know, and we are kept in the dark artificially). Also - Walkure, at the start, have a super long haired figure in their cover image, even though none of the members appear to have such hair. Unless I have missed something, that's just outright lazy design. The show is rotting away. Fast. I still do hope they can turn it around - after all something like that happened to SDFM too, not to mention M7 - but... really, Kawamori, why? EDIT: forgot the Roid reveal about "connecting minds". Okay, Shoji-san, I also hated the idea of Gaia when I read Asimov's Foundation's Edge and Foundation and Earth. Hive minds are a bad bad idea. And this is why they are the aims of villains in the SECOND SERIES IN A ROW. EDIT2: and yes, upon some comment-reading, Roid's plot armour. Keith just learned Roid KILLED HIS FATHER. Keith also suspects, pretty strongly, that Roid's plans are not great for Heinz' health (to put it mildly). Keith is no pacifist, either. And he does not drive a dagger through Roid at that point? Or challenge him to a duel, if he's all that Knightly?
  24. Valkyrie II, of Macross II fame? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valkyrie_II
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