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Everything posted by Saruta

  1. I will wait for subs and am planning to stop accessing Macrossworld between ep26 airing and subs.
  2. == So on the tech thread I asked how the Wind swinger's voice, a boy soprano, was going to be preserved into adulthood. It was historically preserved with castration. This train of thought led me to a speed-fic which I am copying here because it belongs here. Roid: "Your Majesty, prepare. It is time for your operation". Heinz: "The Wind calls me, our skies need it, the galaxy needs it" (sighs) "I liked you, Star Singer" Mikumo (still in shibari-style belt bondage): "What? What operation?" Roid: "The change that will preserve the voice of the Wind SInger" Mikumo: *realizes* *turns red, eyes wide" Roid: "Rudanjal rom..." Heinz: *suddenly looks at Mikumo in desperation* Mikumo: *breaks out of bondage, kicks Roid in the groin, sings* Heinz: *sings* Sigur Valens: *goes on rampage threatening extinction of all life on Windermere* Mikumo and Heinz: *look at each other, sparks in their eyes, then their songs join, controlling the SV and knocking Roid out cold* Keith, running in: BROTHER! I just heard he was planning to... *offs Roid* cue happy ending.
  3. I would prefer to see them more or less in their natural age. If not "old and wrinkled" then at least "looking youngish but still recognized old" like Max and Milia in M7.
  4. Roid: "Your Majesty, prepare. It is time for your operation". Heinz: "The Wind calls me, our skies need it, the galaxy needs it" (sighs) "I liked you, Star Singer" Mikumo (still in shibari-style belt bondage): "What? What operation?" Roid: "The change that will preserve the voice of the Wind SInger" Mikumo: *realizes* *turns red, eyes wide" Roid: "Rudanjal rom..." Heinz: *suddenly looks at Mikumo in desperation* Mikumo: *breaks out of bondage, kicks Roid in the groin, sings* Heinz: *sings* Sigur Valens: *goes on rampage threatening extinction of all life on Windermere* Mikumo and Heinz: *look at each other, sparks in their eyes, then their songs join, controlling the SV and knocking Roid out cold* Keith, running in: BROTHER! I just heard he was planning to... *offs Roid* cue happy ending. (That was the second-quickest fan fic in my life, I should probably copy it over to the fan fic thread)
  5. I like the idea of a cliffhanger with Minmay in it, leading on to an All Generations movie. And boy do I have wishes for such a movie! I want Basara in it, with Sivil, and that's where he has been hanging out all along except for that Ouroboros sortie in 2060. And, I want the one and only Minmay singing NEW songs in the movie, please (unrealistic in last episode of Delta, at least for money reasons, Delta = promotion of Walkure, can't dilute). Ideally, have Mari Iijima write her movie song(s), too. Unless Kanno can be enticed to come back just once - Kanno can kick ass in diverse styles. But Hikaru must be dead. Please. Show some respect, if even freaking Disney Pixar Cars could do that! (In Cars 2, Doc Hudson is canonically dead, because the VA dies). Misa can be a very dignified widow. Bring in Isamu, Bring in friggin' Sharon Apple, revived through that chip that was saved at the end of Plus. Possibly bring in Sara and Shin, though that's a bit of a stretch. (I doubt there's a way to bring Mao back - unless her sister rescued her at the last moment, flying the Bird Human?) Not sure how they'd handle Mylene, though, as Tomo Sakurai has retired. But I would not be so averse to a new speaking voice in this case as no tragedy (that we know of) was involved. Chie Kajiura is still there to sing, and as far as I understand she kicks more ass now. Ranka and Sheryl at their Delta-era ages. More mature, stronger, beautiful, experienced. Minmay and Misa as majestic old women - or Minmay majestic and Misa frail, hardly standing up but still able to impress her will on an entire army. A middle-aged Mylene, with or without Gamlin. Max and Milia mentoring their granddaughter, generally kicking ass, and then one of them possibly kicking the bucket on screen, exhausted but happy, Qasim-style, with a lot of emotion around it. It would be a proper grand finale. The End of Macross. Tying up all loose ends. Then, at the premiere screening, Kawamori comes on stage after the movie and says "finita la comedia". Possible plot idea: Protoculture itself as the antagonists, getting their hands on that Sharon chip and hoping to gain control of everything in the Galaxy using the Sharon tech (which surpasses what they did in their time) combined with their ruins, and unlike Roid having the planning and mind to do it properly.
  6. The moment I heard that Lady M apparently might be Minmay, I immediately thought "Kawamori is wrapping up the story". She is the iconic Macross character, despite all her shortcomings. Her final appearance could make a perfect "grand finale" of the 35 years of Macross. But it would need tobe ion a movie to be a proper grand finale, not in the last remaining 20 min episode. So the plan might be, Delta series, Delta movie(s), then Macross is over?
  7. Right-click to download does not work for me (Chrome here).
  8. Not sure this is the right thread, but guess Wind SInging might qualify as technology. Imagine there were to be no Mikumo for Roid to catch, and King Heinz would need to stay in power and sing. But he is a boy with a soprano voice. What if he were to reach puberty and his voice were to break? Would Windermere be left without its Wind Singer? Don't tell me they castrate their Wind-singing kings...
  9. Neutral vote. Some very good ideas; some not so good ones; execution mostly disappoints, except that one Hayate-Freyja scene, and even that is, I think, underanimated. Still not sure what happened to Wright Immelmann. OK, he saw his VF-22 controlled remotely - and exactly how did he know he was now going to die? Was a poison injected into him, slow-acting enough that he could say a few words? He could not have been caught in the MDE explosion, as his body was found in the plane - the MDE would have left the plane and body unrecoverable. Still no resolution on how the VF-31s came t the rescue in the last episode. Who controlled them? Separate negative point: they had a *perfect* setup for Reina kissing Makina. They could have confirmed the yuri without affecting the age rating of the series (like, have them pull faces away from each other when Hayate enters, without detailing the actual kiss). They chose not to. Lady M being Minmay would give a great inworld explanation of why Xaos is a train wreck. (Her being completely over her head). It would not, however, redeem many of the problems of the show. They do have an excellent layout of characters - and waste most. Freyja does get her development; to a degree so does Hayate; very belatedly so does Mikumo; but I'd love to know WAY more about the other three Walkure, and Arad, and Messer, and the darned Knights.
  10. Unfortunately nor can I read your story. Because it's in Spanish I really like some of the ideas mentioned (finally classical music in Macrossverse).
  11. As I mentioned previously on this thread, I have a Russian-language epic novelette which I want to expand and rewrite in English, and its protagonist is a character based on Karl Macek (and named Kenneth Macer). The fic is really an exploration of unshown sides and connections in the Macross-verse, shown through the eyes of the OC who also influenced a few things (like airing a warning of the impending attack on Earth, resulting in people like Mao Nome and the the kabuki master named Saotome finding shelter and surviving; I guess Ranzo Nakajima was on the Macross, surviving and becoming Makina's grand-grand-dad or something, but we've no indication Mao or the Kabuki master were there or on the Moon). I have put the project on hold when Delta was announced, so I could integrate Delta lore (though not Delta events - the story ends in 2059/60, a few months after Frontier ends, based on series-verse not movie-verse for both SDFM and Frontier). Because of certain spoilers and speculations going around the identity of Lady M, I'd like to tell a bit about one of the plot points in the fic - note, this was a 2014 fic. I just want my bragging rights in case canon made the same decisions. And if I posted this after Episode 26 it would look retrofitted. Even now sounds a bit too late (anyone who can read Russian can check the 2014 publication date, link provided on request) In my fic, Megaroad-01 ended up stranded on a hidden Protoculture colony. While the protagonist did not accept Protoculture living, Minmay accepted it with gusto. She threw herself at researching Protoculture music, being very tired of the restrictive musical norms that her early public identity as "the idol Minmay who saved the Earth" imposed. I basically have her sing "Survivor" (by Mari Iijima, who else) but state she was involved in MUCH more variety than that. The Protoculture remnant keeps itself hidden and only lets well-trusted people leave (Ranshe Mei was one, in my fic Ranka really has Protoculture blood, explaining her green hair and ability to move her hair - but she thinks it is Zentradi; also in my fic Minmay taught Ranshe to sing). However, my protagonist manages to escape at the end of the Vajra war. I never explored what happened to Minmay after he left, sort of assuming she settled in. Come to think of it, Macer's escape could have unsettled her and pushed her to leave as well. But what I wonder now is - if Minmay is Lady M, then she was, in canon, doing research on Protoculture music all this time? Berger says Lady M did just that? And where would she need to be, with a missing ship, in order to do it? Did canon actually make the same decision I made?
  12. Just looked at Mari Iijima's recent Facebook photos and found another Macross-y connection. She is a genius, Macross style. Max Jenius looked pretty young in Macross 7, despite being around 50. Which she is now, and just look at her. Proves Macross critics wrong - and that about a series she was not in. (She is probably not an ace pilot. But she is a genius anyway).
  13. At least Martin does http://grrm.livejournal.com/151914.html http://birthmoviesdeath.com/2013/11/14/george-rr-martin-frakk-your-fan-fiction If it is simply "mostly Coptic Orthodox/Anglican/Roman Catholic" what is the reasoning behind Arabic-sounding names like Mustafa? One would really need to now how one becomes so good - though Max Jenius just did, he's a genius. Isamu, on the other hand, is known to have passed through a number of campaigns prior to the events of Macross Plus. And Keith's ability is shown to be near-supernatural, linked to his fold sensitivity - which must have some sort of counterbalance if Mustafa is to win realistically, I think. Keith's boost is also not affected by fold jams. It might be, however, that Keith can only be at his best when Heinz sings, which is why he was weaker in that story. But I think this should be mentioned explicitly.
  14. I do like the general idea that Windermere was really in deep waters by end of ep13 and would be inviting ace forces AND SEPARATELY massive forces from all the Galaxy. A Christian-with-a-Muslim-slant colony setup also sounds interesting. But I would really like how Mustafa became what he is. He is described as an ace better than Keith. But Keith uses a form of super-dimensional enhancement, he calls it "the wind". What about Mustafa? Without a background explanation, he sounds overpowered. I think a more realistic way of taking out Keith would be by a force of good pilots with good numbers. Knowing (from Arad) about the White Knight, they could have a plan of attack where a squad engages all other Knights and then another squad, the best one, engages Keith three-to-one - and they have spent years training together. Each one would be worse than Keith but Keith can not handle all three. The comment about not fighting fair would also be much stronger if they just ignored the dueling principle. And they could still defeat Chaos on a mock fight at the end because Chaos is not nearly as well coordinated, in fact they could get Arad too. Also - did WIndermere forces try to get the upper hand by getting Heinz to sing? I really like the setup. That's why I am sniping at parts that might need work. Fleshing out Alexandria would probably take another story and I hope you can write one (or more) eventually. And Gerli: yes, I know Martin hates fan fic. You were waiting for someone to recognize the reference? All right, I did. But Kawamori does not seem to give a darn and that's more important in this case
  15. Not Kaname, the shuttle did not jerk or anything as she fell out. I have rewatched that sequence. Kaname, Freyja, and Mikumo are on-screen for a long time, clearly not piloting. Makina appears briefly to hold Mikumo, preventing her from falling out. Reina, however, is not seen. Was she piloting? Is she able to pilot?
  16. Something just dawned on me. Who was piloting the friggin' shuttle? Makina? If it was not Makina, then the pilot has to be around somewhere. But he (or she) simply disappears from the plot? (I don't think any other Walkure member can realistically pilot at all, but Makina is a mechanic, not just a singer, and a mechanic should probably be able to pilot a shuttle decently and to handle a belly landing - it's not like she'd have to scissor with Keith).
  17. ...which was there because Bogue saw the videotape, making the mini-theater canon?
  18. Just saw English-subbed Delta Mini Theater I. And it said that the costumes were bulletproof. Makina got hit and it did not stop the bullet. What's going on here?
  19. If she had rocket panties on, why would she have a problem jumping down into an abyss? She was not very willing to do it so I guess she did not have them on? Ah wait - she is seen arming the rocket panties, so yes, guess they caught them. And we did not see a woman guarding the prisoners... But someone had to catch the panties... Bogue you HENTAI! (At least Roid is a Shibari master who works over clothes as many Shibari masters do, but why is he using bands instead of ropes? Os this the Windermere version of Shibari? Or is he no good at it himself and just ordered a ready harness from Epsilon? If so, there might be a surprise in the harness?).
  20. But was this actually on her, or did she put one (a spare?) on again when she got into the Valk? Looks like a belly landing to me, not a crash as such. But the VF-22 had no legs, and thus no VTOL capability. And this was no landing strip so the conventional gear was useless. Arad did the best he could, and the damage does not look like it could destroy the FDR. (But the sloppy writing could forget about the FDR, yes - or Epsilon could have taken it). But now I'm wondering how they took off from the museum without the legs. As in the conversation should have been somewhat more detailed - point taken, yes. Also, those automatic weapons not hitting Freyja amd Mirage who are running in a straight line...
  21. This just shows why it's dangerous to comment without the subs. Very nearly the exact scene was present. (He used "tuned up" according to the subs). I am somewhat baffled as to how the VF-31 rescue worked. But if remote control itself is present (do hope they explain it), perhaps I see why they could get them to fly now but not use them originally. Perhaps they banked on Keith being pretty much the only competent person there. So, while the Knights were searching for them - no-fly. But once the Knights are safely on that platform, Hayate could get the stuff flying. Still not sure how, though - I did not notice him fiddling with anything. (Perhaps he did not? Perhaps Makina/Reina did, and he just spotted them, and before that moment he was hoping to repeat the Ragna wind stunt? Nope - rewatched, he seems to know it from the start. He also told Mirage to take care of Freyja, likely meaning Mirage either knows, or he just expects her to handle the jump better and steer Freyja. Then there is the exchange of nods with Mirage - they both know? The VF-22 was obviously a surprise for him, he was awaiting the 31s... but if they all have such remote control why did Arad not use his?) Also in the trial, according to the subs, Heinz asked why they fought, not being from the cluster. Somehow none of the "accused" reminded him that he has declared war on the entire Galaxy. Sloppy writing? Or was it clear in the original Japanese that he meant "why they took up weapons way before he declared that war"? Also, any idea who are the boys in red and blue around 2:50? Also, no, Roid is not a child abuser. He believes Mikumo to be a revival, not just a clone, of the Star Singer - and the Klaatu Barada Nikto thingie seems to prove his point. This sort of thing is not really in the genes? or is "genetic memory" established canon in Macrossverse? I can't seem to remember people exhibiting it to such a specific degree - special abilities, yes, but not words or concepts. Roid is, however, one hell of a hypocrite. Bind her shibari-style, then pretend to worship her. Speaking of special abilities, I really do wonder what would happen if Sheryl Nome were to land on the island of Mayan on Earth. Would the stones fly at her singing? Speaking of Klaatu Barada Nikto - this might be a direct quote and in this way an SDFM reference. SDFM had quite a few Star Trek references and I think the occasional Star Wars one. Quoting classic SF movies was at the time a Macross staple, but I think it dies out by Frontier. Perhaps this is a revival? (Perhaps someone at the studio is reading this and laughing his/her arse off, chuckling "they finally noticed?" in Japanese) Oh - and my vote was positive. Not perfect, but I wish every episode was at least on this level of good. You can;t have every episode at ep13 level, probably. I liked the way Kaname started using the drones offensively. "Let's get serious", Kaname style.
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