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Everything posted by Saruta

  1. Is there some canonical source for Max and Milia's ages at marriage? I mean, she made it to ace pilot of her fleet - at fifteen years old? If so she is even cooler tahn I thought but I'd rather have some confirmation. Also there is a funny - and quite possibly intentional - analogy to a mother who is an immigrant from a culture where early marriage is normal, and trying to push that onto her daughter. To the European mind this immediately brings up Muslims (also, warrior culture), wonder who they could be for the Japanese.
  2. My view: give him 7 before it's too late. Unless it's already too late. As in, he may already be too old. Macross 7 is made for boys. My 9 year old son loved every moment of it. He did not notice the cheesiness and the stock footage at all.
  3. (Just had a note about M7, not exactly for the newbie thread, but not big enough for a new one - and an M7 thread pops up nicely) I actually like the line with Mylene going nuts for Basara and Basara supposedly not getting it. It just shows he's a responsible adult person despite all his antics. I mean she is a 14 year old girl and does what 14 year old girls do when getting to be around a guy who, in their opinion, rocks the world. And he handles it just as he should. Milia trying to marry off a teenage girl sounds a bit awkward until you remember her cultural background. And then it makes sense, too.
  4. Seeing as this is a Chie Kajiura thread already: just wondering, are she and Yuki Kajiura related?
  5. Question: is it known how some people on Earth survived the Zentradi bombing? I know about those on the Macross and on the moon base. But, there was apparently enough to populate quite a few cities that Minmay toured, even before cloning got into full swing. Besides, a teenage Mao Nome and a kabuki master by the last name of Saotome (Alto's grandfather or perhaps great-grandfather) must have survived, and they were unlikely to be on the Macross or on the moon base. it appears that the Earth's population remains in the low millions, not the 100-200 thousand that could fit on the Macross plus moon base? DYRL does state no one remained on Earth, but DYRL is a bit of a world of its own. Besides, it's only spoken by two young military people who have one Valkyrie. They are not exactly equipped to investigate all of Earth.
  6. Got the point re Global, sorry for being THAT forgetful. He still could have had some fun as a young man - resulting in nothing permanent (it happened to Basara). But yeah, it would not be fun to watch as everyone knows nothing will come out of it, or else any winner will end up dead. So yeah - Global's youth means no triangle, no triangle means no Macross. You got it (He can still be in a prequel in a supporting role, but that would be an obvious repeat of the Zero trick re Fokker, not worth it so... well too bad, I actually like Global).
  7. OK, my soon-to-be-9-year-old son is marathoning Macross 7 uncontrollably. he's on Episode 27. I've only finished 6. Unfortunately he can't read subtitles and has to make do with a very bad Russian voiceover... Anyway, he has many questions, and here's one I could not answer. It appears that a Valkyrie in GERWALK mode has both legs (so i can walk) and arms (so it can handle weapons). Therefore, the mode appears to do everything that Battloid is for. SO, why have Battloid at all? Is there any advantage to it in any form of battle, compared to GERWALK? The difference between plane mode and others is quite clear, with plane being good for ranged combat and the others for comparatively close combat.
  8. Skimmed it right now for signs of Bruno Global's backstory, did not find any, except that he ends up unmarried. Seriously, is *anything* known about his past, apart from that brief sketch about the false flag attack? Anything at all before the ASS crashed?
  9. Good point - so the young Bruno and his Serbian peace-loving girlfriend wander far into the hills and discover, by accodent, the test flight of a secret Warsaw Pact project hidden in the midst of Bosnia. To counteract the Stingers used by Afghan Mujahideen, they are developing a jet that can transform by moving its jets and land vertically on an uneven surface using two legs, move around and start again. That's GERWALK for you so it makes a VF. A German spy by the name of Fokker infiltrates the town to steal the design of the prototype. He ends up stealing the Croatian girl instead, with initial mutual hatred going into something else. There's a well animated knife battle between Global and Fokker, sighs of relief are heard from those who stil remember the one between Max and Milia. Fokker will end up without the designs, but with the girl, and their son is named Roy. Bruno will get to fly the shebang, of course. Because you always do cool things in Macross when you're at high school age and a main characters. He will even propose a "full humanoid form" mode but, absent Zentraedi, it will not take hold. Oh, and THE MUSIC! Vintage late 70s, including a sprinkling of metal?
  10. No, it is not. Nor is Henry a name used in Russia. So, Russian is my native language and I often wonder what name that could really be. Gennady Goloval (or Golovar) is the best I could come up with so far.
  11. http://macross.anime.net/wiki/Bruno_J._Global He's 46 in 2009. So he was 16 in 1979. He's of Italian lineage but born in Eastern Europe, so Yugoslavia is the likely setting. Lada and Yugo cars. Death of Tito in 1980, school reaction to it as a plot point. Action in Afghanistan prompting young Bruno to develop an interest in the military, with one potential love interest, a Croatian girl, an eager militant Red and another a shy Serbian girl who is a decent singer and dreams of participating in one of a number of pop music festivals that emerged in Yugoslavia by that time. This might be a nice one
  12. From what I could find out, the controversial, but actually interesting parts of Robotech (basically, a linking of several stories into a darker tragic "ultimately bound to fail" series, and the expansion on that line) have originated with the controversial figure of Karl Macek. And died with Karl Macek. The current team are a small band of copyright trolls. Quite apart from their relationship with the Macross fandom, they're not too kind to the Robotech one, what with shutting down an attempt at a fanmade series. I wonder what would happen to Macross if Kawamori were to die. I hope not to learn for a while, though. I definitely hope he is around for all of this new series, whatever it is.
  13. Two very different questions. - Is there ANY indication why the pair of Michel and Klan did not resolve their problem by macronizing Michel, as happened to Max in DYRL for pretty similar reasons? (The only idea I could come up with is that DYRL is an in-universe movie, and macronizing a human is not possible in in-universe reality). - Are any Fire Bomber music scores available? (The question originally comes from my near-9 year old son who plays a violin. Yeah, I can't really picture those melodies on the violin but he wants to try; besides, at least My Soul For You might actually work).
  14. With all the guesswork already going on I'd like to add yet another line of it. Macross must include a lot of music to be Macross. But, what music? Whose music? Didn't Yoko Kanno say somewhere that she won't be doing Macross anymore? So if Kanno is not in it, who will take her place? I'd love an attempt at a Yuki Kajiura Macross, but probably not too much hope for that. Who else could it be?
  15. I'm principally trying to figure out why Ozma did not recognize or suspect that he knows Grace O'Connor. So he actually served on the SDFN-4 - then how did that happen?
  16. Thinking of this for a few days now and still can't make it all work together. So Ozma came from Frontier, he was in the military at the time, right? And he rescued Ranka and took her to Frontier. But someone else arrived from Galaxy and rescued Grace's brain, making her a full-on cyber body later. How come these teams did not coordinate? Thinking it over for a few days but still not sure I understand. Ozma, presumably in the military at that time, arrives from Frontier, rescues Ranka, takes her back to Frontier. Someone else arrives from Galaxy and rescues the brain of Grace, and later she receives a full on cyber body. According to the novel translation bits floating around the net, she was not very happy about this development initially as she was never even kissed before (while having the time to complete higher education and get a job on a research fleet). Yet Ozma did not know about that other rescue?
  17. OK, started M7 with the nearly-9 year old, and it was definitely the right choice - he even likes Fire Bomber music! I found hinm rewinding the opening for Seventh Moon. Does any Western download service carry Fire Bomber legally, I wonder? It's not called Macross so HG should not be an issue?
  18. Close to the end of Frontier TV, SMS are recovering loads of information about the 117th Research Fleet in what looks like th aabandoned lab in SDFN-4 Global. But, was SDFN-4 Global not destroyed in the dimension eater attach on Gallia-4?
  19. It seems that FB7 was an attempt to fix this issue but not a success. It is a fast-paced clip show where one can't understand anything without a lot of googling. Fair enough, they do show Luca doing the googling inworld, too. Why did they have to limit it to 90 minutes? In a 180 minute format they could have made it work as a decent retelling. The idea of using VHS tapes as a way to explain lower-quality animation is excellent. (Almost thinking of doing a fan version of FB7! It's technically quite possible, just add more M7 series footage).
  20. Just realized - Ozma Lee was a pilot in the 117th Research Fleet and knew Ranka's family. Why did he not recognize either Grace O'Connor or Brera Sterne when they showed up? Now, Brera might have changed a lot, but Grace didn't. So why no "hey, Ms. Sheryl's Manager, haven't we met 11 years ago?"
  21. They're both strong black women in key roles on the bridge. (Robotech ups the ante by making Claudia the Communications Officer). Certainly not surprised that Star Trek reciprocated! Thanks for the info.
  22. ...except in the movies the plot itself was somewhat different, what with the much greater success of the Leon Mishima group at controlling Vajra, and the absence of Ranka's entire run-away-get-used story. I do agree that, with the target of 25 episodes, they could have done away with a couple in the middle and expandув the end showing some more of the Galaxy plot - and more details on how they used Ranka, too. Re Sivil. whether or not she is fairly called a flesh-and-blood being. she seems to be the only woman who ever got through to Basara, a feat not likely to be repeated by any less powerful being - whether human, Zentran, or Zolan? With her gone the ending does not seem 100% happy for him then?
  23. Actually the F novels state that she only wet "full on robot" after the fleet was destroyed (and not by choice). So her look in the flashback is her human look. Re Star Trek: I think there are intentional Star Trek references in SDFM, led by Claudia who resembles Uhura.
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