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Everything posted by Saruta

  1. http://macross.anime.net/wiki/2006 mentions descruction of Leningrad by anti-UN forces. Where is this sourced, I wonder, and is there any more information about the Unification Wars/U.N/Wars/whatever in that part of the world?
  2. Tochiro: where is the modern Isamu look from? I thought Wings of Farewell only had his Valkyrie animated?
  3. I don't mind you using Starlight - it is the one I liked most, too, so I hope it fits your setting well. It is simply a continuation of the "Basara derived" tradition of Frontier. (I don't need any myself since I prefer to work around existing fleets - they give more plot holes to plug). Speaking of battles and ship names: Macross alternate history deviates from our timeline in 1999 with the appearance of the ASS-1, later known as SDF-1 Macross. So be sure to use battles before that moment only. Kosovo may be a tricky case; the NATO operation concluded on June 11, then on July 17, the ASS-1 comes in with a bang. Shortly after that, the Re-Unification Wars start. Would Kosovo be remembered as anything more than a blip? (And yeah, the "ASS" jokes are well used in my fan fic; I do wonder why Kawamori let this happen).
  4. frothymug: thanks! And what language does Gerli write in?
  5. I've just read it all and I really like it! What with Fire BomBAR and Studio Nue, too
  6. With the kind of ideas it seems to have, here are a few possible ideas, in a brainstorming fashion: Macross Stalwart Macross Stonewall Macross Radiant Macross Defiant (this *is* a classical military name but...) Macross Faithful Macross Fidelity And another idea - Macross Starlight. This one refers to the fact that "Macross Frontier" might also be a Basara song reference, "it's a new frontier". Starlight is another Basara song reference, "starlight dream".
  7. Advice wanted... I have, last summer/fall, written a piece of Macross fan fiction in Russian. It is currently at 18k words and complete, but realy should be expanded as it's a very terse, nearly "telegraphic" text with a LOT of plot in it. I would like to know if I should make an English version too as I expand it. The basic plot premise is simply an OC living a life in the Macross world from Zero era, when he was a young anti-UN undercover journalist in the States, into post-Frontier (this makes him 70+ years old but there is a reason he survived so long). The OC, Kenneth Macer, is an open reference to Karl Macek (and intended to be as controversial; his journalism was not always known for sticking to the truth, and he may have contributed to significant loss of life). He also ends up working in Luca's antique electronic shop and finding out he is Ranka's grandfather. But what I really wanted to do was tie loads of canon loose ends. Why did Zentraedi have to use a recon ship to get Macross TV in SDFM episode 9, but could simply turn it on in their own rooms some episodes down the road? How did some people on Earth survive the big bombing? (For example, a Saotome, who was a Kabuki theatre master, had to survive). Or, why would Vajra have microbes/viruses inside them that are able to infect a human being, and already had them by the time of alleged first contact with Fleet 117? And yeah I do get to the destination of Megaroad... Also, Kaifun as the elderly owner of the McDonalds-style megacorp Nyan Nyan - and he was the person who brought it to its current glory, but got somewhat senile at the end. (The Fire Bomber American thing was just a side interest). And the quiet, hidden wife of Richard Birler, who happens to write the music for a lot of projects including Sheryl (we only see her writing lyrics in the movies), Gabi Robin - could not resist that Some more real life references too, notably, Mari Iijima's later works are present as Minmay's later works. And, a resurrected-by-chip Sharon Apple. Also, I did take some bits from the translations of supplementary material on this Forum; notably I have references to the anti-UN attack on the ASS, because my protagonist is anti-UN. Basically, loads of canon stuff played with, plot holes filled, characters expanded (Misa and Ranka get some of that), and possible abandoned sequel hooks taken up with a vengeance. The problem with the Russian version, which was originally written for a large fan works contest (not Macoss specific), is that it has very few potential readers who would understand all the references. It has Basara and Sivil appear too, and who ever saw M7?.. The expansion is likely to get at least one M30 reference, which I'll probably have to footnote because very few people in Russia can decipher the podcast with its story. It has nearly everything except sex. Well, it refers to some sex, but not with canon characters. Somehow I saw that as too banal for the project. The closest is when senile Kaifun mistakes Ranka for Minmay and tried to make some advances on her, but it never gets anywhere... So no shipping war resolutions in the text. BUT, a fan war features prominently inworld, with an outright fan fist fight at a concert between Ranka and Sheryl fans (Ranka does not like it). This was, of course, inspired by existing fandom. I wonder if I should make an English version. It could have a somewhat wider potential readership. But I'm not sure if I fit into the existing mold. English Macross fan fiction tends to be extremely wordy compared to what I do. I'd expect my expanded version to hit the 40k word mark, give or take - and that for an epic spanning a 50 year timeline. Besides, on this forum I saw some hostile views of fan fiction in general... So shoild I or shouldn't I?
  8. What's "densetsu"? But I'm really here to ask a couple of tidbits about Macross Plus. Anywhere - blink-and-miss-it moments, supplementary materials, etc - do we ever learn the fate of that scientist who wanted to start Sharon up so badly he ended up shooting that other guy? The name I have for him is Margue Gueldoa. And also do any materials ever mention what happened to the chip that Myung took out of Sharon at the end?
  9. Thanks - I only watched the movie, explaining why I di dnot clearly understand Isamu's status.
  10. Lstened to the story part of the podcast. Sadly I don't plan on ever geting a PS3 so I can only rely on "spoilers" for the story - and there is a piece of the story that went unmentioned. What's Sharon Apple's motive in the game? I mean... That would be on a whole new level of awesome.
  11. Between dogfight details and the attitude of enjoying victory as opposed to inflicting pain, the name Isamu Dyson just comes up Though was he ever shown as a soldier, as in a member of a regular armed force? He was a test pilot in Plus, but I didn't really understand whether this made him a member of the U.N.Spacy or just a contractor. Then he cameos as an SMS pilot in the second Frontier movie, but SMS are officially contractors, and we never learn what he does there? Wonder what you think of that particular guy.
  12. Valkyrie Driver - thanks a lot! Just what I wanted to know... Just realized the age part might have something to do with the world just being through a few years of vicious war. (And yeah, re siners, my use of "sadly" for the SDFM situation was misguided, sorry. I've had a long read of the Mari Iijima thread).
  13. When was Macross FB2012 released? Somehow could not find that one. (Not to be confused with Macross FB7, released in 2012; the pun in the release date appears intentional?)
  14. That Macross, especially SDFM, has a lot of social commentary, is well known - but wait, you state things about warriors with no quotes. You're actually in an army? I would REALLY appreciate comments on Macross portrayal of soldier life from someone who knows it in reality. The two professions that end to feature prominently in Macross are the soldier and the singer. But I guess the creators would know the life of idol singers reasonably well, they're in the entertainment industry themselves. With Frontier they actually made an idol singer in the proces of making the anime. With SDFM, while this sadly did not happen to such an extent, nevertheless there was a shy, then blossoming, beginner portraying a character with similar career (minus the war and associated peak of fame, but both the character and the singer ended up leaving their homeland). With M7 there was an established rock star involved. With all that and more, I guess the "social commentary" regarding singers would be pretty close. There would not be actual soldiers involved. So what's up with them in the series/movies? Did they "hit the target" with their stuff? I mean, some things look outright improbable, notably Misa Hayase's position at her age - but is it *really* improbable, and is the general gist right?..
  15. Sarah Brightman is training to go to space and sing there: http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-31827513 A singer in space is cool enough for a Macross fan, but what makes this really special is that she is, as it seems to be, likely one of the prototypes for Minmay herself. In 1978, she sang "I lost my heart to a starship trooper" - the name sounds pretty familiar... It was still pretty new by 1982, so I'd say whoever wrote the Macross song was likely to have heard this one. The style might be a bit familiar too, but thats because 1978 and 1982 are not that far apart. Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2Tkx6BgRFE
  16. Valkyrie Driver: thanks! I did not notice that part much, because I just had the feeling she was soundly off her rockers by the time. She was not the most mentally stable character to start with, she still managed to kick a lot of ass (as a girl stranded in space and then as a star), but after having seen most of the planet wiped out and THEN getting abused, if not outright raped, by her drunken cousin/lover/manager, while also seeing her career apparently wither (if only because said manager was not brilliant)... who would blame her for "losing it"? Hikaru did seem to take it seriously, come to think of it. He did not know of the abuse. So from his vantage point it does look like Minmay just dumping herself on him out of nowhere and demanding that he give up what is now his life, and what she originally inspired, too. Anyway... perosnally, for some reason, the only pair in all of Macross I care about is Basara/Sivil (I do realize it's also probably the cheesiest pair in all of Macross, "a rock star and a space vampire who started off as enemies but now can't be together because she darn near killed him and would hate to finish him next time" is not your next door romantic story). I have not seen much discussion of that, it appears that the M7 haters hate it for other stuff while the M7 lovers love it for other stuff?
  17. I did see DYRL though I have a problem taking in its characterization of Misa. I mean she's a lady of steel in SDFM; even in distress she would act in utmost rationality (yes, this includes her behaviour on the Mars base; she was trapped while taking a risk for her ship, and going out romantically was better than panicking). Then in DYRL she just grabs that joystick from behind and very nearly crashes the Valk?! As for Minmay asking for sacrifices... I'm a bit lost here. You mean when she was asking Hikaru to be in places then missing him? Well, she really didn't know there would be a scramble there and a problem here? There seems to be something I did not "get" somewhere, so do enlighten me please. I can very much understand Robotech hatred of Minmei (their version of the name is like that I think). There is a key difference that's not even in the plot but in the casting: Mari Iijima is a decent singer, while Reba West can't sing. Therefore, with Macross!Minmay, we see a good upstart songstress whose career is boosted by being the main singing girl on the ship - and then on Earth as most of the real stars probably got killed; still, she deserved a singing career anyway, and one can see how it grew bigger by her merits as well as the situation. But with Robotech!Minmei, we see a bad singer being inflated to stardom artificially. Many people would hate that. Whether the problem was intentional or just the result of a bad casting agency (or plain limited budget), I would not know. ...and yes, strongly seconded! That's one of the big things with Macross; you can recognize the types. I guess that a heavy dose of watching reality went into them. This applies to Frontier as well; I found that the best way to understand Ranka's actions was to ask a couple of real teenage girls and a psychologist who works with them a lot. It's not just the mecha that are "realistic".
  18. I'm a newcomer in the fandom so I wanted to enquire about the kind of flame wars that happened in the pre-Frontier days - about characters and their relationships, not about Robotech. I heard that there was a significant Minmay hatedom - is that true? And why would people bother hating her if she lost the triangle already, in both the series and the movie? Did Misa get her own hatedom, too? And how about Hikaru? And what was there on M7? Or *was* there anything? I mean, apart from pointing out the obvious drawbacks in animation like canned battles.
  19. Where is THAT stated? I sort of assumed Kaifun inherited Nyan Nyan and did that. I never even noticed Yoshio much (he is the young boy who was with Minmay at the very start, right?). But to read/watch something in canon about who made Nyan Nyan into an intersellar franchise would be really exciting.
  20. In an episode of Macross 7 Encore, two apparently conflicting versions of the stories of Basara, Ray and Viffidas are given. Are they intended to be reconciled somehow, or is the idea that "we'll never know"? And, if the latter, might it be Kawamori explaining his now-well-known view of "canon"?
  21. You mean you actually have a Delta symbol on your keyboard? Are you Greek?
  22. She will probably be alive, but there is no guarantee she is in the actual show. There will very probably be references to her, though. Perhaps fans of hers (and/or Ranka's fans). I mean, in 2059 many of the cast of M7 and Plus are likely to be alive, but we don't meet them in Frontier, excluding Isamu's cameo in the second movie.
  23. Speaking of love - it seems to me that Basara/Sivil is actually a case of star-crossed lovers at the end. Sivil has a very good reason for flying away forever. If she loses control, she is lethal to Basara; he was saved once, it might not work out as luckily next time... ...am I stating the obvious?..
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