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Everything posted by polidread

  1. it's been bugging me since the beginning, why would the thread topic be titled "Sheryl Nome forgery" ? shouldnt it be more like "Sheryl Nome custom" (or does this usage of the word 'forgery' have something to do with the concept of a "blacksmith's forge" creating something new out of raw materials?) XD
  2. yeah, i wish they make concert DVDs , Jpop idols & bands release concert DVDs all the time! i dont see why May'n & Megumi cant have the same. (although it's been years since Macross7 and we've yet to see any concert DVDs from that era...dammit >XP )
  3. Oh, her eyes & smile have that confident Sheryl look ! the hair does need pink highlights & maybe a bomber hat but still, real nice ! OFF TOPIC !!! has any of us bought that big expensive Minmay doll ? someone else did & i saw this one on a doll image board... http://kirachan.com/doll/imgboard.php?res=593
  4. it's not a bad visual idea. a horror western with over-the-top action ? the same's been done before with 7 Samurai - westernized into The Magnificent Seven, ( which turned into A Bug's Life )
  5. after all these years of fighting, it's only logical for Chun-Li to grow huge fists and thighs - but did they really have to depict her that way? XD
  6. polidread

    VF Girls

    the mighty YF19-kick ! looking good there Chronocidal ! XD
  7. polidread

    VF Girls

    I am missing Bake's drawing style too, he hasnt visited here for a long time now. he's your fellow Australian too, ruskiiVFaussie
  8. i think Transformers have a wider fanbase, thus larger distribution and the overall costs of production are spread out thinner that way. besides Variable Fighters generally have wilder more complicated transformations requiring better engineering and materials, plus detailing / painting
  9. polidread

    VF Girls

    nyaaaaa!!! this'll keep me occupied til the New Years!
  10. polidread

    VF Girls

  11. aside from that, maybe theyre just shy. there are plenty of "youtube musicians" from japan who really dont show their faces.
  12. MisaForever, i must say some things "In America" do not always apply "In Japan" - even if content were supposed to be viewed in the internet where the concept of country often is made moot.
  13. the video bored a hole in my head! damnit, i need my braincells back to finish some VFGirl drawings! T___T
  14. polidread

    VF Girls

    thanks for the nice thoughts, everyone !
  15. o! here's a Misa VFGirl right in the early pages of the VFGirl thread! http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...st&p=224303
  16. a jacket worn by the agents of the Social Weather Station never goes out of style either !!!
  17. i stopped collecting ever since i saw how bad Hasbro sculpted their version of White Queen... but ive seen that they have improved since then though im not sure if that brown (1980's-1990s costume) Wolvie will ever reach the Philippines id like to get one eventually. do you have pictures of your wolverine toy in action?
  18. while on googling my codename, i found my drawings uploaded on this Chinese macross place : http://www.macross.com.cn/bbs/simple/index.php?f77.html
  19. OMG ! dont make me spew cocacola out of my nose like that!
  20. LOL and then 404...
  21. Cute! waiii!!! domestic life
  22. LOL! but what's a Zendrati ? XD
  23. you guys need to read this: http://sortinghatlover.livejournal.com/25498.html
  24. omigod, meltran Queadlunn bike drive-by shooting....
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