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Everything posted by polidread

  1. Yay! NyanNyan music suddenly played in my head !
  2. nice set of cosplay pictures! well done, Dana ! thanks for sharing !
  3. Nitpicking: Macrossworld style ??? Grace there couldve combed her wig before taking those close up photos...
  4. all the best to your preparations for the big day, guys !
  5. well guys, some legal aged girls can be real small - depends on their genes or country of origin (where everyone might really be small) i have a 30 year-old friend who's 4 feet 11 inches small and weighs just around 90-98 pounds
  6. polidread

    VF Girls

    i like how things are unravelling here ! XD
  7. polidread

    VF Girls

    this is so much better than all the teasers ive been putting in this thread ! XD
  8. absolutely ! XD She even acted the clumsy Ranka panic run on stage (the sort of thing Ranka does when she's rushing and running late to anywhere)
  9. Angel's Egg - nobody can decipher the characters, full of creator cliches, looks good but boring and pointless EDIT: and i just wasted my 600th post in this post. damnit XD
  10. polidread

    VF Girls

    well, Focker certainly likes her...
  11. polidread

    VF Girls

    Happy times! lookin forward to more VFGs from you too !
  12. polidread

    VF Girls

    hey, i like how the sky and missiles are painted ! real nice ! sorry if i havent been updating, ive been a bit busy lately (LOL, more like LAZY) but dont worry about my pending VFG art, they'll all eventually pop up here ! trust me !
  13. Ranka and Banana phone ?! moar pix here ! http://eklektikkosplay.multiply.com/photos/album/8#
  14. here's a youtube playlist of the entire thing. goodluck keeping yourself awake ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCUJ-LLcE_0...&playnext=1
  15. oh, man i stumbled onto your blog early this month and had been enjoying the well written pieces about being a Macross fan (some of the biggest apologists in fandom! ) have fun !
  16. they called it "Macross Zero on Drugs" and had those MSPaint doodles for a reason, man! i thought it was awesome ! XD (but not the sort of awesome that has people mixing up the existence of veritechs and Hikaru Ichijo in the same universe, mind you ! )
  17. yeah, it said Macross Zero had Ritsuko in the cast of characters ! how awesome is that ?!?!?
  18. ive seen that art in a Mac Zero review somewhere out there XD
  19. polidread

    VF Girls

    i'll just be quoting a picture from a few pages back:
  20. GwaHAHAHAHA!!! i wish i could claim it as my own writing, but NO !
  21. oh, we here in the Philippines have access to this nifty novelty fighting game. looks good, plays dumb.
  22. polidread

    VF Girls

    Oh my god!!!!! XD OH MY GOD!!!!!! 8D
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