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Everything posted by polidread

  1. from KAMCAO's deviantart gallery!
  2. polidread

    VF Girls

    Happy Holidays, Macross World !
  3. polidread

    VF Girls

    eeee!!! im eyeing the heart logo on her crotch and im curious as to the name of her group!
  4. MerKrismas ! SEEDERSSSSsssss!!!! XD
  5. awesome awesome! that 1982 design style got updated beautifully! i mean, this decade's pop fashion styles are inclined to channel the 1980's (fashion nearly always does a retro for every decade) but, yeah with a modern inspired flare! my friends mostly snickered at the green polka dot dress when i show them clips of Minmay in the old anime, but Mr.Mikimoto's update is great and actually looks like what some of my officemates wear when we go out!
  6. polidread


    nice! za power of imagination!
  7. polidread

    VF Girls

    More VFGoodness from Jokertrick! http://jokertrick.deviantart.com/art/Macro...9-Kai-114861333 absolutely cool - our VF19 Customs are similar though we were working independently !
  8. polidread

    VF Girls

    hey, more VFGirls from a fellow Pinoy artist ! http://jokertrick.deviantart.com/
  9. lookeee here!!!! XD Yoshiki Fukuyama !!!
  10. polidread

    VF Girls

    quick ! here's my current project
  11. dyou have a link to where we can hear this Chinese version ?
  12. polidread

    VF Girls

    let's sing "the SMS chant" and yell that part about "that girl being an ALIEN!"
  13. happiness! XD we could never gather that much active people in the Philippines to make a Macross-centric event, but im just glad it's happening everywhere !
  14. and you just obliged him ? hehehe! crazy but fun! (does he go to school? hope the teacher wont disapprove!)
  15. hey! lineart is real clean and the robot looks energetic, though i cant figure out yet which parts go where in fighter mode im betting i'll be pleasantly surprised when i see the transformations welcome back to macrossworld!
  16. all i have of her at the moment.
  17. Haha! real classy gig, that SMS Sqadron is running. real cosplay reason: they have high shoes just so they can have a more accurate height in relation to the other characters in their group photos, in this case they want to be taller than their Sheryl but, just focusing on the boots does make it look hilarious dont it? one more photo with Roy and Minmay
  18. hey scarlets! nice Michel cosplay, it's always nice to find out there are plenty of cosplayers here at macrossworld! pardon the over-photoshopped images, but you may use this Michel's wig styling as a reference this Hikaru from Dana's cosplay group has a nicely styled wig, just look at it from multiple angles:
  19. uh, off-topic, does anybody have any info about this flick Oshii made about food and World War 2, which co-starred Kawamori as an Indian ?
  20. im sure under the red bra are two little stars covering whatever oppai she has.
  21. Ahahaha hehehe! *giggle aside from his mecha designs i now have a new reason to like him ! XD
  22. polidread

    VF Girls

    BoganRobotLightning~ Taylor, we look forward to seeing the new skin art ! Dangaioh~ that's sweet! XD we need more Destroid Gals! (which reminds me, i havent drawn a Destroid Gal for a long while now...) DWC~ im loving the pose! shows plenty of nice things ! can i color her, too? arent you folks so excited to see Ranka in a Valkyrie Girl costume ?! are VFGirls a canon fanservice now? hahaha! this is a single 5-year old thread that hasnt been closed, flamed, or spammed to death! are we running for any sort of Macrossworld record/accomplishment ? amazing. http://polidread.multiply.com/photos/photo/39/5
  23. oral traditions being a fragile and easily modified form of history keeping has a HUGE discussion underneath it in linguistic and anthropological studies in forms such as epic poems, stories told by fireside, folklore, and YES, in song. Exedol and Britai did talk about preserving their newly reawakened culture by helping protect Minmay and her song in DYRL...
  24. Yay! i recieved the prize early this week! thanks Kirik and the sponsors! Thanks Macrossworld! XD indeed, Ranka's bikini top can be removed! XD
  25. HEHEHEHE!!!! made me smile! real fun!
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