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Everything posted by polidread

  1. here are the convention security officers..... teka, where are you located Bub? It happened in Diliman, QC
  2. polidread

    VF Girls

    wow! nice place to look at, they have unusual renditions of aricraft women i like Shindenkai girl best, she has buttcheek boosters! @Solscud007 Valkyrie contra pose 25th logo can never be found anywhere else but here in MacrossWorld, i made that one based on the 20th anniv gerwalk logo i'll post a bigger shot here later edit: See you Guys in the year 2007. im respectfully preempting Studio Nue's concepts for the 25th anniversary logo with my corelDRAW creation
  3. Yup, hehe! well, "Hikaru" and I were very out of character, but we went there just to have fun, and since we didnt have a Misa, Minmay or a Miriya to reel us in, we went like monkey pilots on a rowdy furlough instead. Picture: Metal heroes from Japanese liveaction sci-fi shows blue guy: Shaider red guy: Sharivan
  4. well, there were those apocalyptic imagery and stunning fight scenes, some arcane evil monsters and sex crazed demons, and cute girls that always became victimes to these creatures with writhing tentacles... oh wait, i was talking about urotsukidoji
  5. well, so has anybody seen the ticket yet? wouldnt it be cool if some old man out there were in possesion of the ticket, not knowing that it had magical powers, like the ticket in Arnold's movie The Last Action Hero , where the ticket could allow the bearer to go into the movie world, and take characters out into the real world.... i'd drag out a life sized Valkyrie if that were true.
  6. eye catch! there were some mutants who popped their eyes out for Mai, too.
  7. well, it would be absolutely rude of me if i didnt take more pictures of her, right? bytheway, the guy beside her, is NOT me ok?
  8. oh dear, some of the kids there werent able to discern the Macross pilots from the Power Rangers.
  9. and this
  10. AME means Anime Manga Enthusiasts and they held their 4th anniversary party last Dec.4 2004 just wanted to share (relevant) pix from the cosplay. like this
  11. oompa loopa flaboorgooosha tscha! translations for the others ganda: beauty talaga: really ay nako: oh dear
  12. the Macross TV series on local TV ! first hazy childhood impressions! and years later Macross Plus' first two OAVs rekindled my flames that's when a friend of a friend lent me a VHS of the DYRL and everything went volcano on me!
  13. polidread

    VF Girls

    i photoshop my colors too! i use version 6 and, um, no, they arent dildos, call them "love rockets"
  14. polidread

    VF Girls

    Your VF Gal is looking good and well on her way to the flightdeck, Dangaioh! more VF Girls to fly the friendly skies for all! Thanks for the ideas Smiley, guys, Im keeping your suggestions in mind. But right now im going to finish up what ive already drawn in my sketchpads I hope i dont disappoint with my recently slowed down pace coloring the VFGirls (theyre worth waiting for anyways ) and for my next trick: Armored VF11 and the Much Awaited VF17 color suggestions are welcome too! how about the hair colors and armor color trims? dyou like them or change them?
  15. Santa's gonna send me either a sack of coal or a bag of rocks. definitely!
  16. polidread

    VF Girls

    and just to derail this thread further... (from the Philippines) RX78-2 Gundam Girl Version Katoki FYI, costume was scratchbuilt by me (should we expect a Valkyrie Girl cosplay then?)
  17. polidread

    VF Girls

    hehe! whatever rocks your boat dudes.
  18. i think you should be bored more often so we can see more of this nicely done stuff coming from you! i just love towers and planes!
  19. i think he just has long hair.
  20. if the entire movie were in cg, i hope they do not redesign the characters. Yukito Kishiro did make most of the other characters appear like carricatures , so they might look like a mix of the characters in Toy Story and Invincibles, which werent bad CG movies at all. I just hope the movie doesnt disappoint at all!
  21. Haha!!!! nice retro fun! made me want to play the nes game again!
  22. Ah, I see! they are good figures to work with. thanks for the info and links! with the deleter bodies, i guess we wont be needing too much redesigning with the "flesh part" of the VF girl. retrofitting the armor parts for the body would be the main challenge.
  23. Mister MonkeyN, excuse me, but what do deleter dolls look like? may i see some links towards them?
  24. a January issue in November?
  25. Peter Cullen's most distinct voice job is Eeyore from the Winnie the Pooh cartoons.
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