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Everything posted by polidread

  1. polidread

    VF Girls

    Hi! i mainly photoshop. i also recieved a manga studio promo, some free trial for a few weeks ? but i havent gotten down to downloading it yet. ******************************************************************************** * summertime's been so hot this year.
  2. polidread

    VF Girls

    Hi! i mainly photoshop. i also recieved a manga studio promo, some free trial for a few weeks ? but i havent gotten down to downloading it yet.
  3. polidread

    VF Girls

    heeee! thanks for the feedback! being versatile can be scary at times, might not be able to settle on a single distinctive artstyle! akt_m : 3D VF25 Gal is awesome ! more MORE ! Variable Fighter Girls are actually an offshoot of the Mobile Suit Girls idea. Mika Akitaka is credited with being one of the first official artists who proliferated them. one would think that fans and their art would be the fast source of Mobile Suit Girls but Akitaka is an actual mecha designer for Gundams !
  4. whoa! i love the realism the "fog" adds to the photo!
  5. well, what happened, man ?
  6. polidread

    VF Girls

    thanks guys! you all know i cant keep away from this thread for too long. actually, Miriya, before becoming a VFG drawing, IT IS a cosplay outfit! XD http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=564145
  7. whoa, when she said she was going to sing a few songs from Macross, turns out she sang MOST of her Macross songs ! nice! i wonder if any video footage will be released...
  8. polidread

    VF Girls

    i fell asleep for a few months and just woke up...
  9. i saw her onstage performance from the convention thread and ive just listened to both songs. nice to hear her more clearly now
  10. polidread

    VF Girls

    ahaha! awesome! there she GOES!!!!
  11. very nice! i think im going crazy, i imagined smelling some human skin while looking at your photos man. XD
  12. polidread

    VF Girls

    maybe i can! i'll be posting a step by step on this newest one im working on.
  13. polidread

    VF Girls

    man, just do it! we arent in a contest, we're just sharing our stuff im sure at least 2 people in the entire MWorld membership would want to see your original version of it. besides MWorld's actually getting tired of my stuff and is raring to see new content from everyone else ! XD
  14. man the videos are so painful to watch and i wanna see more of it.
  15. a worried bridge bunny ... drawn by me using a brush pen and color pencils
  16. i hope im not too late to help ?
  17. i hope im not too late to help ? OOPS! wrong thread! so sorry. XP
  18. errr... guys, i think i made a wrong turn somewhere and downloaded the wrong Macross file, im gonna try and download the correct file again, okay?
  19. Space Battleship Yamato teaser. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONkh786EbSg apparently it stars boyband (manband? theyre too OLD to be kept called as a boyband! ) SMAP member Takuya Kimura in the tradition of Macrossworld, let me be the first to nitpick: his hairstyle needs to look more like THIS!
  20. though the big shadow on the upper half of the drawing suggests a tall thin building standing there i might be wrong too, but it wont hurt if you can visit Shibuya 109 to make sure it's already been established he references Shibuya and San Francisco in Frontier, it may not be stretch that he began to do this as early as Macross7 besides that, we already know Mr.Kawamori's a San Francisco nut - even the street design in Planet Eden (Macross Plus) reflects this (the high inclined streets and rail cars).
  21. A vocattroid VF19 - synthetic voiced Atashi no uta wo kike!
  22. nothing to contribute but ive been lurking in this thread i've always loved this ending sequence where they showed scenes from Shibuya and San Francisco. but specially that drawing/painting of the huge crosswalk in front of Shibuya 109 always reminds me that im not just watching a robot show. its always about Deculture!
  23. polidread

    VF Girls

  24. polidread

    VF Girls

    gracious! a nice leap in your progress - see where a little encouragement from others takes you? Scarred Hearts sounds like a team of survivors and scrappers (being assigned to Destroids does that to folks! ) hey! it seems everybody has a December season surprise! Chillyche colored Dangaioh's Meow~Meow Destroid and i finally finished coloring thewhitedrewcarey's VF11 Gal "Dyson~chan"
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