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Everything posted by polidread

  1. she is hot, isnt she?
  2. whoa!!! whoa!!! whoa!!! awesome! does it transmit music via fold technology too? what's the gold frame made of? is it any wonder why Alto looks GREAT with Michel here?
  3. polidread

    VF Girls

    Oh. i get what you mean, but that's exactly my idea. have you seen my drawing of the YF21 Sturmvogel girl? here she is: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...st&p=218477 she is supposed to be top-heavy. No offense taken!
  4. polidread

    VF Girls

    "funky"? is that good or bad? XD
  5. more of Nanase meanwhile, over at the Folmo Zentraedi Mall Michel and Ranka spy something ... or should we say someOnes
  6. polidread

    VF Girls

    Maybe i will... but before that, gotta finish these girls before the deadline ...
  7. oh my god!!!!! i just finished watching this episode and im moved to tears, no lie. damn it the combined beauty of the animation, th direction, how the events flowed and the MUSIC ! they really really made it well !!!
  8. Ishimaru, allow me to quote Dracula from Castlevania Symphony of the Night: "perhaps the same can be said of all religions!" or hobbies. like kit modellers modifying their gunpla to realize their dream shapes, or athletes pushing their bodies to surpass limits. fanaticism, pushing the envelope, other extreme cliches if you get what i mean. I get my images from various japanese sites, but im not so good with my Japanese so i cant dig too deep. Some of the other images i get from /cgl/
  9. id like to think they were trying to depict Alto when he was lacking sleep after all that flight military training when he joined SMS... while Sheryl ... uh ... a Galactic Fairy has a stressful showbiz life
  10. No Zentraedi cosplays, you say ?
  11. oh, but props on THIS Sheryl - she even recolored her blonde wig to have the strawberry highlights ! the devil is in the details!
  12. polidread

    VF Girls

  13. i got these from /cgl/ if i find more id surely repost them here. that Ozma is a girl who's using makeup to compensate for Ozma's bone structure, im sure it would look real weird under a different lightsource - it means she has the make up specifically just for that photo angle.
  14. really man? that sucks, SMS jacket is an easy project! goodluck may you find one that makes it and good!
  15. oohh, lookee here... how many boy cosplayers in that set? NONE. all of them are girls! including OZMA !
  16. no need for a retcon when continuity isnt super strict in the series.
  17. Thank you very much for sharing !!! ....now to get me a phone that plays MP3s for ringtones....!
  18. and all this time i thought Animerica's news blurb was fact: That he died from a lingering illness.
  19. polidread

    VF Girls

    quick update! before i get back to working on this ....
  20. YES!! YES!!! YES!!! and because they will learn that Ozma is a diehard Firebomber himself, the VF27 guys will turn to SMS' side and the Vajra will be OWNED by ZA POWAH Ofu SONGu! BOMBAAaaa!!!!!!
  21. yes, man. they're called "Schoolbots" the VF that had shapeners at its backpack, a sword pencil, and eraser shields and missiles. perfectly transformable and a plastic body brittle as raw pasta.
  22. chunky monkey is a name rhyme. like funky monkey; money honey, see ya later alligator ~ after a while crocodile, now, revolver ocelot is also a codename, as foxhound members are given animal codenames which alludes to their abilities to some extent. ever wonder why we have Solid Snake, Vulcan Raven, Sniper Wolf, Gray Fox ?
  23. so who won the "Name VF25 contest" ?
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