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Everything posted by holytoledo69

  1. I dont mind the colors at all. Also.. remember the V1 had diecast legs. No amount of joint tightness would keep those legs from being loose.
  2. Hip placement is the same its just the bottom torso slides up ala-VF-0 (just a tad).
  3. Here's a couple of pics of my Hot Toys Dog Alien.. And a Wolf Predator..
  4. Sorry if this was posted before. These are some minor mold differences between the the J and the D. And their Pilots
  5. My SV-51 Ivanov finally had a mishap today.. the knee joint somehow disintegrated. It was on display on its stand..in battroid mode. Now I cant find the screws and pins to put it back together...
  6. Ok I see what you mean now. Chest is slightly darker in the pic. Im guessing the chest area is definitely molded in color and the orange on the legs are painted on. Not really too noticeable on hand, but pics (depending on the lighting) do tend to change the colors of the actual figure. I like how they used clear green lenses on the head. I only wish it had some light piping. Got used to my transformers lol.
  7. I know what you mean, Im married with two kids and have the same problem. So far she's put up with it. The hobby keeps me home away from my drinking buddies lol. Anyway back to the question at hand.. Are you talking about the area just behind the cockpit? Granted that area had to be a tad thinner so the heat shield can fit in and perhaps with the heat shield retracted it gives off a darker color..maybe? It looks like most of the plastic is molded in color so I dont know.
  8. This is my first V.2 I was a little reluctant to start picking up this line because of some "issues" with QC in the initial runs. I decided to take a risk on getting the VF-1D. So far, no flaws and none of the reported problems that came with it. All joints are tight and nothing floppy. The added articulation in the arms are a major plus. Its just a tad different to transform. . . getting the swing bar into the nose cone took a little getting used to and getting it out was even more so. So be careful and read the instructions or refer to the tips on transformations somewhere in this thread. enjoy!! Now bring on the Super Ostrich and ELINT seeker!!
  9. I still buy... But not as much as I used to. With the recent emergence of Macross merchandise its hard to keep up. Luckily Im not a completist . I just get what I want.
  10. That figure of Clan Clan in the bikini is.. nice I see they have an articulated figure of Ranka as well.. err..doesn't look..nice
  11. I just received my VF-1D. No issues in QC so far. Transformed it to all 3 modes. The figures of Rick and Minmei are a bi@tch to put in if you have fat fingers like mine but other than that... Its the most immaculate Yamato Valkyrie I've ever had. Oh yeah, just one slight little problem... I want more!, plus the 1/60 destroids!!! Lolz! Not only is this my first 1/60 v.2, its my first two seater. I'm tempted to buy the rest but Im going to wait on the ELINT seeker and the Super Ostrich. Im going to skip on the A's, J's and S's in Super packs. I already have those in 1/48's.
  12. OMGosh!! Its so... Beautiful!! I'm in-Love!!
  13. I wont be buying any more mospeada stuff to save up for this baby. I hope the package/box isn't as big as a coffin though. People might think I bought one of those "Real Dolls" lol.
  14. Everything is Asianized in Asia. When I was in the Philippines, Mc Donald's hamburgers were served with rice and gravy. Breakfast was sausage eggs and rice. No one knew that KFC stood for Kentucky fried chicken lol. Not that Im making fun of asians, hell.. Im asian!! But living here (in the USA) and going back to the home land you tend to understand it a little bit more. Anyways Back on topic.. I wish they had the VF-1D cockpit/nose cone like the Elint Seeker's. But I guess they rushed this baby out.
  15. I really wish they made Lugnut in scale (or atleast leader class) Off off topic somewhat. I recently took out some old transmetal figures from storage and found their chrome's cracking and some joints disintergrating.. i.e. transmetal rattraps "wheels" most of the chrome is discolored and cracked... Transmetal Megatron (T-rex) same, plus joints where there are metal pins started to crumble? WTHoozie?
  16. I wanted to start watching Gundam 00, but I missed so many episodes I'd be lost in the story. I opted to watch LineBarrels of Iron instead. Mildly ok so far. BTW, Anyone know if they're going to make an anime from the manga "High School og the Dead"?
  17. Thanks!! I just saved me a bunch of benjamins!! This forum rocks!!
  18. Any updates on this figure? Online review? It looks nice. I just hope its not just a chunk of solid non articulated PVC/plastic/ABS. And its 1/48. How big can it possibly be?
  19. Finally got Wreck-Gar. Now all I need is Beast Wars Dinobot, Animated Waspinator, and Universe Inferno.. Till I get those, I will truly not be happy..
  20. I think Gaeta' lover will betray him and turned the tide towards Adama and friends..
  21. Picked up the 2002 Mazinkaiser OVA. Fisrt time watching the series. Pretty cool. I know, I know.. So late in the game.
  22. lol ok. I'm waiting on Ideon to go on sale somewhere as well. Im cutting down (somewhat) on the chogokins. Its getting to be expensive.
  23. Nice collection!! I only have 1/4 of what you got
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