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Everything posted by holytoledo69

  1. My favorite VF by far... I might pick up the Super Ostrich next.. mmmmm...
  2. there's something a little "off" in arnie's the head sculpt. If I squint it looks fine lol. I think they should thin out the eyebrows.
  3. I've been ordering stuff from BBTS since they first went online years ago. It used to be you ordered something one day, it's shipped out the next and you get it that same week. Now I find 2 days pass it still not processed, next its in the warehouse.. etc.. It usually takes a whole week before its shipped out. I've even paid extra for shipping sometimes and it still takes them awhile (as long as a week and a half) I dunno, sure they've grown and they carry alot of stuff others dont.. but lately I have had to rely on ebay for great prices and fast shipping.. Am I impatient? not when you pay extra for a faster shipping and its not fast.. Hell, I've ordered stuff from overseas and it gets here sometimes in lass than a week.. just my two cents BTW.. I still order from them... they got nice stuff
  4. I went over the VF-1D shoulder hinges with a strong light and a magnifying glass.. no stress marks.. the rods are smooth and not knurled. bought mine when it first came out.
  5. Im still waiting on a definitive review of this baby before I ever decide to pick it up.. CollectionDx does great reviews.
  6. Whoa.. Im getting mine in a few weeks.. now Im scared!!
  7. Im definitely getting the VF-27.. I hopeful for huge improvements over the VF-25's!!
  8. wow.. I was thinking of getting the VT-1.. now I'm scared. Anyone know if the VE-1 has any issues?
  9. Its a nice design too.. I doubt I'd buy another though.. so sad..
  10. I still dont know if I should pick this one up.. The new Combattler V is calling to me..
  11. The only problem I ever had with a yamato is the SV-51.. it was on display for the longest in gerwalk mode.. when I went to straighten its legs for battroid mode, the whole hinge/thigh just fell apart.. I literally held it in my hands staring at it for a good five minutes.. it was soooo surreal..
  12. I want one.. But Im not into capital ships also.. Its definitely a nice render of the quarter dont get me wrong.. But Im torn between getting this or the new VE-1 Elintseeker. I only have enough funds for one
  13. Man, I haven't logged in awhile. Now that I have.. ummm must have that Elintseeker!!!
  14. A little late in the game but I've been watching Gantz.. so far I like it!!
  15. Bandai's been revamping a lot of their old stuff as of late which is fine by me. The original Combattler V's legs were way too floppy. From what I've seen from the prototype pics, there's also some added articulation to the elbows.. I just got the GX-45 today and though people might say its out of scale with the original SOC's, its still quite heavy. I'm betting they're going to be doing Great Mazinger and Mazinkaiser.. I hope
  16. Me wants action figures!!
  17. I got mine for $39 shipped from TRU online.. I had a TRU Rewards online coupon!!
  18. Im not a real big fan of patlabor but this 1/24 is tempting.. maybe.
  19. MP-08 Grimlock came in today from BBTS. Nice figure. What he lacks in height, he makes up for in mass IMHO. I'm slightly disappointed that his shoulders, elbows and hips aren't ratcheting joints. Not necessarily a bad thing, they're tight enough to hold poses.
  20. Trans-warped episode rocked!! It would of been justifiable to make toys of Omega Supreme and all those new transformers.. if they they haven't planned on canceling the show.. so sad...so sad.
  21. Holy crap!! Great review! This guy has great editing skills..
  22. Sigh... I was kinda hoping the line would continue so they would make a supreme-sized Omega Supreme and the Constructicons.
  23. Congrats!! How Tiny/Big is it? Can you put a 3 3/4 Gi Joe next to it for size comparison?
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