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Sharon Apple Concert Attendee

Sharon Apple Concert Attendee (4/15)



  1. I hope they do a seperate release for those mini Valkyries and battlepods. I'd love to have a couple sitting on my desk.
  2. So did anyone else hear that "Let's do this, Galm 1!" in the trailer? That and the hero of the story flying an F-15 makes me go "Hrrrmmmmmmm."
  3. Looks like AC6 will be getting a new flight stick. I havn't been able to find any details on it, though.
  4. McKlown


    That's why. Thread necromancy is bad, Mechinyun, m'kay?
  5. Yeah, the glasses help quite a bit.
  6. Knowing how Roy is, I always figured Pineapple Salad was just a euphemism for sex.
  7. Remember those old Red/Blue 3D images that used to be really popular? Well, a few days ago I found out there are free PC programs that let you create your own. I decided to give one a test spin with my Valks to see how well they'd turn out. I have really shakey hands, so the picture didn't turn out as well as I had hoped, but I still like it quit a bit. You might have to lean back a bit and focus on the 1/48th's nose to get the full effect, especially on the full sized picture.
  8. Holy crap, is this my karmic reward for suffering through getting my wisdom teeth pulled on Wensday? Now I'm glad I didn't buy one of those 1/72's I've been eyeing on Ebay.
  9. I wanted to watch the whole thing, but because we had visitors come over I only got to see bits and pieces. What was the deal with the CGI/live action humans? Was it supposed to be some artsy way of showing who had artifical organs and who didn't?
  10. Okay, that one needs an explination.
  11. Bleh.
  12. Hold on a second, they took an Internet joke and are turning it into a real movie?
  13. Based on a true story: http://www.grapheine.com/bombaytv/play_uk.php?id=917355
  14. Well crap, I could swear that wasn't there the multiple times I ran searches in the past. They must've been running a special of their own. Right now the prices are almost the same(0080's a little more and 08th is a little less).
  15. Sweet, I was planning on picking up the UC Gundam collections soon anyway. I just wish they had the 0079 movies.
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