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Razor x

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Everything posted by Razor x

  1. what other titles has Funimation distributed? anything good?
  2. AWESOME!!! had to add this to my Myspace!!! http://www.myspace.com/joe_lanza
  3. DOH!!! that simple HAHA! im such a noob!
  4. ok i am stuck on the Cats eye recon mission!!! what am i supposed to do? after the Zentran ship grabs the cats eye? (SDF Macross TV missions.) every time I go after it to save it, it just blows up!! what am i doing wrong?
  5. JasonC was the guy with the stop watch behind the projector ( I still have the watch so let me know who it belongs to.) hmmmm looks like next years tourny will be a little Different. A.C.E. 2 looks like the new VS Valkyrie Simulator on the block!!! once we have this new game in hand we will test it out and see how well the VS mode works out. oh! and only Macross Mecha will be used for our tourny sorry Mods this will be my last post here. I will start a new tournament thread for AX2007 in the GAMES section of this fourm after the Tournament committee has determined which Game will be used. thank you for not deleting this RoBlowtech tourny thread RaZoR X...OuT!
  6. HAHA! yea, JasonC has every Macross game ever made ! we battle at his house all the time! hes good at all of them.
  7. OH!!! JasonC is a Macross Plus master send him a pm!!
  8. YEAYYY!!!!! you had me at "yeah 1vs1 split screen "!!!!!!! going to order ASAP!!! Heck looks like we might have a new game for AX2007 tournament!!! edit: Just Orderd it ,I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. PLEASE tell me this game has VS mode!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Ryuji you have probobly heard this 1,000,000 X's but your work is totaly Amazing!!! you have the hands of a GOD!!! im trying to convince my wife to Cosplay as Minmay - mini china for next years AX hehehe
  11. speacial thanks to JasonC,SilverDragon and Anasazi !!! thanks for the quick response I cant wait to get started!!!
  12. OMG!!!! I am about to start my first custom project and just wanted to let you know your work has been an inspiration.
  13. sorry if you guys got multiple PMs from me I was having some problems detecting sent pms
  14. COOL!! thanks guys for all the help. Anasazi37 ,nightmareB4macross and SILVERDRAGON if your out there I need your help! ill do my best to document the whole process so future 1st timers can have a step by step referance. RaZoR X...OuT!
  15. Hi guys! I am totaly amazed at the quality of work done by the people on this site and have finaly musterd enough courage to give it a try myself. Jason C has agreed to teach me how to customiz one of my old 1/55 into a Max VF-1A with strike fastpack. right now i have all my parts soaking in pinesol to remove horrible paint job i did 10 years ago HAHAHA! (can of rustoelum white!!) so far i have a custom resin cockpit with dyrl pilot and resin arm armor but i do need some things before i get started... I need and am prepared to pay for... 1) 1/55 VF-1A head (resin or stock) 2) 1/55 Strike fastpack (resin or stock)( i have arm and leg armore i need the main pack ) 3) 1/55 heat shield(resin or stock) 4) dyrl "Max" decals( Jason told me someone here makes custom decals.) I would Apprciate any help you guys can give me . please send me an email lanza32@pacbell.net thanks
  16. Very nice work!! I can only hope and dream that if a live action movie is ever made that someone like yourself with your attention to detail will be hired to do the cg work. good luck with your CG career you totaly have talent man.
  17. Very nice work!! I can only hope and dream that if a live action movie is ever made that someone like yourself with your attention to detail will be hired to do the cg work. good luck with your CG career you totaly have talent man.
  18. Totaly F#@%$$&&* AWESOME!!!!!!
  19. heres my link to my pics and short Video...enjoy! Check out 'Kiyora' aka Allie and 'Skyros', aka Mike don't they look AWESOME!!! GO HERE!! RaZoR X Blog cant wait to see you all again!!! RaZoR X ...OuT!
  20. 2006 Battelcry Tournament Recap!!! First of all, on behalf of Lanzatech, I'd like to thank all the pilots who came out to battle. The Tournament staff worked hard to put this on for us fans and gaming enthusiasts, but the event couldn't have gone forth without your participation! So many thanks to the 20 entrants plus all the guest spectators who came out. Hope you all had as much fun as we did. The Tournament went very smoothly. Everyone was very good spirited, had very admiral sportsmanship and gaming skills, while some even had great singing talent (Stagefright... go awaaaaaay! ). I will be posting a "Round by Round" result of all the pilots and how each round was completed a bit later after a create a good html file to post (too long to do it here). We had 3 rounds and a SemiFinal to come up with our Final 2 Challengers..... So without much ado, here are the results for the Top Ace Pilots for the 2nd Annual Robotech Battlecry Tournament!!! = After 3 rounds, it came down to 3 brand new competitors that made it to the Semi-Finals: Illusive, Max Jenius, and Skyros, and only 1 Battlecry vet- our 2nd place winner from last year, McHenry! (Our other vets RaZor X, Jasonc, and Hibiki54 were out in the early rounds ). After losing his chance for the top 2 positions, McHenry still battled it out to newcomer Illusive to fight for 3rd place. It was quite a show! McHenry said he was shaking after that event. Illusive gave the vet quite a run! Then it came down to bring up the Final 2 competitors to challenge for the Top Ace Pilot Title. Ironically, one was nicknamed Max Jenius, while the other was a hardcore cosplayer as Max Sterling. BOTH chose blue-colored YF-1Rs to compete in. So indeed, it was the battle of the "MAX's"!!!! And what a battle it was! Most RT fans agree that Max Sterling truly was the best Veritech Pilot of the series, and it was proven at the Tournament!!! The final battle was a "first player to 5 wins, no time limit" event. It was not an easy challenge at all for either pilots as both went round and round, toe-to-toe. The score at one point went to 4-2, with only one more win for Skyros to take the Win. However, young Max Jenius came back from behind to bring the score back up to 4-4, so both had the shot to take the 5th kill and take the win. OH YEAH, it was such an awesome battle to the end! The life levels for both pilots were evenly matched on low, we were all biting nails and on edge. These two gave the spectators quite a show. Toe-to-Toe... face to face...capping rounds into each other to the very end. Ulitimately, Skyros takes the win against his very worthy opponent Max Jenius. So the Final Results: 1st Place: SKYROS (Max Sterling Cosplayer) 2nd Place: MAX JENIUS (real name Dean) 3rd Place: SHADOW WOLFE/aka McHENRY There are some very important things to point out about the prizes that were presented. McHenry and his friend, Don, took alot of time and labor-of-love to custom build the kick-ass trophies that were presented. Lanzatech, aka RaZoR X + Valk22, drew the one-of-a-kind poster that helped promote the event while on display at the RT booth (in fact, that's how winner Skyros heard about the Tournament...See! Advertisement works ), and last but not least, Tommy Yune donated a never before released original artwork of Kiyora, the Ace Quadrono pilot from the Battlecry game story. Tommy autographed the exclusive framed piece for the Top "Max". All these prizes made the Title for the Top Ace Pilot much more than bragging rights. Pictures are on their way... Max Genisis (Dean) glad you had fun! Welcome back to the forum and keep in touch here, kay? Skyros, I hope you come to post here and say hello. If anyone recalls his real name, please post. I wish I had taken everyone's email during registration to say thanks and send pics. Well... until next year... keep up those skills and maybe you can be the next Ace!
  21. OH man if they would just make a Macross Game with the same Game Options as Virtual on Marz I would be in Heaven!!!! you can have up to 2vs2 in this game! http://www.vo-marz.com/site/index.html oh well we can dream, maybe someone will get it right for us Pioneers!
  22. sdf Macross for PS2 is the best !!! I just wish it had a 2 player VS mode !!!!!
  23. I guess its the console most of our Pilots are used to playing with. this year I asked which system people would prefer and again the PS2 was favored. see thread... http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...6077&forumid=16 to be honest I wish Macross DYRL had a vs mode.
  24. the SoCal 241st Robotech Fan Group would like to envite you guys to a Compete in a friendly Battelcry Tournament. one thing we all have in common is our love for Valkyrie. Hope to see Some of you there !
  25. how tall should the female power armor be? we can easily correct the dimentions i just eyeballed the episode where Max and milia battled on the streets of macross city and they were both the size of the buildings but if anyone has a true hight dimension please let me know
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