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Razor x

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Everything posted by Razor x

  1. hi steve NO i just canceld that and continued . some of the text will look like jibberish but its Japanese anyways. Macross VO with the english patch 1.14 is the best to start with. once you understand the menues you can enjoy VOXP. let me know if you have any questions. Happy Hunting!
  2. INTRODUCING THE 241st PHOENIX SQUADRON VF-1S (fighter mode skin) (sorry it looks pink its supposed to be red ) HAHA ! some of the guys I hang out with created our own Macross VO (1.14 english patch) squadron . we Battle at my house with Lan games and i just wanted to share our VF-1S fighter skin im still working on the rest of the transformation modes . hopefully one day someone can figure out how we can battle online. if you would like to use just convert to .bmp and move to your model folder. !!!!!! DONT FORGET TO BACK UP YOUR ORIGINAL VF-1S FIGHTER SKIN!!!!!!
  3. WOW !!!! THATS TOTALY AWESOME!!!! hehehe i just want to spank her!!!!!!!
  4. not sure if it will help but ill turn my Azureus on to help speed up your DL. (turned on at 9:17am 10/7/6) ill leave it this weekend unless no one is using. P.S. !!! make sure you use the correct Torrent software!!!! look for Azureus with a blue frog pic on startup!!! good luck Steve!
  5. HEY THANKS GUYS!!! im ready to wash my parts and paint my primer coat ill post pics up after!!!
  6. AWESOME!!!!!
  7. NICE!! great tribute to one of the best games of all time!!
  8. BAD NEWS!! well it looks like online Battle will not be an option. we have had some succesful Lan Games but it seems that in order to play online there must have been a Japanese server back in the day that everyone had to play through. Fastforward to 2006 that server is Gone. Now if anyone has a Patch or mod that will allow us to Battle online let me know . as of right now all online battles have been Grounded.
  9. AWESOME!! i just hooked a few of my friends up with this game and we will start gaming online as soon as they get familiar with the game and get better controllers! i just got this one... Saitek PS28 X52 Flight Control System ill post up when we have our first online battle ok.
  10. ALRIGHT!! Now i have everything to get started! if any of you guys have some tips or tricks to share with me post up and give me a hand with this project . with a lil help i think this custom will come out great!! PARTS PREP 1) removed most of the old paint by soaking parts in Pinesol. 2) use a sharp pointed scribe and 220,400,600 sand paper to remove any stuborn old paint.
  11. here is a link to a website with a lot of Valuable information on this Game... http://www.angelfire.com/mac/mvo/ I have also started a Blog... http://www.macrossvovoxp.blogspot.com/ im doing my best to get more players interested in gaming online. I also hope to get more Modders involved in updating and making this game better. wish me luck!
  12. HI DEAN!! well it seems that Due to A.C.E. 2's targeting issues we may have to stick to Battelcry for the 2007 Tournament. A.C.E. 2 is by far an amazing game but the Targeting system Fails to provide an arena that gives 2 players a true combat simulation. (the targeting system does all the work for you) we may have an A.C.E. 2 pre tornament mini competition for the few people that know how to play. ill post up any updates and news asap. Joe
  13. Nero worked good, but you still need swap disk to play with U.S. PS2.
  14. here you go hope you like!! all you have to do is convert to .bmp and rename then add to your model folder! Happy hunting!
  15. Sure no problem!! ill work on it tonight! yup my copy also has some Background Music problems but i just use an external software media player (windows media player) and play my favorite Macross plus and... *looks left then right and wispers * Robotech soundtrack music HEHEHE! my next project is to make VF skins with more detail. ive sent copies to a few people around the world in hopes that this game spreads and more people play online ...we will see . oh well, let me work on that lisa mod!
  17. HI guys just wanted to share a "Minmei Cockpit mod" I made, with you guys. all you have to do is convert to .bmp and insert to model folder!! Njoi RaZoR X
  18. well i finaly have Macross VO/VOxp 100% and i love it !! took me a week to pass all the missions but this game is so cool i could just keep playing it over and over ! it doesnt have all the bells and whistels as say Macross sdf ps2 or ACE 2 but i love the Simulator feel and with my MODing experiance i could customise this game to my hearts content!! one of my favorite things to do is fly in cockpit mode with my Macross Plus Soundtrack CD jammin on the cdrom while i take out Zentran and meltran in space with my Logitech wingman controller!! theres just nothing like taking a VF-1S Strike out for a little Turn and Burn!!!
  19. thats a huge AFFERMITIVE!!! this game is not only fun to play it is Awesome to watch as a spectator. of course we will most likely use only the Macross Mecha for the tournament. I have let the other members of the Tournament Team borrow this game this week to see what they think . as soon as we all meet up again(this Saturday for FullMetal Alchemist Movie premeire) we can start planing the promotion of next years ...2007 AX, A.C.E. 2 Valkyrie Tournament.
  20. AWESOME VIDEOS!!! I cant wait to get to the Macross Levels!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. WOW!! ive been playing this game for the last week and all I have to say is this game is the GRAND TURISMO of Mecha games!!!
  22. great job !!!! I've never seen a VF-4 kit before amazing!!!
  23. WOOHOO!! 25% downloaded!!! HAHA Dang this takes FOREVER!! Does anyone still play this game online? I hope Macross VO is cool. The VO Hanger web site looked like a great place for gamers to hook up and Battle what happend to it?? looks like its been dead fo awhile. 8/22/6 update ok im at 52.8% !!!
  24. ok what the heck is up with "Return to the Main Menu" from the "Continue/Intermission Menu" do i need to complete some missions first or something? i want to try vs mode but cant get to the dang Main Menu edit ok nevermind i passed a few levels now my main menu has all options open
  25. thanks Lechuck!!! heres the link... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Another_Century%27s_Episode_2 this Game is AWESOME!!!
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