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Razor x

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Everything posted by Razor x

  1. this past week has been an awesome learning experiance! Macross VOXP has turned out to be a hit world wide and our small US team has just bearly enterd this cyberworld of fun combat. by useing a program called HAMACHI players from around the world have been able to participate in games as if everyone was on the same network!! little lag and great gaming!! turns out, that to be competetive at the top level one must have copy of VOXP with the MAX and MIRIYA VIP MOD and have all SS weapons. here is my set up , with a little practice I hope to compete with the best in the world but right now I am CANNON FODDER!!! HAHAHAHA the U.S. VOXP team is desperatly looking for more ACE pilots post up if you would like to join us VS THE WORLD!!
  2. HAHA im the ugly guy with the Golden Micky Mouse Ears
  3. we not angry we just drink too much beer HAHA you guys very good we need to practice more . Players= RaZoR X, Marcus Rush, Gui Daigoji, McHenry now we know HAMACHI is very good so next time we ready
  4. MACROSS VOXP INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION !!!! Speacial thanks to COOLSAUCE and TEAM CHINA for inviting the U.S. Macross VO team for a friendly Battel in Cyberspace!! Game: VOXP when: Satuday 7:00pm California time USA TRYING TO CONTACT SOUTH AMERICAN TEAM YOU ARE INVITED TOO !! if you would like to join us post up !!!
  5. this will be a learning event for all of us wish my chinese and spanish were better but i will do my best to make simple.
  6. HI COOLSAUCE!! let me get some more players involved and on Friday i will post up the time we will play Saturday . we will most likely play MACROSS VO so if you dont have it you can download here... http://macrossvovoxp.blogspot.com/ my HAMACHI account is Lanzatech VO
  7. NEW MODS FROM BOFRAZZ!!! YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FROM HERE http://www.unm.edu/~ecapling/gamemaker/BROOKSTECH2.zip NJOI!!
  8. Going to install Hamachi today and see if i can figue it out!
  9. looks like your ready for Ace 2!! and here is the best english translation guide i could find... http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=...;oldid=56482080 Njoi
  10. WOW tequilamxpx !!! thats Great News! ill have to find some time and join you guys for some online battles!! give me some time to figure out this HAMACHI thing...
  11. this web site has a great control type info and menu translations! ... http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=...oldid=100127218 your going to have to get through the first couple of mission before 2 player is even an option. as for the Valks your going to have to earn them. to some its easy but for guys like me it was hard . it might take a while to work your way to the valks but the mechs on the way are very cool . this game is the Grand Turismo of Mech games!! Happy Hunting!
  12. Hey Guys! if any of you guys need to Download Macross VO or Macross VOXP Check out my blog ! My Webpage I have also put some Informative Read me files to help you get started. There are also all the known Mods and Patches as well. Njoi
  13. Very impressive review!!! Great Job! I cant wait to get one of these!!!!
  14. Most Impressive!!
  15. NEW MODS!!! here is a mod from Bofrazz!! "Greetings fellow VO pilots, Bofrazz here with my 1st post so I figured I'd make it worthy. After enduring unmentionalble hell to aquire a copy of this game I have produced a SkinPack for Macross VO (couldn't find VOXP). Anyway here's a pick showing the majority of the packs contents. http://www.unm.edu/~ecapling/gamemaker/BTImageRef.png It took about 3 weeks to generate (and alter) the grafix for the veritechs as I could only devote free time to the project. Which in of itself is kind of ironic considering I'm a professional texture artist. I mainly reworked the leg graphics and added an open intake for any transformation mode other than battloid. I think the effect works well. I also added a few more body details as well. Any way, here's the link to the ZIP package. Any feedback would be welcome. http://www.unm.edu/~ecapling/gamemaker/BROOKSTECH.zip -Bofrazz-"
  16. oh man im suddenly teriffied to put my Anasazi Decals on my custom!!! what if i mess up......!!!!!!! dang i might have to hire someone to put them on these decals are pricless now!
  17. somebody pin the words of the master please!!!
  18. HELL YEA!!! this recast will give me a reason to buy a 1/55 VF-1J!!!! Let me know if you go into production!!!
  19. OH NOOOOO!!! thanks for providing us with your great work . best of luck to you and your future.
  20. heres one... http://www.happymoonasia.com/ great website!!
  21. Flares are available on the higher levels you need to swap out a missle for flares . this is easier to understand in the english patched version. (Macross VO version 1.14) You can also transform to Batloid mode and shoot the missels that are locked on you but this is only effective against 1-5 missels. more than 5 missles you need to flare and hit the afterburners!!! get the &*%$ out of there HAHAHAHA!
  22. Valkyrie Tournament Blues Believe me we wanted to use ACE-2 for next years tournament. ACE-2's Graphics are amazing and the Battelfields looked great but the targeting system basicly did all the work. in our test the winner was the guy who could fire the fastest. Battelcry also has auto targeting but a skilled pilot can avoid getting hit with flares and tactics. and to be competative you need to be proficient in all 3 modes. I wish we didnt have to use a Roblowtech Game but we have tested every Valkyrie Game ever made. Next year we plan to have a mini Ace 2 Demo: but for the tourny it looks like we are stuck with Battlecry. oh well its not so bad when we play it with a Digital Projector. its like watching 2, 1/55 scale Valkyrie fighting HAHAHA! we just hope they make something amazing for the PS3!!! if they ever make a game that has mecha from Macross Zero thru Macross Plus ... that will be a Great DAY!!! VS basicly an updated version of Ps1 Macross Plus Game edition would be the best game ever!!
  23. hmmm... ACE-2 is a very cool game but due to its Targeting system Fails to be a good Tournament game. I wish SDF Macross for PS2 had a 2 player mode. as for Battlecry... to each his own but we have had some pretty good Tournaments so far . see link. http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...8c-e0eeedbfedeb
  24. the first mission is supposed to be a simulator thats why its blue. mission. 2-14 will be in space. (i wish there was a macross Island mission ) the game is hard at first but once you get familiar with your controls its a nice space combat simulator here is a list of your mission objectives... Macross VO/VOXP missions. 0)Stage 00 Simulator destroy enemy fighters acquire: Fast Gunpod 1)Stage 01 Moon Rise destroy enemy, protect station acquire: Long-Range Missile 2)Stage 02 Blue Sphere VE-1 must return to Megaroad 02 acquire: Lazerpulse Gun 3)Stage 03 Counterattack destroy enemy Thuverl Salan class battleship 4)Stage 04 Raising Jupiter defend till main cannon of Megaroad 02 is ready (180secs) acquire: Hyper Gunpod 5)Stage 05 Blade Leader destroy enemy acquire: Micro Missile 6)Stage 06 Squadron Leader return to and defend Megaroad 02 acquire: Impact Gunpod 7)Stage 07 Meltrandi destroy enemy acquire: High-Maneuver Missile 8)Stage 08 Strike Mission destroy transport fleet acquire: Cannon 9)Stage 09 Nightmare destroy enemy fighers acquire: W Cannon 10)Stage 10 Leviathan destroy enemy acquire: Impact Cannon 11)Stage 11 Angel Halo Houmei's unit must survive acquire: Plasma Cannon 12)Stage 12 Fire Mist destroy enemy fleet acquire: Impact Gun 13)Stage 13 Gigantesu destroy enemy acquire: Nuclear Missile 14)Stage 14 Earth Light destroy enemy its also nice if you can grab one of these controllers... you can customize the controls... if your playing VOXP this might help happy hunting!
  25. that seems to be the only glich in this game here is what I do... 1) shut off game BGM from your option setting menu 2) i created a separate folder on my desktop with my favorite Macross/Robotech soundtrack music. when i play the game i simply play the music with my windows media player first then start the game. 3) since you do not need a game cd you can also just use your favorite music cd and play that its not the perfect fix but i like my own music ingame
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