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Razor x

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Everything posted by Razor x

  1. i have everything to play the homeworld mod here... http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...logID=285336367 i believe the makers of the mod still have the patch available. if not my DL contains everything to play the game. have fun
  2. I have Hope , seem our Generation is finally taking over Hollywood. WB rocks so I'm optimistic.
  3. WOW!!! now thats talent!! I wish Lego sold these kits!!!
  4. !!!!FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!!!! Ill be on from 6:00pm to 9:00pm (1700 to 2100 Southern Cali Time) (if you need help with knowing when we will play use this world clock... http://www.world-clock.org/ ) JAN 11, 2008 Hope to see you there... HAMACHI NETWORKS... Beginners and training. ROBOTECHvoxp1 pass=robotech INTERMEDIATE ROBOTECHvoxp2 pass=robotech ADVANCED ROBOTECHvoxp3 pass=robotech
  5. your going to have to reinstall the game and look in the Models folder. All the "Skins" are right there to do what ever you like to them with Photoshop or any Graphics program. if you cant find your copy of the game you can download our version from here... http://robotechvoxp.freeforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=28 we have improved all the graphics and sounds . and provide a translation guide you can print out so you can play the game. Njoi!
  6. WOW!!!! MACROSS FRONTIER Shinsen Subs ROCK!!!!
  7. AWESOME THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!! time to go get some stickers made!!!!!
  8. HAHA they actualy have some sweet Lego sets!! I would love to see a VF-25 set!!!!!
  9. ok some one made a cool NUNS logo can some one make an SMS one please!!!!
  10. Has anyone made a new NUNS Logo yet!!! or the SSS ?? Looks like our good old UNSPACY LOGO is gone. hey if thats what it takes to be free from Harmony gold .... DO IT!!!!!! FREE AT LAST FREE AT LAST FREE AT LAST!!! (I HOPE)
  11. yea i kinda thought the same thing a cross between Invid and Evangelion HAHA what ever they are they are cooler then Haydonites HAHAHAHA!
  12. sorry if i missed it but it seems the U.N. Spacy logo is gone ?! is that due to the stupid Legal Crap? and if thats the case will this new series have an open license to come to the states?!!? crossing fingers for answer....
  13. AWESOME!!!!! what a great MACROSS CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! Thank you Mr ShĂ´ji Kawamori for your wonderful Gift!!!!!!
  14. 12/21/07 BE THERE!!! Ill be on from 7:00pm to 9:00pm (Southern Cali Time) HAMACHI NETWORKS Beginers and training. ROBOTECHvoxp1 pass=robotech INTERMIDIATE ROBOTECHvoxp2 pass=robotech ADVANCED ROBOTECHvoxp3 pass=robotech !!!!NOTE!!!! What the heck is ROBLOWTECH voxp ?!! For you Hardcore Macross Fans its a T.V. version Mod we basicly tried everything to get more people to play Macross VOXP online but only succeeded in having 2 US players so we decided to make a ROBOTECH MOD to try to attract new players to this amazing lil game. Since we Launched the MOD we have had over 1900 downloads and have about 20 pilots that battel regularly. so i apologize for Promoting a ROBOTECH Mod but we are just huge fans of Mr Shoji Kawamorie's Valkyrie/Veritech and we just want to find more pilots . please visit http://robotechvoxp.freeforums.org/index.php for more info
  15. MAX VF-1A SKIN AVAILABLE!! (T.V. version) http://robotechvoxp.freeforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=39
  16. we had a great Time!! here are some pics... http://www.flickr.com/photos/valkyrie22/se...57603240482777/ next year ill try to tell you guys more in advance. RaZoR X...OuT!
  17. Saturday November 17 from 12:00pm to ? RSVP with "Jason Cline" <jnutta212@yahoo.com> so we can get a head count for food. see you soon
  18. oh and the Homeworld Macross MOD table will be 2 laptops Battelship style for 2 players
  19. OOPS!! poker can be played at the Macross Bar!! we even have Vegas Style Chips HEHE!
  20. Hey guys! I just wanted to envite any Socal Macross Fans to our MechaMecca.com Party in Riverside CA. NOVEMBER 17th heres a lil Layout of our Activites... (Please no Macross vs Robotech Wars we just want to have a lil fun ) Please contact "Jason Cline" <jnutta212@yahoo.com> to RSVP Sponserd by MechaMecca.com
  22. (a few Days Later...) Nevermind! i found that playing the mod using the "Macross DYRL STANDARD" .exe makes the game work perfect!!!!! still would like to know whats up with HOMEWORLD 2 Macross Mod still though?
  23. thanks for the great tips guys!!! im going to try to sit down this weekend and play this game,
  24. anybody have the status of this AWESOME MOD???? anywho, I have been playing the DYRL mod for Homeworld 1 and am having trouble with the game crashing when I play the Zentradi is there a patch or fix for this ? anyhelp would be great thanks
  25. thanks mikeszekely!!!! you da MAN!
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