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Everything posted by bomar

  1. well i liked the movie not as good as i hoped i liked Crouching Tiger alil better
  2. IM wanting to start building models again it has been years since i stopped and i built mostly cars the PGs look really cool can u guys tell me what i would be getting my self into do i need to be a mast modelr to build it what i would need to get it built looking at the wing 0 and r the PGs fragile like other models as well
  3. well i picked mine up today and its not perfect but im happy with it don't get me wrong i think they could have done better metal in spots like the arm joint would have been good but IM not going to go on about it has been said b4 but i like it was #304
  4. well thanks 4 the info i will keep my preorder this will be my 2nd robotech toy i have the mpc vol. 2 for 20 bucks its ok i don't know how bad it really is cause i don't have any other robotech toys but if is any when close to the way the mpcs are i will never buy anything from toynami again
  5. well with all the stuff thats not right with the toy i dont know if i want to keep my peroder i have 1 preoder at gamestop thay will get it in on the 21 is it really as bad as every 1 makes it sound would the people that have the toy know still buy it
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