Hi all.
Got my SOC maybe a week ago.
Also not quite happy with the back of the Gunbuster.
Good idea with the transformable foot but they didn't spend the time to really perfect it. The foot isn't flat. They cut off both the inner toes. In buster 2 flight mode, the metal bar is a different color from the rest of the foot. I'm pretty sure there is enough clearence so that the front tip/cone could be fully filled in instead of the way it is now.
I see the thrusters on Buster 2 breaking one of these days.
I take it back. The rotating leg joint doesn't look 80s to me.
I see that shield in the Hargun section of my Megazone 23 book but the markings on the shield slant in the opposite direction. The concept arts section has a Garland GR2 like unit also with the same shield.
Edit. But There is also model in the book that has the same leg joint. I give up!
Ah Hargun truck sequence.
They look like toy prototypes to me. boxy looking in an 80s type of way. But polycaps ...
The seller has a couple of the Garlands in color. If I didn't have a Yamato, I probably write off 9500 yen for one.
From the MN thread, please no blue feet. I wouldn't mind if the anything grey in those shots was just a bit darker though but could just be the lighting.
Guess the only changes possible now are color related.
Bummer. Without the SHE inner leg folding techique, the top of the leg really is thin.
It looks like the back in battroid isn't flat which is a good sign.
The winglets behind the cockpit, they fold toward the front.
Really hard to tell from that shot but now I'm concerned there isn't much filling in the upper leg.
And no tabs under the shouders too. The computer cad pics had them but were really too short.
So close yet so far.
Please someone go take a pic especially the back of the battroid.
Liquid stone and IHP totally got it so very wrong. SHE and Yamato 1/72 gets high marks for that part.