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Everything posted by protostar8

  1. I don't really use that site too often, so does anyone know if that guy is one of the main reviewers?
  2. I'm really starting to think that the reviewer is a close friend of the writer because he's way to happy about that sorry script.
  3. I like it, especially for the size. Any clue of the price tags or the release dates on these? If they are cheap enough, I'll own one of each of the main 3 types. I'll even buy the more or less duplicate one if they are reasonably priced. I really hope they include small stands with these, or at least props for the back so that a person can pose the figures w/out them toppling over. Also looks like the Beta/Alpha, Tread/Legioss hasn't really changed since we last saw it, which is disappointing.
  4. Spoiler comments!!!! I like the idea of a Voltron movie that's not corny, but I really don't like the junk-former lions. Seriously, these lions are gonna look crappy (and possibly corny/goofy) if they are built out of junk (which road spikes for teeth sounds like junk to me). If they had built them in secret, then why couldn't they have used better parts like military stuff. And what's even worse in my opinion is that road spikes and other junk weapons can beat a monster that (as we are made to believe based on the script) top of the line military armaments couldn't beat. To me, it's like shooting a monster with a nuclear bomb, seeing that the bomb does nothing, then having a little kid smack it with a stick and the thing dies from the stick attack. I know people were complaining over the Junk-former TF movie designs, I can only imagine how bad this will be since they are actually made of junk. I seriously hope this gets revised.
  5. So, what ever happened to Project Z, aka GaoGaiGo?
  6. Kids won't like this show at all b/c most kids now a days have no clue what half the stuff they are making fun of is. Also, the 8-bit graphics are only going to appeal to people who played games like that growing up, so again, modern day kids won't be pleased without top end graphics. As for me, I LOVE it! I think this show is hilarious. It has so many throwbacks and references to games/people/events, it's great. If anyone doesn't like it, it's probably because they don't like games or are too young to get it. The full version of the theme song is great too.
  7. Any update on these figures/models?
  8. So I'm guessing there weren't any Toynami representatives there that could give out information on release dates for the Fast Packs?
  9. I like small stuff that I can mess around with (like the tiny Optimus Prime and the small Valkyries that have come out). So, as long as the size doesn't hurt the toys appearance/durability significantly, I'm all for it. We have at least 2 other larger versions of the Cyclone/Ride Armor, so why not get a little one too, assuming it's cheap. Anyone know the exact prices on the different ride armors from the different companies yet?
  10. In that case, I'll just wait until there's a confirmation that these will actually be released before I spend $25-30 on a VF-1J Max. I still don't have a whole lot of faith in Toynami products without set release dates.
  11. So any official word on when the fast packs are gonna be released? I'll have to pick up a max just for the Fast Packs. I wish the price was a little lower too, b/c $12 is a little higher than I was expecting.
  12. I seriously doubt they'll really fix much.
  13. Love that quote you posted!
  14. I don't know if this is the kit, or a custom. http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Queen/.../macross-04.htm
  15. One Scott/Stick Alpha is enough for me. Unless they used all metal, the plastic in some areas is just to thin to be improvable. I just don't see how they could use the same molds and get a drastically different result, so I haven't and more than likely won't get one from Aoshima. I'd love to see a papercraft Beta that looks like the "flying brick" and is large enough to dock w/ the Alpha...actually, I'm working on one myself but it's not likely I'll ever finish it (not looking for incouragement to complete it, too much other stuff I'm busy doing to give it the time it'd require). I've seen some great Macross papercraft things too.
  16. To be honest, Aoshima's Alpha looks like Toynami's. I've looked at the images of it and the Toynami one that I own and I can't really see many differences (and the ones I see may just be the pictures at odd angles). I'm stoked about the cyclones though and still want the CM Alpha/Beta set. What I really want though is a set of Alpha/Beta's that are small scale even if they have to sacrifice a little articulation or style.
  17. I ended up seeing about 10 episodes out of the 15 or so that Nickelodeon aired. I liked what I saw and was disappointed that they stopped showing it. I'm still hoping that one of their other networks will pick it up as a late night filler.
  18. I would highly doubt it. Toynami actually had a motive to put out their vapourware (selling more of the Alphas that weren't selling well). This company doesn't really have other Beta/Tread related items out that would sell b/c of the announcement.
  19. I've only seen some of the US release, which wasn't that bad. The series itself looks really good. I've been wanting to get it but never found anywhere to download it or buy it from.
  20. Overall, I can live with the changes, I kinda even like the modernization since Toynami replied to one of my e-mails and said they are still working on it (and displayed the Beta at a semi-recent toyfair this year). Toynami's looks like the "flying brick" while CM did their usual thing and added some modernization to the toys. However, I don't like the way the arms droop in jet mode and look to be pulled at a funny angle when combined. And I really don't like the way the Alpha's nose points down when combined...that just doesn't look good at all. Looking at the pics, the Beta actually points up a little bit while the Alpha is pointed down, which means that in flight, one or the other would be at somewhere at around a 40 degree angle to the other one. That's bad for flying. I really hope that they make them connect a little straighter before release and that the problem is due to the toys being resin. Is the cyclone armor figure a static pose figure or did they put in a few joints?
  21. Here's a link to a kinda more recent display (I think) http://www.collectiondx.com/node/1368 It shows the Masterpiece Cyclone, the Toynami Beta and a repainted alpha fighter in Shadow Chronicles colors.
  22. Where's the cheapest place to get these now? I'm looking for Series 2 VF-1J Max to be specific.
  23. Here's what they sent me. I removed my name from it. Thank you for your interest in our Macross 1/100 scale line. The fast packs are not cancelled and will release later this year. The Beta Fighter is also still in the works and is not cancelled. We apologize if some emails do not make its way to us. Please inform the members, if they do not receive a reply within 48 hours, please forward the message again. Please check back soon for updates on new Macross/Robotech product. Thank you for your support. Best Regards, Customer Service Toynami, Inc. It's good news in my opinion.
  24. So it looks like there has been no real word on these Fast Pack sets, which sucks. So what models/toys are people using to make the custom fast packs for these? I'd really love to get the TV Max, but I'd want Fast Packs for it.
  25. I have to agree. You have to sacrifice a little in each mode to get one that's great in both. If they put on good joints, which it appears they have as I don't see the sculpt buckling anywhere even though it appears to be a resin or similar substance that it's made out of. Also, going back and looking at the pics that Graham posted, it's not really all that rounded b/c I can see lots of edges. I think people are just upset that it's not a brick. If the toy is good, I can deal with a "little" interpretation in terms of artistic license. Has there been any news as on this since the original showing?
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