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Everything posted by protostar8
The Xbox 360 Thread Elite Edition
protostar8 replied to Apollo Leader's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Wow, you got really lucky then. I was part of one of the best Big Team clans around. We weren't bad with 4-man stuff either. We ran in to cheaters ALL the time. Like 1 in every 3 matches b/c cheaters got to the top quick. Oh, and modem standy wasn't fixed with the updates when I had stopped playing (a year ago in august I think). Bungie released an update that was supposed to fix a bunch of stuff, but cheaters had it broken within a few days. It got bad enough that one of my clan mates found a program that would allow us to boot players who weren't using normal copies of the game. Thank god that program never got passed around b/c people would have abused the crap out of it. Maybe Bungie fixed things again after I left and their fixes worked, but there was rampant cheating when I was around (I think the worst case of cheating was the autokill enemy seeking bullets that were one shot one kill no matter where you were on the map). One of my friends just said that Toys R Us is supposed to have a buy one get one free sell on all their video games, so does anyone know if this thread has a list of games that are good? I'd really like to go ahead and pick up a few titles even though I won't get a console until after the free games get packaged with them. -
The Xbox 360 Thread Elite Edition
protostar8 replied to Apollo Leader's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
I'm sure they will, but it honestly shocked me that they didn't start out with more maps than that or at least give players maps from Halo 2 with better graphics. And I'm pretty sure people will have to pay for them if they want the new maps when they come out (just like they did with Halo 2 maps). I wonder how bad cheating is on Halo 3 b/c that's one of the reasons I stopped playing Halo 2 was that the cheating got so bad it wasn't fun anymore. -
Wow, toy prices are getting out of control. As cool as it is, I hope they sell ZERO units of this b/c anyone that pays that much for one figure has way too much money and that company has needed a reality check for quite awhile (their prices keep climbing). I honestly don't see how that toy warrants the price when some of their other ones have impressed me more and were less than half the price.
The Xbox 360 Thread Elite Edition
protostar8 replied to Apollo Leader's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
I played the single player Halo 1 and 2 storylines just for the story. The combat wasn't really good. But the online multiplayer for Halo 2 was good enough to keep me interested and playing actively for over a year. The multiplayer is what it's all about. Personally, I was really shocked to hear that there were only 11 maps for Halo 3 (I think it was 11). Seriously, they should have focused all their attention on the multiplayer and made the single player story an afterthought after they finished with multiplayer. I'll get a 360 around Christmas so I get the two games free, but even when I do I'll only play story mode a few times (once by myself and again with some of my friends so they know what happens and can get a feel for the controls before heading online). I can't really say for Halo 3, but Halo 2 had a decent balance in combat for the most part if you were in a decent clan. -
That may be true, but don't forget that the whole last fight occurs in a dimension/space where the Anti-Spirals conrol everything, so I doubt that the galaxies in that fight have living things on them. The way the Anti-Spiral talked, it was like he "made" the space they fought in, and I doubt he'd have made something with Spiral beings existing and the only Anti-spirals shown were on his planet, which was in the enemy robot. All I was really saying is that Simon conquering the universe to expand human kind is kinda evil. Doing so to save someone isn't that evil. One way is for personal gain and the other is helping someone in need of help. I know there aren't absolutes, but the show is all about interpretation, so I'm cool with anyone's theories, so long as the theory makes at least a little sense. I'm not saying people can't question them, but I can usually see where they are coming from...
Considering the fact that we now know that other Spiral beings existed that weren't evil, Simon attacking them and more than likely destroying their worlds would definitely be evil to me. If we never found out that the other worlds were open to peace talks and stuff and were lead to believe they were evil, it'd be a different story. But as it stands, Simon attacking worlds that we know might be good is evil. Also, going out of control to the point where you destroy the universe for your own selfish goals, The Spiral Nemisis effect, is pretty evil too...
I honestly think that would make a crappy series. Now that we've seen the good Simon, it's just not gonna go over well to make him into a bad Simon. Kinda like how the main character of Nadesico was pretty evil in the movie and was more or less a craphead. It just doesn't bode well. The hot bloodedness of the series comes partly from fighting for Justice, but fighting for evil just wouldn't have the same hot blooded feeling, which is pretty much what Gurren Lagann is all about.
The alternate timeline theory makes an incredible amount of sense. Thinking about it, the last two episodes were all about proving that humans wouldn't make the same mistakes as the past spiral beings. Thus, the episode could be the breaking of the predicted timeline (Simon doing the whole Spiral Nemisis thing) and showing that his future and the future of the current Spiral beings isn't set in stone. Although, it's possible that the scene from episode 1 was from a previous set of Spiral beings (who's to say that history doesn't repeat itself to some extent since all the Lagann were exactly the same in the graveyard). As for the "Special Announcement", I'm really hoping that it's some kind of sequel series or a stand alone movie that takes place in it's own timeline.
Wow. The head sits really low now. It was higher in the previous pics which means they probably eliminated the long neck, which ends up making the shoulders/chest sit way too high. I liked it better before the change.
Damn, that's expensive for such a small figure. I don't care if they put a lot into engineering it. There is no way they put more effort into that than the company that did HTS Optimus Prime and that thing has some serious engineering (and cost about $10 less). I will ONLY be getting one of these, which is too bad b/c I really would like to get them all (or at least one of each bike type). I may get two if they release the Shadow Chronicles version with the big cannon b/c that rocked! I wonder which store/seller will be offering these the cheapest???
Crap! I thought this anime wouldn't do the stereotypical kill everyone in the end thing...but it's really looking that way right now and that sucks. But then again, that scene from the first episode, you can here Yoko's voice and see Simon and the mystery guy, so maybe it won't end like that after all??? I can't really identify the other voices.
The only reason I posted that old picture was to show the little cyclones in the corner of it. I really figured people would know it wasn't the new design we were told about (the re-tooled design).
Okay. I'm guessing nobody has announced exact prices for their toys either (especially the Megahouse cyclones)? I know Toynami said the Beta would probably cost about $200, but I'm hoping they halve that cost when/if it ever gets released. The Megahouse ones are my favorites at the moment, so I'm hoping they'll put a $20-$30 price tag on them since they are so small.
LIVE ACTION ROBOTECH (WB gets the rights)
protostar8 replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Honestly, the chances of this being a film that will please fans is almost zero. I don't think any of the major producers in Hollywood care about source material, they just care about their "vision" of things. And if that means making the mechs/suits of armor look nothing like their namesakes, then that's what's happening. We already saw it with Transformers and from the Voltron script, so why this would be any different is beyond me??? I kinda think that they'll use those newer mospeada designs we saw a month or so ago (the ones that could be the designs for a new mospeada re-imagined show or follow-up in Japan). -
I completely agree with you. I miss very little of the action or what's happening on screen (only when a person is talking really fast and the subs are going a mile a minute so I have to focus on them). Now, after watching anime for the past 10ish years, I honestly watch the anime and read at the same time! Hard to believe, but I can read and watch something at the same time without missing anything (not being mean here, but there are a lot of people that can't do this). English voice acting in general is horrible. There are exceptions, but it mostly sucks. There are some shows I like in English (Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex). Reading subs without missing anything is an acquired skill though, so it's something that most people won't be able do overnight. But ultimately, it's just what you like and you should feel comfortable watching anime in whatever sub/dub format makes you happy. You either like subs or don't, no big deal either way so long as dub likers don't start getting preachy about people who watch/download the sub versions b/c the sub versions come out way before dubs and often dub versions don't have original japanese voices w/ subs. Likewise, sub likers shouldn't hate on people who like English dubs, even if the sub liker thinks the dubs are horrible. However, this I'm not saying that people shouldn't be able to say if a dub is horrible (bad acting, poor yells) or if the subtitler did a very bad job (lots of Engrish or messing up names).
Okay, so what are the general release dates for all the cool MOSPEADA stuff coming out from different companies? I know the CM Legioss/TREAD is supposed to be January 2008, but I don't have any clue when the cyclones from various companies or the Toynami Beta is supposed to be out.
Here's a picture of the cyclones that will come with the set. The pic comes from earlier in this thread I think, but here it is again. The figures don't look like they can move, nor do they look transformable, but maybe they will be b/c that company does make some pretty tiny transforming things from time to time...
I don't really think he'll die. That picture on the left only has him with a cut on his head somewhere (which we've seen people with wounds like that before who are totally fine in the end). The picture on the left looks more like a aftershot/teaser shot of some kind b/c the little kids who are on earth are with Yoko, and why they would be dead is anyone's guess (unless Gainax went nuts and decided to kill all the humans off in the show and let the bad guys win and I just don't see that b/c it would piss off so many people). I honestly think that "Heaven Only Knows" picture is just like the ton of One Piece artwork that comes out that has no real relation to the anime, just kind of passing thoughts the artists had that they thought would look cool.
I can kinda see how your Superman example works, but I think mine works too. I think the real fault is that the people in the show don't even give him a chance to stop it, they just come to the conclusion that we should kill the guy that has the best chance at saving the planet (b/c he's done it once already).
I honestly can't warrant paying more than $100-150 for something like this anymore b/c I could buy two games for that price with some money left over if it's around $150 and I just think I'd get more use out of the games. That's why I'd love to see smaller versions of these things. I don't know why companies think they have to make them huge to be cool. I've seen plenty of cool smaller figures (like the stuff Studio HalfEye puts out, although they are UBER expensive so they aren't the best example).
To be honest, this show has been going downhill since the midway point (post Helix King arc). Up until the end of episode 21, I was really losing hope for the show b/c part of what made the show so great was that it wasn't typical. It was VERY fast paced, had lots of action, made Heart over Mind a big issue that was continuously followed through, and the show never got boring to me. However, once Rossiu took over and they did the whole execution thing, it was just ridiculous that the people would turn on the hero of the world! That would be like everyone hating Superman b/c aliens attack looking for him eventhough he'll eventually save the planet (honestly, who didn't know that Simon would come back???). I think the writers made a bad choice to severely slow down the story. I think that they could have easily cut down the crappy slow paced "society" episodes to one or two shows and it would have been much better b/c the heart of the show wasn't there (the GAR just disappeared during that arc). Now the show seems back on track, but the damage was already done b/c even though I get pumped watching some of the newer episodes (I'm looking at you #22), it's not as exciting as it was before and I think it's because of the slow paced middle episodes that seemed out of place and very un-GAR-ish, which is basically the thing that makes the show great, so if it's gone, then the show kinda sucks. At least it's back on track though (and still no signs of the mystery man in the opening episode from what I could see). I still think Kamina's gonna come back in the end and maybe open up a chance for a season two (like fighting in other dimensions or something).
Well Graham, if you really feel like having fun and getting fired up watching a show, then check it out. I'm pretty critical of shows and I thought the designs looked like S--t (note capital S) when I saw still frames of the show. Then I read about the show and it sounded okay (only 5 or so episodes were out). Then I forgot about it and saw a few posts about how great it was and decided to check it out (20ish episodes out). I watched all 20 or so in a 4 day period b/c it was that good that I had to keep watching and by the time I got to the last episode that was out, the fansub groups had just released the next episode. Now I'm hooked and want to see this show ASAP every week. It ROCKS! Even if you watch the first episode and don't like it, watch a few more, at least up until you see the character named Viral to make the judgement call on the show (I was hooked after the first episode). Cathedral Terra will definitely get a robot mode and I'm hoping for toy versions of both modes b/c it rocks (and Arc-Gurren-Lagann too)! If not, I'm hoping a fan will make papercraft versions b/c those ships/bots are awesome. Heck, I may even have to try my hand at it!
So F-ing ridiculously AWESOME!!! The show kinda got stale for a few weeks when it slowed down but now that it's picked back up, it's incredible! And the way the show is going, it doesn't look like the ending will suck either (I'm so tired of the typical anime ending where half the cast dies for no reason kinda like Kamina). This could definitely be the best anime of 2007. And I plan to get those Gurren-Lagann figures too b/c they are sweet! Hopefully we'll get to see a Arc-Gurren Lagann figure and I'm sure that the other big surprise in the episode will turn into some kinda robot and hopefully we'll see it as a figure too!
I'm all for being able to mod a system if you want to b/c I like playing import games (have been doing so since PS1 days w/ Macross Digital Mission VFX being my first import), but I wouldn't mod a Wii right now. Their latest update bricked Wii's that had certain mod chips, some chips do still work though. If you're like me and just want to play imports, then wait until either the Freeloader or the Action Replay come out on the Wii. I still don't know if Nintendo has fixed their latest update that also stopped people from using Gamecube action replays and freeloaders on the Wii console to play gamecube games. I had heard they were gonna fix that "glitch" in their latest update, but I'm not sure if it's happened yet (I had also read that if Nintendo stopped people from using those, it somehow violated a US law about "owning" electronic equipment or something like that, so I'm sure Nintendo wouldn't want to welcome any lawsuits). To be honest, the latest update that stopped Freeloader and Action Replay users was plain stupid anyway since those devices let you either cheat or play imports, which can be fun (cheating) or earn Nintendo more money (importers that play games that never come to the US and there are a ton of those).
I honestly think the guy in episode 1 is gonna end up being Viral who's somehow been made human or makes himself appear more human. It could easily be b/c he's made to fight anti-spiral beings, and he somehow comes in contact w/ the key spiral and that alters him. I also think the show is gonna end with Lagann using the little green "regeneration tank" to make Kamina and the he'll walk up behind everyone on the bridge naked and say something stupid and everyone will turn around and freak out b/c he's alive (and he won't know that he died), then they'll freak out b/c he's naked and he'll say something to Simon about being the leader he always knew he could be or something cool like that. B/c an ending like that would so fit this anime and hopefully forever break the crappy sad endings that most animes have. And I can totally see a Season 2, subname = Piercing the Sprial Universe Gurren Lagann.