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Everything posted by protostar8

  1. Just noticed. Why is the right side hip plate solid black on the CM figures??? Is that how it's supposed to be or do you guys think it's a screw up and will be fixed by release?
  2. But they actually have to compete with 3 other companies, which should force them to lower the price to be competitive. Obviously it hasn't because I noticed that in the add, there are two separate areas that point to each of the figures and have 6300Yen listed, so I'm going to assume that the prices are separate. Usually CM goes after a market that nobody else is doing and can charge whatever they want b/c it's pay their high price or get nothing. In this case, it's pay their high price or pay a lower price and get a bigger, sharper figure (IMO) from MegaHouse. So far, all three companies that have shown figures have issues with proportions. MegaHouse's has neck issues and you need to remove a few parts for transformation, CM's has a GIANT helmet, Toynami's is very blocky/thick looking.
  3. If it is, then they got my money, despite that big 'ole head (see my post on pg 26-ish of the CM Tread thread for an explanation). It just doesn't make sense if it's for separate figures compared to prices and looks and sizes of other cyclones/ride armors.
  4. I didn't mean any harshness towards you. Sorry. I think the Tread/Legioss look okay. Definitely a unique take on the designs. I'd buy them if they were reasonably priced (I know I've said that a lot lately), but I just don't see it happening now that I see the final designs and gimmicks. I guess it's back to trying to make my own out of paper/paper to connect to my Crapnami Alpha. Also, the last pic in the bottom right of the big advertisement makes the head of the cyclone rider look HUGE. Look how much more helmet there is after his face ends. The picture next to that one also makes the helmet look way out of proportion compared to the non-armored body. And those just really don't look worthy of the price tag w/ that "plastic" look. They just look like cheap toys you might get for $30-ish bucks, not double that.
  5. I'm not trying to be mean, but the thread to discuss those is on page 2 of this section of the forums. Here's a link to the thread. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=22156
  6. To be honest, it would be a stretch for me to pay $150 for the Tread/Legioss set. I just can't justify spending that kind of money on single toys anymore (especially with things like video games and local toys like Transformers Animated right around the corner, not to mention Classics 2.0 that will cost a small fraction of what a single japanese toy does).
  7. There were cheaper valkyries that were about this height for Macross fans (I got one shipped for $12 and it had all the extra armor and it was awesome). Lots of Gundam figures in the FIX line are incredible figures with tons of accessories for cheaper than $45. CM is just flat out overpriced, especially with competitive market like the one that's forming. I forgot to add that I know that the company can be pricey sometimes, but it's usually in areas where they have no competition at all so they can demand however much they want.
  8. Like I said in the other thread. They look good but are WAY too expensive for their size. $40 each would have been more than enough.
  9. Then I won't be getting that either. What the hell happened to reasonably priced toys like Transformers in Japan to make the current toys so expensive?
  10. HOLY CRAP!!! 6300Yen for those tiny ass things!!! CM loses my money on that one. It looks cool, but that size and the lack of other accessories (not included with MegaHouse's), etc. doesn't justify the price tag. Maybe though that's the price for a set or something. Makes me think that the Tread/Legioss is going to be WAY overpriced, like more overpriced than Toynami's Beta is going to be.
  11. The things that I don't like about the CM one are: 1.) The small cockpit area. It's just not proportional to the rest of the body. 2.) The exposed shoulder area that makes it look like a piece of the arm is missing in fighter mode. 3.) The way the missiles sit way above the fighter in fighter mode. If they fix those things, I'd like it a lot more. I still plan to get it if it's REASONABLY priced (less than $150) and they fix the Legioss b/c that really did look bad in fighter mode.
  12. I'm curious about those exact two things as well b/c before, the fighter mode looked horrible. One other question, did the shape of the Tread change at all or is it still pretty much the same (their version was pretty rounded and didn't really look like the original design of the "flying brick" like Toynami's). The first picture is CM's one from the last show (a long time ago) in case anyone hasn't seen it. The second picture is Toynami's I think. I personally like the Toynami one's overall flow and traditional style better than the one CM presented. I really hope CM's is a bit better proportioned now.
  13. To be fair, CM's really doesn't look that bad. It's basically a test shot (maybe even pre-test shot since there isn't any ride armor mode shown), so who knows how theirs will end up.
  14. I'm kinda curious to know that too??? I've never bought anything from them that I'm aware of. I'd wager it's pretty good though b/c they make all the palm action figures and those are supposed to be fairly good.
  15. As of now, there is only speculation that Mint/Annie will be included with one of the bikes (no official parts list has been given for any future bikes). There is also speculation that the jeep will be made and she may possibly come with it. All I really know is that people posting way back on various forums commented that the company was going to make them all, then at this show, the company had the line-art up for all 4 bikes.
  16. I'm pretty sure they are. See the picture's background... Edit: I just happened to notice that CM's has holes in the sides of the boots on the outsides, which makes me think that the hip plates connect there just like the show/concept to support the weight. There's are turning out pretty nice as long as the cost is kept down.
  17. Considering the size of the MH ones, I'd say shipping will run about $10 for the cheap shipping method. Also, comparison shots are a good idea.
  18. I actually think that was Megahouse that did that. And to clarify, when said I thought that CM threw that together, I think they had the parts pretty much done, but hadn't taken the time to fix any major issues and just wanted it for display to show people they were making a set. I don't think they just grabbed spare parts and slapped one together, which is what my post sounded like now that I read it again.
  19. Nope, not perfect, but really close. The only things I remember being removed are the shocks and the saddle bags + anything inside the saddle bags.
  20. You're right about the ones they showed before. However, from what I can remember they are doing a complete overhaul, so who knows if we'll end up with something more traditional than what was shown. I always kinda felt like they just threw the alpha together so they would have something to show off at all b/c it wasn't up to their usually high standards of accurateness.
  21. I don't think it looks that bad. In fact, I think that the joints, as big as they are, look pretty decent. At least they look like you can move them without worrying about snapping something off like the Alphas. I'll probably only get the Megahouse one and possibly the CM one if it's really cheap b/c I like small scale stuff.
  22. What video game are they talking about? Are they referring to the Robotech: Invasion game that came out a few years ago or is there another game in the works based on the Shadow Chronicles???
  23. I've been thinking about this for a day or two and can't remember. Do we ever see someone change from armor mode to cyclone mode while in motion? I remember seeing cyclone to armor, but the only armor to cyclone I remember involved scott/stick picking up the transformed armor off the ground (I could be remembering that wrong too). It's just been so long since I watched the series.
  24. Any new information on this or the Toynami one?
  25. Stick and Rey's bikes are basically the same. The only real difference is the right hand blaster/armor and the lack of little missile pods on Rey's forearms. Rey(Rand) should come with Mint and Stick (Scott) should get the saddle bags. Maybe we'll end up seeing that both come with saddle bags and the reviewer just didn't put them on Stick's bike for some reason??? Yellow and Houquet may not need accessories, but it'd be nice.
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