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Everything posted by protostar8

  1. I actually have that video on my hard drive and it's like a transforming 3-wheeler. I honestly think the key will end up being called "Vector Sigma's" key or something related to the old story arc as another homage. All in all, I can totally see people calling this the rebirth of G1 after all is said and done.
  2. In response to your edit: Only because someone decided to start posting in the wrong thread. Animated looks pretty decent. It's only the first three episodes and they did a rush job on the story. Now that the groundwork is layed, we can get a decent plot going. The toys look like they will be awesome. I honestly love how many homages I saw in the first three episodes. Everything from Spike and Daniel in the background to Prime being grey when he's dead. The "Key" is a very pathetic plot element though...
  3. Honestly, no toy is worth $300 in my opinion. I know you get two figures, but that's still paying $150 for an Alpha and $150 for a Beta. Even if Toynami released theirs for $150, thats $150 + $60 for a set of Alpha/Beta and there is no shipping cost. $150 is still ridiculous. $100 is pushing it. Oh well, I'll just continue to hope for some KO makers or some smaller scale more affordable ones.
  4. Not sure about any ARX-7 figures other than the little collection figures (which are okay), but the TSR is great! I watched it subbed as it got released and I was just as addicted to it as the first one. Good luck finding it cheap somewhere.
  5. Honestly, I've waited since I was a kid for a Beta Fighter toy, but I can't spend that much money on toy. For goodness sake, that same money could buy 4 Xbox 360 games and a controller (or my books for next semester). I'm hoping one of those KO makers in Asia gets hold of these to make cheaper KO versions b/c $250 is nuts. There are just too many FLAWS to warrant that kind of price (really low connection, missile pod sits funny in fighter mode, arms of legioss sit together, fairly small scale). Sorry CM, but another pricetag FTL!!!
  6. Thanks for the info. It sucks that the show didn't get finished. Anyone else catch the STARZ anime documentary on last night? It was pretty decent and they acually showed the Mach V from the movie along with the cast towards the end of the program. It was also cool how they went back and showed how the various modern movies took things directly from Animes, like the Matrix's famous lobby scene being a rip off of Ghost in the Shell (I had forgotten about that scene in GitS until STARZ showed it again in that documentary).
  7. I still can't find that 1997 show for purchase or download anywhere. I loved that rendition of the Mach V, I thought it honestly looked like the perfect update b/c it kept the sleek look and added a new-age tech flare to it.
  8. Honestly, I'm not buying them to display them in bike mode either, so MH is the winner in my opinion. Also, the only part of MH that drags the ground in bike mode is the hip guard/plate. I don't really think it looks all that bad, no worse than CM's gigantic head/helmet.
  9. I'd imagine smaller scale is appealing to quite a few people. The problem is the smaller scale but higher price tag than MH. I love tiny figures, but they usually have small price tags. If only CM would market it at half that price, I'm sure they'd sell a lot more b/c the price just isn't justified by scale or competitive pricing.
  10. QFT. A few extras thrown in the box with their name stamped on it doesn't fix a broken design...
  11. YES!!! We NEED Zone of the Enders frames b/c the only ones out there are very expensive resin kits. It'd probably be really cheap to acquire the license now too since the games are pretty old. Edit: Just went back and looked. Kaiyodo is the company that made the fully poseable one way back when ZOE 2 came out so they should already have easy access to the drawings and even a schematic on how to make the figure, they would just need to scale it down and fit it with Revoltech joints.
  12. I know the Orguss figures by MegaHouse are supposed to be very nice.
  13. Anyone know if the other major FMP mechs are getting made by Kaiyodo too since I can't really remember any figures this poseable being released? I love the series and novels by the way!
  14. Let's hope so. I really want a big friggin drill!!!!
  15. Is anyone else disappointed by the Gurren Lagann's lack of the backpack wings and drill accessories (at least I don't see any of that stuff on display). The Revoltech figures usually have tons of accessories and all I see is a boomerang/sunglasses weapon and a changeable head/face. I figured we'd at least get a giant drill.
  16. So what group seems to have the best subs out? I don't want a link or anything, but a name would be nice since Animesuki lists a ton of groups. I kinda hope they change their minds and run the series straight through since it will more than likely take a full year to show the series anyway. That is unless they do what Seed did and make two series.
  17. I want a Motoko Kusanagi too!!!!!!! That would be one of the best figures from the line hands down, especially if they use the GITS: SAC outfit and character. Heck, they'd even get a limited release invisible special edition out of the mold too.
  18. Just something I want to add...I think the anime industry is experiencing the same problems other media industries are experiencing. The industry is seeing pissed off people that are finally fed up with exorbitantly priced media. I can't find myself willing to shell out $10 for a movie ticket when I can watch it on DVD (from Blockbuster) for half that price and have it for a week or two and let my other family members see it. The same applies to anime in a way, I can't see paying for a crappy American version years after the Japanese release. I can't really rent anime from anywhere and I don't think I would b/c by the time the American releases begin, I've seen the entire series in Japan. Merchandise is another story, I'll buy that stuff forever if I like what comes out and if I can get it cheaper in the US (never happens but if it did) I'd be all for it, even if I had to wait an extra month or two. Again, I support the industry, just not through the purchase of cheaply produced, overpriced, poorly dubbed, months old (compared to Japanese release) DVD's. I buy merchandise and that supports their broke behinds too!!! And there is little chance I would be buying that merchandise without having seen the subbed Japanese releases.
  19. Awesome, thanks for the info. Now they need to release the Arbalest I guess...
  20. What's the tan colored one from (the one off the far right with the big cannon at its hip)? It kinda looks like a Full Metal Panic Arbalest, but not really (unless it's the Arbalest ARX-8 b/c I've never seen a picture of that mech).
  21. You know, a very simple solution may exist to this problem. The companies can basically argue that the anime broadcast on a "free" station is "free" b/c you get commercials. What do commercials do??? They show you a product and make you want to buy it. Therefore, if the anime company would work together with subtitle groups, they could design websites full of images of products (which when we are talking about anime we're really talking about figures/shirts/accessories). The sites could also have randomly cycling intro screens for other products likes major businesses in the US who would pay to advertise to anime watchers to draw business (like Blockbuster). Thus, to download the anime, you would be exposed to lots of commercial related images, which would more than likely have the same effect if not a higher effect (when referring to anime specific items) as the potential buyer sees what the company has to offer. Heck, if I could go to a Gundam 00 or Macross F site and see tons of shots of toys and shirts and stuff before I got to the anime itself, I may just see something I want to buy. This could also insure quality subtitles since the subbers would work directly with the anime producer.
  22. I read most of the article, but I haven't read any of the replies, so if my post is the same as someone elses, my bad. I agree that waiting years to see a show in America is ridiculous. On top of that, the dubbing companies usually have crappy voice work IMO. Also, DVD's are way overpriced even when they come out years after a show finishes its run in Japan. I will never stop downloading new fansubbed shows, however I would be open to a subscription to a legit company in Japan if they did as good of a job subbing as fansubbers did (no XCHKS type of companies, I mean ones that actually know English from Engrish). I also would want to download the episodes and not just stream them b/c streaming quality is lacking compared to download quality in general. Companies need to realize that they are putting out crap years after the majority of people who care about it have seen it, so why would people want to buy crappy versions of things they've seen??? Also, the most fundamental problem is the fact that the companies ignore the fact that their sales would be almost zero to US citizens if not for fansubbers...I'm talking about merchandise. Hell, HLJ is a shining example of this. How many people would be buying stuff from companies like HLJ or other anime/manga merchandise heavy places if not for the fansubs? I support the industry BIG TIME, just not by purchasing crappy Amerime versions of stuff I've seen. I buy the toys/models/keychains/etc. and I guarantee that stuff is worth more than the DVD set. In reality, these companies would have probably went belly up if not for support of merchandise buyers (if the article really is true about how badly fansubbing is hurting the industry b/c that implies that Americans constitute a large sum of money being lost), so they should be supporting the idea of a fansub subscription package instead of saying fansubbers are driving them out of business b/c they wouldn't have the American business anyway if not for fansubbing.
  23. Well that sucks. I bet you have to buy both of their Ride Armors to get that too (or pay them extra). It's such a small thing that I'd rather make it then pay the $15-20 it would cost to get someone to help you get the mail away item.
  24. The person who took those pictures of the MH one messed up and extended the legs when the person had no armor on instead of when they had the armor on. I'm still wondering why CM's has a solid black hip armor piece. The pictures below are of MH Rei.
  25. Yeah a translation to give us some kind of idea would be nice.
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