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Everything posted by protostar8

  1. So, is anyone getting the one they are selling at WonderFest? I'd be curious to see if they put it in a special package or something for the event. I'm not buying one, but I am curious if they go the extra nine yards since it'll be hard to get being a festival exclusive.
  2. And to think I read an article this morning talking about how the yen is still at a high exchange rate even after this mess.
  3. Anyone know how much that costs or if there will be a normal release of Gurren Lagann????? Man I want that Core Drill.
  4. That's great! lol!
  5. Don't forget the female pilot of the show that has her Alpha trimmed in pink that was shown at one of the toy shows awhile back.
  6. I own one Alpah from them and it has some QC issues like the front end not sitting flat in jet mode. There are other problems too. Good Toynami Alpha's are the oddball ones and anyone who has 4 that are in great shape is extremely lucky.
  7. Wow, Ryu looks like a roid freak with those gigantic arms (compared to his body at least). I still want to see some more images of Gurren Lagann and the new Arbalest ARX-8.
  8. In case anyone wants to add me, my gamertag is protostar888 on xbox live. I really only get to play some on the weekends thanks to college being a ton of work this semester, but I was one of the best back in the early to middle Halo 2 days and I'm decent at Halo 3 (at least the clan I was part of used to be great when we played together).
  9. I'm using MLCAD and I really didn't see too many ratchet type joints and I saw one ball and socket joint, but I could easily be overlooking them somewhere in that program.
  10. Okay, I SOLVED the parts aligning incorrectly problem!!! If you highlight all the parts you want (or the entire model), you can hit a little button at the top that looks like a grid called "snap to grid", this forces all parts to align to the grid and made my parts all fit together perfectly with no gaps left. I would SAVE before doing this just in case it doesn't work like it did on mine (I'm building a Beta Fighter). What's a good way to make a joint for a lego creation??? (potentially one that would move in three dimensional space like a ball joint instead of just a ratcheting joint)
  11. Those still look cheap. And the fact that both the figures on the left have a front headlight that isn't sitting properly makes it look like a loose part.
  12. Has anyone else had trouble with the pieces not centering/fitting correctly??? Sometimes I can't get blocks to orient together correctly b/c one piece will be slightly shifted one way or the other and it leaves a little gap between blocks almost like the program suddenly glitched and forgot that pieces fit together perfectly.
  13. I could completely imagine him coming with nothing special since he's going to be the character everyone wants anyway (or at least the most popular character). So if I was the company, I'd have to ask myself why I would want to spend extra money to include "extras" if the toy would sell just as well without them and it would force people to buy the other guy to get the "extras".
  14. Wow, they went all the way with accessories for him while Stick got the shaft (no pun intended). I'm still up in the air over which one to get (I learned today that the $60 I'll be saving by only getting one is going towards the Omega Supreme re-issue). I'm really leaning more towards Rei b/c he comes with lots of extras and honestly, Stick's rifle probably won't be hard to make and some armor plates w/ little rock pods aren't a huge deal either (considering they are basically flat panels with two tubes glued on).
  15. Honestly, I hope someone either improves the quality of what they've been releasing as torrents or someone else starts posting higher quality ones b/c I'm not impressed with what's been released so far. To be honest, I think the Youtube versions looked better/more synced up than the other ones.
  16. Was there any kind of display at the recent toy show for the non-female line of figures (robots)???
  17. I just noticed something odd about the pictures. It's been too long for me to remember, but was Rei a lefty??? I ask b/c his target device is on the left chest piece while Stick's is on the Right side. Also, in some of the shots, Rei is holding the gun in his right hand while other times, it's in his left. The same goes for his ride armor. Sometimes the gun is on the left side and other times it's on the right. I'm still up in the air over which one of these two guys I want, Stick or Rei b/c I'd rather spend the $60 (for the other one) on the new TF stuff coming out in June.
  18. As to your spoiler comment, I've known about that character for a while now. TFW2005 had some images of his robot mode too (which is very skinny if I recall correctly). I really like how the show is going for the G1 appeal...meaning the transformers don't look like toys, they look like cool robots. If you watch Bumblebee's Transformation, you'll see lots of anime magic, just like the good old days before the computer generated trilogy that made the bots look like clunky toys.
  19. Wow, those are pretty poor quality productions from LEGO. Too bad b/c LEGO things are cool.
  20. Some of these were in another thread. That guy has lots of cool stuff. I REALLY want to know how to make the Alpha/Beta Combo b/c it's just freakin cool and so tiny too!!!
  21. Actually, that's not really odd. If the item is discontinued, it could take them a few days to get all the orders shipped out. It just means that they won't get more. HLJ from my experiences generally gets enough of the item to fill current orders (on pre-order stuff at least). I've seen this same "problem" occur with several limited edition items and I always got my pre-ordered ones.
  22. Do toys at TRU in Japan normally cost $250+??? I still think these are just way too expensive for the size and flaws.
  23. To be honest, I kinda think the CM's ones look cheap. The plastic just doesn't look like good quality plastic. It has the same appearance that my cheap KO toys have. For the price they are asking for these toys, they should be very high quality plastic, so can anyone confirm that these things are high quality??? I know someone had said something about the booth workers showing off the figures and moving them around, did they appear to have loose joints? The only real selling point for these that I can see (since they are smaller and more expensive and in my opinion less detailed) is that they are sturdy and are able to be "played with". Edit: With all the possible variations they can do with the Ride Armors (like the green one in that photo), these things should really be about $30. I just think they would sell way more at that price tag and then they could milk different paint schemes and "fodder" colors.
  24. Cool new pics, but still totally unaffordable. I really want Toynami's Beta now (and hopefully they'll just steal a bunch of ideas from these to save research and development costs so they can make it cheaper).
  25. Just do what I do...watch the fansubs and buy tons of swag. Swag funds the anime too.
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