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Everything posted by protostar8

  1. So what we really need now is that in depth side by side pictorial review of Arcadia vs Bandai! lol
  2. Thanks for all the responses. Still can't decide which I like best, but for that price, I may have to hop on the Bandai one. But then again, $270 yen is about the same isn't it....ugh...hard choices suck!
  3. Thanks for the info! So if I go Arcadia, make sure it's an Arcadia (and not their old name) one. I was thinking Soul of Chogokin would be amazing quality b/c I hear people talk about how nice the quality is on them. So is the Arcadia version more in line with Macross Plus in terms of shape whereas the new Bandai one is more like the Frontier Movie (which I didn't know existed until I saw the VF-19 today). lol How much have the Arcadia's gone up in price. Ebay is NEVER a good tell of true price, so seeing that guy's for $330 seems to be about what it would have cost originally no???
  4. So I've been out of the Macross loop for a LONG time. The YF-19 is my favorite jet of all time, hands down. But I've never owned a transforming one unless you count the SHE kit that I can't build b/c I lack the tools and polycaps. lol So, can someone give me a rundown on some things? Like is Arcadia doing another YF-19? What will it include with it (fast packs? Fold booster? etc?)? If I recall correctly, the Arcadia's in the past had severe issues with the shoulders crumbling among other things, so did they ever fix this in any of their releases or are all the Arcadia's riddled with problems? Price wise, how do these compare? I wish a company would FINALLY make a 1/100 scale version!
  5. I was curious if anyone knows whether the Star GaoGaiGar kit will include the regular Stealth Gao and the Stealth Gao II or if it will only contain Stealth Gao II? I may just buy the normal kit + upgrade instead, but if the Star GaoGaiGar set comes with both then it's the cheaper option. I haven't seen anywhere mention it yet, but I can't read Japanese either.
  6. So any further news on these? Like a release date or something?
  7. Wow, both Cyborg Ninja and Snake are amazing...
  8. We need a transforming papercraft VF-4 stat! lol
  9. I want that Batman so bad. It's sad to think that we may never get it b/c of licensing issues that have popped up. I also wanted to get the Bleach figures at some point, but if they are going self destruct like a Toynami Alpha, I'll wait to find them clearanced somewhere.
  10. You know what's a better strategy? Dump the license on a company that can actually sell the products they have toy makers create instead of shelfing them only to show other ones that will never see the light of day. Maybe they could give that a try instead of sucking so hard???
  11. Batman Beyond Mr. Freeze was awesome. Honestly, most things in that show were pretty cool. Who wouldn't want a Batsuit that turns invisible???
  12. Bingo. Toynami is the worst toy company on the planet. I think ANY other toy company could capitalize on the name brand, but instead the poor management at Toynami sits around wondering why they suck at their jobs...b/c everyone from the management up doesn't know how the hell to do their job right. I want those 1/100 toys big time, but Toynami will likely never release them.
  13. Hmmm, not sure I really dig how he made Bane look. I'm just gonna hope that there is a secret, cooler looking Bane that is in store and this Bane is nothing more than the wimpy non-venom Bane. Bane is really short either way. Hopefully Nolan hasn't let fame go to his head to the point where he makes bad decisions.
  14. Thanks for the reply. That really sucks though. I'm guessing they will fall into the "never made" category which really blows!
  15. I should have mentioned that I knew about the normal Zeorymer toys. I was just curious about the Great Zeorymer toy that is seen in the first pic I linked and again on the left in the second pic I linked. That's the one I don't know anything about but would love to own.
  16. I found these pics via google images. I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about this item? These pics come from the TokyoHunter blog on this page http://tokyohunter.blogspot.com/2009/05/hobby-complex-07-sci-fi.html. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3262/3140490254_29e884bfbf_b.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3578/3513012582_c41faa60f7_b.jpg
  17. Hey Maiden Japan, any clue if/when Toynami might be shooting to release the 1/100 Elint and Ostrich?
  18. Agreed. It looks like Metalocalypse style animation and that doesn't work for "action shows". It seriously looks like something they barely got any funding for and said "let's just try our best with the $50 we got", so they took the job some little kids in China and paid them $50 US to make the show...lol
  19. I have the Jehuty figure and really like it apart from the legs not quite matching up (thanks to crappy dilling/molding). Other than that small little issue, it looks amazing. The paint aps on mine are among the best I've seen on a Revoltech. I would say instant buy for any ZOE fan, especially considering Anubis is supposed to be on the way.
  20. The animation style reminds me of the new animated Thor movie and I HATE this style of animation for anything that's supposed to be "cool". It can work for low budget shows like Metalocalypse, but not so much for a 30 minute Voltron show...
  21. Maybe it's just me, but the dude in the costume looks a little scrawny (or out of shape) to play Spidey.
  22. I'm guessing the Ostrich and Elint will meet the same fate as the GBP armor....in other words we'll never see more than the display models. Sad too b/c I really loved the Ostrich design.
  23. What is the "separator" tool I see in some of the pics? Is it just a cheap thing or is it something nice that doesn't leave any scarring? In other words, is it better than "snips"?
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