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Everything posted by protostar8

  1. You know, I'd almost bet that MH paid Toynami to display their products to give it a little extra hype after the CM one came out and didn't get good reviews (in general). It wouldn't surprise me at all if Toynami has ZERO intention of selling these domestically and even if they do, the $10 or so I'd save isn't enough to make me cancel my Early Bird HLJ Stick/Scott pre-order.
  2. I tried to send Toynami an e-mail about these, but the e-mail bounced back b/c their mailbox was full. So they are either being hammered with inquiries or they stopped replying to e-mails. I personally have been wanting to get the Max and Miria/Milia but have just been putting it off. Since it looks like they may actually be getting close to releasing these armor sets, I'll have to get them now. I think the Super/Strike and the GBP sets look awesome! I know Toynami can be poor quality, but these just look so good and for such an affordable price too.
  3. You know, I just don't see that being true (about MH delaying their release to change the size of the bike). Reason being is that it would basically mean they have to start from scratch again and would kill any hype for their figure. I may see them pushing it back a month to tweak something if they found a problem, but to rebuild the bike out of "fear" is kinda ridiculous. Oh, and I still think the CM bike looks crappy. The plastic looks like poor quality plastic and the reviews don't exactly make the thing seem like a high quality toy. Honestly, it reminds me of Toynami's Alpha, except people are willing to just ignore the flaws of the CM b/c they are "fixable". But when you pay $60+ for a toy, you shouldn't have to fix anything.
  4. Any new word on the Arbalest that coming out from Full Metal Panic? I'd love to see some colored pics of the thing instead of just a prototype.
  5. Considering Feb. ends in two weeks, it should be out by then.
  6. You know, from the video on their site, it doesn't really look brittle and a prototype (which some people have been saying it's just a prototype) is usually way more brittle than the final product. I think MH may have a few tiny issues, but nothing like what I've been reading about the CM ones. The fact that theirs is bigger and that they didn't try to do "perfect transformation" means a lot of parts that would have had brittle hinges to move now just pop off and back on, which should be more sturdy than brittle/loose hinges.
  7. WARNING, POTENTIAL SPOILERS FOR NEXT SEASON Well, here's a trailer for the next season, starting April 5th... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jibpVCNG83E
  8. I honestly don't expect this to really change anything. And don't worry about this happening to the US. There would be such an outcry from the general public that it would fall apart ASAP. I think the same thing will probably happen in Japan, or it will end up like the whole Napster thing...a few people get in trouble but the large majority go untouched.
  9. To me, the MH one at least looks sturdy. Even in the video, the guy didn't have trouble getting it to stand on its own and the parts/joints didn't look loose at all. I don't care that it's not a perfect transformation (would have been nice, but I like the look of the final product in armor mode most anyway). I'll be keeping him in armor mode mostly anyway and I really don't think the proportions in bike mode are all that bad.
  10. Anyone know how much work is required to get these kits to look like the pictures (see link)??? http://www.hlj.com/product/KBYKP-32 http://www.hlj.com/product/KBYKP-47
  11. I went to the site and saw some stuff in the background of the other pics showing the GL winged version. Anyone know if they plan to release some kind of upgrade set or if they are releasing another version of GL later?
  12. What ever happened to these?
  13. So, does the normal version come with a normal core drill and Wonderfest Gurren Lagann comes with a glowing core drill???
  14. Can't say I'm sorry I turned them down. They look really cheap in those newest pics on that foreign site (like they were made for a low cost with little detail). Edit: Just saw the newer pics posted on the board and I can't believe the tires. They look like they won't stay upward in armor mode.
  15. Any clue how much that costs???
  16. In pic in the last post, anyone want to translate the Gurren Lagann info??? Does all that stuff come with one figure or are there going to be multiple versions??? The Nadesico looking stuff would rock too!
  17. Well, anyone that's not too concerned with being line art accurate may want to buy this version of the flying brick instead. (Just joking around with this)
  18. If Toynami ever releases the add on fast packs for Max, I'll buy them and a Max. Otherwise, I'll just keep my money especially if the ones that come with fast packs are "weathered" b/c I hate that look as much as I hate "battle damage".
  19. Well, at an convention (the same one with the mock-up invid and mint figure), the background has images of CAD drawings (at least I think they are CAD drawings) of all four ride armors, so I'd assume they plan to make them, especially if these sell well. Honestly, they may be done and are just waiting to announce them since so much stuff is coming out all at once that they may just be avoiding any kind of confusion while giving people's wallets time to recover.
  20. Actually, the episode next week is a repeat, then it's a new episode (at least as far as normal airing goes) b/c Total Meltdown was skipped and only available on demand or via people pirating it to Youtube. So it's not really all that long of a wait for a new episode. From other boards, it's supposed to be more new episodes for all of February after that one repeat.
  21. Or it could go down in price b/c so few people bought them at those high prices that they have to clearance them out...
  22. I had the exact same thought!
  23. I don't know, I still think that CM's just looks cheap even if it is a perfect transformation. Maybe I'll pick one up when they are clearanced.
  24. MH FTW!!! Even though it's not perfect transformation, I like it. I kinda wonder if the head really has to be removed like that or if he did it to show how the transformation works. Also, IT STANDS BY ITSELF!!!
  25. Anyone going to Wonderfest and want to pick one up for me? Heh, probably couldn't afford one anyway though after the "exclusive" mark-up that would be charged for it even if it originally was 1900Yen for being a convention exlcusive... But that core drill that comes with it is cool! Edit: This is a pic of the drill that I found on the net that's supposed to come with the wonderfest GL.
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