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Everything posted by protostar8

  1. I thought the last movie from a few years ago was great! Frank Castle was such a bad ass in that movie. Haven't seen the new one and honestly, from the previews, I'll just wait to get it on DVD from Netflix...
  2. For some reason, MH is an exception b/c the armor mode is gorgeous. Also, the thing only has like 5 parts that get removed if I recall correctly, and two of those are the shoulders that fit back on. I don't count the forearm weapons as those have to be removed from any rendition to be anime accurate.
  3. But then again, it's Toynami, like they wouldn't put a picture of a better toy than what they are selling on the box...
  4. No. Tune points most definitely don't carry over.
  5. I do hope that the Beta Fighter paint color matches the Toynami Alpha Fighter. As far as proportions go, I think it's as good as Toynami could do without anime magic. The cockpit not being hidden in robot mode is a total crock of ****. Seriously, it would be simple to engineer a piece to cover it. Like I said before, if I end up getting one (once they go on clearance that is), I'll make my own piece to cover it.
  6. Good luck finding the new Classics before next year. I doubt I'll see them around my town before then.
  7. that's why I spent the $40. I got a thing that makes a normal battery into a pandora's battery and converts it back to a normal battery again.
  8. Google psp modding. Lots of info. Iso's are useless without a modded psp. I know not everyone can afford a psp, but I got mine used for $100 and did the mods myself for another $40 and it's easily been the best $140 I've spent in years....
  9. What's the cheapest place to get it? And any reviews up yet?
  10. yeah, the pic is cool, but the figs are just too pricey. That's $600-ish worth of figs on display, it should be damn impressive!
  11. Any word on what's next after the VF-25?
  12. I really like the show. The movie isn't bad either if you look at like a mini-series instead of a film. The droids are hilarious in the show too.
  13. Wow, seems too good to be true. Too bad it's not the blue one...
  14. Right, December 2009 most likely knowing Toynami... And even then the design will look good, but will be garbage QC and way overpriced. Clearance sale for the win!!!
  15. I said it was a $12-ish dollar mark-up b/c the figure is going to be about $38 at the store. Don't know what your problem with that was...
  16. If you really want to see a classic super robot series, there is always Hades Project: Zeorymer. Basically you have a super robot that dominates all other super robots. Is there a list of robot animes anywhere? Kinda only interested in the one with English Translations, but then again, how many of the old school super robot ones have been translated... Maybe we could even note if torrents exist or not (no links, just whether they are out there).
  17. Dude!!! I remember watching that back in the days of Wonder Video (a local video store that went under). Good times...good times...
  18. $50 isn't too bad, but it's still double the price of a normal one and I bet those are coming stateside in a future wave. They are now made (and are different than the Botcon ones), so how can we even begin to imagine that Hasbro will pass that up? I thinks it's only a matter of time... Though $50 is still a $12-$15 per figure mark-up and that's before shipping charges. Think about the people getting $150 for the set, that's some serious cash for doing almost nothing. Too bad I don't like in Japan or I'd sell these things for some extra cash.
  19. I recently received a bunch of the Star Wars Miniatures figures from a friend to sell them and I have no clue how much they'd be worth. Anyone here have any idea if these things are in general worth any real money? I got around 40 figures and few vehicles with most being jedi/sith and a couple storm troopers? They are pretty cool little figs, but I'm not a huge Star Wars toy fan. Not enough giant robots with pilots spouting cheesy phrases for my taste....though the cartoons have been great for Star Wars...
  20. I think I do... GT: protostar888
  21. Well, since I never played GoW 1, I bought it last night and I'll be playing through it before getting GoW 2 so I know the story and such. I still like playing CoD4 (and I'm pretty good at it too), but I'm still on the fence about CoD: World at War. Any tips for playing GoW 1 (like game breaking glitches to make sure to avoid)?
  22. I used to go to Play and Trade b/c they were like that. Let you test anything out before buying it. But sadly, they closed about 2 years ago...
  23. That's the scary part. How bad was the person that had the game for it to get like that in the 3-5 days they owned it???
  24. In general, this is sadly true... But it applies to all games, not just console or PC games.
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