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Everything posted by flobo

  1. The url is written on the official french dvd box.
  2. Moments after i ordered it, it went to Backorder, hope mine was the last one and not the first Backordered one.
  3. About the 768 resolution, that's the correct guess, that's to ensure compatibility with 1024*768. It's not that much of a problem if the LCD is 1366*768 because its still almost 16/9 and the upscalling from 1280*720 to 1366*768 won't be seen in most case. The real problem is that a lot of 16:9 tv like my philips chose a native resolution of 1280*768 = 15/9 15/9 resolution on 16/9 tv... The HD IPTV receiver send (in this case) a HD image of 1280*720. Since the screen resolution is 1280*768, there are black screen (small ones) on top and button of the screen and to conpensate, the tv zoom in the picture. Result : Loss of something at the right and at the left, and wrong aspect ratio. If the native is 1366*768 (and the tv is well configured to minimise overscan), you lose almost nothing (even nothing with perfect config) and aspect ratio is 1.7786. 16/9 = 1.7777 So i dont think you can see the difference. My conclusion. STAY AWAY FROM THOSE CRAPPY 1280*768 SET. With my philips, i manage to compensate the 15/9 problem by using a computer as a source to play video. I force the aspect ratio of 16/9 material to 15/9, that way, no part of screen lost and no black borders. Sorry for some mistakes i may have made, i'm french and not fluent in english yet.
  4. I have seen 30 episode now. And there is a strange thing in episode 28. Giant Monster in macross ?????? I hate this idea.
  5. I just buy the macross 7 dvd, and i seen the 5 first épisode. I love it. If the entire series is so cool, it will become 2th in my macross top (1/ macross 2/macross 7 3/ macross 2 4/ macross zero 5/ macross plus ) I don't know if i am strange but i dont like macross +. It is very different that the other macross.
  6. We can switch off the french subtitles but there isnt english subtitile.
  7. HG logo is on the box and on all the DVD.
  8. In the bonus dvd, there is : difference before/after remasterisation Opening long version document for 20th aniversery of macross Trailers > (macross 3D vfx, macross +, macross 7) Opening without credits 2 ending without credits Opening super deformed fortress macross Opening and endings for macross 7 and macross dynamite 7. sketchs illustrations adverts Kinematics of macross VFX and macross VFX2 files(interview,timeline,...) And also, 5 minmay musics.
  9. It is stordy but that's not the important point of the box. The great adventage is the price. Its cheap. 60 € = 74 $
  10. Hello, i am new, the french version of the original serie was released in france last week, and in the manuel, it was wright in french that the fans are going on www.macrossworld.com so i am here. It is made from the animeigo version. The quality is very good, i post here to put some picture of the box.
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