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Everything posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. I know when the Macross Zero toys will be released...sometime in the future. B) But on a serious note, with a release this BIG, it will probably be announced first in a Japanese toy/modeling magazine or HLJ. If Graham does have specifics, he probably won't be allowed to reveal them until Japan has had it's chance, that's how it's been handled before in the past. Someone or some company in Japan will have the scoop first, so your best bet would be to moniter Japanese toy sites.
  2. Damn! I never knew you could draw, SuperO! BoB, you've got some competition! Hey Exo, good work. I love seeing how Macross characters would look in ordinary modern clothing. I really like your style too, it's got an urban flavor to it, or maybe that's just the background.
  3. MW used to have a cosplay thread back in the day, but it got locked because the thread got way of out hand. People began posting some really tasteless pictures that weren't even cosplay related.
  4. Eh, what's wrylac still doing here?
  5. When Toycom was planning on releasing the Macross Plus Valkyrie stateside, they were willing to pay both Big West and Harmony Gold in order to appease both parties. However, HG wanted the cessation of Toycom's plans and nothing less. The rest is history. If, what you're saying is true, I wonder why HG would change policies with this manga.
  6. Yes, it is nice. But I prefer the close-up version.
  7. The Swap Magic discs work only in conjunction with a mod chip.
  8. Those are extremely rare. One actually popped up on e-bay about 2 months ago. Before then, the last time I saw one was in 2001. They don't go cheap, expect to pay somewhere in the hundreds.
  9. Hey Shawn, there may be more to the problem than hotmail. I registered with my hotmail account (no filters enabled) and had no problems. Or maybe I just got lucky.
  10. The limited edition CF has a gold sticker on it celebrating TRU's 10th anniversary. It's also a much darker shade of brown, much like the Bandai 1/55 CF. Finally, as others have said, you won't see holes in the limited edition CF's legs since it was never meant to accomodate Fast Packs. On a side note, the regular CF can only mount the leg and arm armor. There are no holes in its backpack for the boosters. The regular CF box has a yellow sitcker on it saying "TV" (a few I've seen don't even have the yellow sticker). Hope this helps.
  11. I couldn't agree more. Investing your money in toys in the 21st century is very unwise, especially with the 1/48's. I've seen lots of Hikaru VF-1A's going for $100 or less, with few to none selling even at the MSRP. I don't see these reissues as Yamato's answer to a large demand; simple economics dictates that large demand + limited availability = increased value. Since the 1/48's have not increased in value (and the Hikaru quickly depreciating), this is merely Yamato's way of maximizing revenue by "milking the cow" even more. They're a shrewd company indeed. B) Personally, I'm loving it. In a 2-3 years, I'll be able to buy a fleet of 1/48's at a fraction of the current cost!!
  12. I just double-checked the Gold Book and they're not supposed to be that stubby. Yamato probably made the tailfins like that so the backpack wouldn't flop over in battroid mode.
  13. Thanks for the heads up. While I didn't know about this particular exploit, I can't say that I'm surprised. Security holes have plagued MW from day one. I suppose it's not a very big priority here.
  14. Sure the GC controller is good for fighting games. Just as long as you have real small hands.
  15. Sweet pics! Thanks for the review Graham...I mean Tamim!
  16. The first Mylene has a great costume, but damn, I don't even think she's hit puberty yet. The second one however...very very nice! Any more pics of her? Anyways, if you're looking for 3D references, there are a couple of Mylene figurines and model kits that you could look at. Good luck with your costume. EDIT: Here's an auction for a Mylene figurine from one of our very own MW members.
  17. The most I've ever spent was $500 for the original Macross Memorial LD Box Set. $425 for the box set plus $75 for shipping from Japan (it weighed about 10 lbs). This was way back in the day before the advent of DVD's and before the 15th Anniversary LD Box Set.
  18. LOL, Sideswipe looks Super Deformed with that chubby belly and those stubby legs. But his vehicle mode looks sexy!
  19. unfortunately it cannot be converted to a normal valk due to the non-removable radar attachment WTF? Man, that is WEAK! Thanks for the lowdown, Toonz. You just saved me $80.
  20. Obviously, the "Security" isn't working.
  21. The Gamecube supports component. You have to order it from Here. Now it doesnt support DD 5.1 just Dolby Pro Logic II. Oh man, so Nintendo finally got off their arses and released component cables. It's a blessing and a curse, because I highly doubt Nintendo uses a lot of shielding on their cables, just enough to get the job done. If only Monster could reverse-engineer the GC's EEPROM protection. As for Pro Logic II, it ain't sh1t.
  22. You make a very good point. I guess I'm still jaded after the previous 3D flops. Effect: You could be on to something, there's precedent where Japanese games have been released along with full English text (ie: Vampire Savior for Saturn). The only problem would be the sheer amount of text and dialogue in your typical Macross game. Here's hoping anyway.
  23. Roy hit the nail on the head, you guys are reading way too much into the series. Remember, this is Kawamori we're dealing with here, not the Wachowski brothers.
  24. I'm not getting the game yet, but between my roomates and I, we've got all three consoles. When I do get the game, it'll be X-Box version. I got a 38' Sony HDTV along with a Denon AVR-3803 reciever, so the X-box version is the only game that can take full advantage of my setup. I have no love for Spawn and would rather have Link, but the GC doesn't support component cables (yet) nor does it support DD. I don't particularly like the X-box's D-pad when it comes to fighting games, but that's what the PS2 adapter is for. B)
  25. I'm not too impressed with the screenshots thus far. They are the best 3D Valkrie models I've seen yet, but trumping previous games' Valkyries isn't much of a feat. Considering it's 2003, the graphics look heavily dated. Here's hoping the gameplay is on point.
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