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Everything posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. Uhh...if it can't even hold a VF-1 properly, I don't see the point. I'll just stick with sithlord's stands, they're simple, elegant, cheaper, and unobtrusive. Plus, you can even get them to hold the Valkyries in Gerwalk and Battroid modes. Now THIS is how the claw should be holding the VF-1.
  2. The Reviews forum isn't, in any way, interfering with an OT forum. Shawn could trim MW down to five forums and there still wouldn't be an OT forum. We used to have an OT forum, but we blew it big time. And back then, MW was a lot smaller. As much as I miss the OT forum, I totally understand what Shawn is doing. In the meantime, check out the VEX forums. It's 99.9% unmoderated, so let the good times roll. B)
  3. Hey Graham, is it too late to suggest to Yamato that some of us would like FP's with the 1/48 reissues?
  4. Please allow me to use this: LOL! thedarkmarine, by posting that pic, you're showing that you're the newbie here. Valkyrie's been on MW since day 1; and he's been following Macross since before most of us even knew what anime is. Anyways, not all of us are on broadband connections, so it can be pretty difficult downloading hundreds of megabytes worth of digisubs. Me, I have broadband, but I still want the DVD's. After all, I can't watch digisubs on my home theatre system.
  5. Woohoo, I'm glad Yamato is giving fans the options of buying the J with and without FP's. Both sides win this time, as Yamato gets to sell double the VF-1J's and fans have the choice of picking up one of the other. So why isn't the Hikaru VF-1S coming with FP's? I guess Yamato doesn't have much confidence in a lone VF-1J, so they're gonna bundle it to ensure that it sells. The 1S, they figure, is popular enough to sell on it's own. As for the Strike Cannon, I don't think the VF-1J will come with it. After all, the 1/60 Hikaru VF-1J only came with super armor.
  6. Nope, I gave mine away. I gotta admit though, it was a pretty cool toy. If you wanna try modding yours, I say go right on ahead. Since Toynami will be releasing box sets of the alpha morphers this winter, the prices for the single morphers will probably drop. So now's the best time to experiment. Apollo Leader: Ahh, ok, I see where you're coming from. Good point, but it's also possible that the people who have broken the fingers are more inclined to sell their HCM's. And, perhaps, those with intact HCM's are less willing to part with theirs?
  7. Yup, that's right. IIRC, Roy told Toonz that the thread could stay up for two weeks. I guess another mod was out of the loop, or simply didn't care, and axed it regardless. <_< The lesson of the day? If you want a special request, make sure to PM *all* the mods. Or, just post a public message to this forum. That way, all the mods should know what's going on.
  8. I've owned 4 HCMs in the past 15 years and presently still own 3. None of the fingers on mine have ever broken. In fact, no parts have broken at all. Despite many people claiming that the HCM is fragile (when most of them don't actually own one), I've personally found it to be a very sturdy toy. About the only part you need to take care with are the VF-1S's head lasers which are quite thin and stiff to rotate. And yes, I do prefer the HCM to both the MPC and the Taka/Bandai 1/55. Graham Graham's absolutely right. The rumors about the HCM being fragile began at Valkyrie Hangar (or Factory, I forgot). I've never spoken with an HCM owner who's said that it's fragile. I agree that the fingers look fragile, but this is good old 80's ABS plastic, not the cheap sh1t you get nowadays. The head lasers are definitely the weakest point, you just need to be careful with them. Anyways, the HCM's have been around for nearly 20 years and have withstood the test of time. Let's see how well the MPC ages.
  9. I live in Maryland and it takes me an average of 3 weeks. Like other people said, the wait can vary depending on the planes load. SAL is alright, but stay away from it during the christmas season. I've heard that EMS through HLJ isn't that great either since you'll have to wait for HLJ to process and ship out your order, which can sometimes take longer than the actual EMS delivery time.
  10. Besides Macross, I'm an avid home theatre enthusiast. My current setup cost about 5 grand, it'll have to do until I get more money. Edit: Hey Pat, could you explain how our alphabet is descended from Egyptian? I too love learning about history, the History and Discovery channels are two of my favorites.
  11. Most definitely Roy's VF-1S. His Valkyrie played a pivotal role throughout the entire SDF Macross and the first half of DYRL. Hikaru's VF-1S (not including his VF-1A), however, was shown for only 15 minutes during the finale of DYRL. Given that, Roy's would get my money. Besides, IMO, Roy's was a more worthy leader of Skull Squadron.
  12. You know, it actually helps to read a post before replying to it: I suppose proofreading couldn't hurt either. I'm sorry, but that statement just doesn't make sense to me. Ames doesn't get games before the street date, but they *do* get games and music before the street date? I'm not trying to come off as the grammar police, but your misuse of punctuation and sentence order is very confusing. Anyways, back to the topic. The English version of VFX2 was complete and was scheduled for release on Sept. 9th 1999. That date got pushed back to Sept. 18th, then to October 18th, November 18th, and so forth. By December, everyone had already assumed the worst. Finally, in April of 2000, Bandai officially cancelled the game. Bandai cited prior commitments to other games such as Digimon World and Countdown Vampires. However, rumors indicated that problems were legal in nature and that "far too many companies want a piece of the profit from this game, and no reasonable agreement could be reached between them." Sources: AFM archives; IGN article 1 ; IGN article 2 My own comments on the matter: I don't believe Bandai's official statement is 100% true. Digimon World et al may have been extra work for Bandai, but VFX2 was already done, it's not like they had to spend any time coding it from scratch. Plus, Bandai is a corporate giant, but their official statement makes it sound like they are of limited resources. I think the legal mess was their biggest problem. Now, would Bandai go ahead and send the game into mass production before resolving the legal issue? Or, did the legal problems present themselves after the game went into mass production? As for any chance of a future release, Bandai would first have work out that long-standing legal mess.
  13. Better make that "three MW members", cause DAMN, that's the exact part I need too! You guys have no idea how long I've been waiting for something like this. Gentlemen, may the deepest pockets win.
  14. IIRC, the English version was cancelled about 1-2 months before its release date. So the game was probably done and was just about to hit the factory for mass production. If, like you said, the game was cancelled only a week before it's release, then EB, Gamestop, Funcoland, TRU, Walmart, etc. would all have already had copies of the game in the their back rooms ready for release (they can sometimes recieve a game up to two weeks before the street date). What strikes me as odd is that not one employee bothered to rip and release the game to the Internet. Basically, 1 week before street date, a warez group would have already had a copy of the game (whether it be from the stores or corporate) and wouldn't have hesitated to release it. Releasing games early is a badge of honor for these guys. With that in mind, Bandai of America probably had the completed game at their offices, but it never got past that point. Egan Loo was probably given an advance copy to review (or simply as a courtesy gift from BW). Even if the game had been pressed and recalled, Bandai would have eventually destroyed the discs. Storage space equals money, plus they wouldn't want to risk some unscrupluous employee(s) selling the games for a profit. Anyways, this is just my experience from working at a music/dvd store, so I'm assuming the same practices apply to the video game industry. SuperO would most likely know better.
  15. This is how Unicron should've been! If he were available in this color scheme, I would've picked one up in a heartbeat. Great work, Deadzone! Hasbro has a lot to learn from their fans. Oh yeah, can we see some robot pics? Also, did you paint over those lame-o clear parts?
  16. IIRC, there is a completed English version of VFX2 out there. But the only person who has it is Egan Loo.
  17. I've thought about that too. With my sales, I just add another post stating that the sale is over (ie: my VF-1S in the For Sale section). I never include my paypal address or anything that could enable someone to send payment without the "ok" from me first.
  18. While I do use the edit button to fix my own grammatical mistakes, I honestly wouldn't care if that feature were disabled. It's not like MW is going to come to a grinding halt without it.
  19. For only 126 pounds, this can be had: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...egory=4619&rd=1 Funny, but the previous bid was removed. Perhaps E-bay had problems believing 10 million pounds.
  20. Yes, they've been out for a while. I got mine last year and it plays all backups for PS1/PS2, and legit imports for the PSX/PS2. It was just a plug mod, no soldering required. All that had to be done was rearrange some wires on the PS2. I forgot it's name, and unfortunately the site I bought it from went under earlier this summer. <_
  21. I got one of Rohby's backups and they're a work of art. However, I still plan on buying Joke Machine's in the future. I got Rohby's purely for customization and display. But I'm still going to want to play with a JM, that's where the real deal comes in. Rohby's backups are made of resin, and as with all resin models, they are *not* for play. Constantly moving resin joints slowly grinds them down, so you want to move it as little as possible. When you buy a legitimate plastic toy, this isn't as much an issue. So, I don't see Rohby's backup eating away the real Joke Machines value; they're not intended for the same market.
  22. While the 1/48 is an engineering marvel, the 1/60 still has four advantages over it. Better proportions in all three modes, the 1/48 made the battroid arms skinny and gangly in order to accentuate fighter mode. Also, the 1/60 has better posability when it comes to the legs. The 1/48 cannot compete with the 1/60's "A stance." Third, the backpack mechanism on the 1/60 isn't as problematic as the 1/48's. Finally, the 1/60 doesn't suffer from the shrunken hands syndrome that the 1/48 does (note: the 1/48 Hikaru VF-1J seems to remedy this issue, but we won't know for sure until it hits the shelves). On everything else, the 1/48 is superior IMO.
  23. The old HG story is a popular rumor, easily propogated since many of us here have no love for them. But the truth is, HG told Moscato that he wouldn't be allowed to sell them publically. That didn't matter since that was never really Moscato's intent, he was just taking personal orders over the Internet. The project was shelved because not enough fans were willing to invest in the kit. The price was about $500 per kit, if you're curious.
  24. Hmm, I wouldn't count buying something at the MSRP (like the Bandai reissues) as overpaying. If that's the case, then we all have overpaid on our cars. The most I've overpaid on something was the 1/100 YF-19 Battroid recast I bought for $50. I got it back in the day when any model of the YF-19 was scarce, so price wasn't really an issue. I ended up selling it on MW last year for $15. Better to get some of that money back rather than let it take up space on my shelf.
  25. The fighter and gerwalk pictures look amazing! But the battroid mode leaves a lot to be desired. Maybe it's just the angle, but the arms look too short, the chestplate a little too big, and ugh...what's wrong with that crotch piece? Since Yamato doesn't give two craps about battroid mode anyways, I think this is pretty close to what the new YF-19 will look like.
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