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Everything posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. Damn! That is a remarkable paint job! Most of the customs here have that coated glossy look, but with yours it looks like the plastic was actually dyed in the factory. Can you give us some details, it looked like it just rolled off the factory floor. Amazing!
  2. Good stuff, man! I'm definitely going to look into this, thanks! Btw, the Hasegawa AMM-1 missles look a tad small on the 1/55, but have you considered mounting the Hasegawa UUM-7 missle pods instead? Apparently, Hasegawa oversized them, so they might look perfect on a 1/55.
  3. Cool, but how well the do magnetized missles handle play? If I start flying my Valkyrie around, will the force throw off the missle alignment?
  4. I remember reading that the Valkyrie's transformation was cut from the special OP, so that the audience wouldn't know what to expect. But I don't ever recall hearing anything about the SDF-1. The SDF-1 doesn't even appear in storm attacker mode in the regular OP. I could've sworn I didn't see the Valkyrie transform in the special OP, but the last time I watched my Perfect Collection tapes was probably 1996. I don't even have a VHS hooked up in my entertainment center anymore. Cool, welcome to MacrossWorld! I thought I recognized your avatar, but your username is slightly different. MW and mmcafe are pretty much the only two forums I visit, it's awesome to see people start crossing over. I grew up playing SNK games, so I immediatly fell in love with mmcafe. Fighting games enthusiasts, without the stupidity of SRK.com. We have a couple of hard core gamers here on MW too. Oh yeah, loved your old Metal Slug/Solid Snake avatar. You're can never be too old for video games, just too old for bad video games.
  5. Darykov's right, the Matchbox Zentraedi mecha are about 1/60 scale, give or take 1 to 2 units. The only problem is that their cockpits are slightly malproportioned, as they were meant to accomodate real action figures.
  6. Good grief! A Max and Millia giftset with FP's? That box would be as big as the 1/60 Monster box!
  7. Hehe, I have. It's from the box of the 1/72 VF-4 resin kit.
  8. The Bandai plated VF-19 and VF-17 had moderate production runs, I remember seeing them pretty often back in 1998. But these days, those that have them don't wish to part with them, that's why you don't see them around E-bay and Yahoo Japan are your two best bets for finding these guys. Oh yeah, don't worry, you've posted in the right forum.
  9. Oh yeah, that's right, it was garoquel who did the cover art for the DVD's. I also remember seeing his original designs, they were indeed very nice! But, since they mostly consisted of 15th Anniversary Mikimoto artwork, HG didn't have the license to those so he wasn't able to use them. At that point, he was limited to what HG had given Animeigo, and that wasn't even a whole lot since the Robotech DVD's had already had first picks. Honestly, I don't like the R1 DVD designs, but given the situation, garoquel did the best he possibly could. Hey Vinny, could you post a picture of the VF-1 transforming? I remember seeing the special OP, but can't recall seeing the VF-1 transform. Btw, are you from the mmcafe?
  10. sbarrett4, I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to post your pics here since geocities is stingy with bandwidth. That said, you've got guts using rare elint armor and a VF-1D head on a decepticon custom. Bravo!
  11. I don't believe Shawn ever gave an explanation. But from the way he made it sound, he just doesn't want other people's money involved with MW. Either that, or his pride won't allow him to accept donations.
  12. Forgive me for not being being on the Robotech cutting edge, but who the heck is Jack Archer?
  13. Max and Millia 1/48's are on the way. Do you think Yamato would spend money on a 1J head for Hikaru only?
  14. I also try not to be too hard on Robotech, but HG should stop giving the artists Super Posables as reference models. The proportions are horribly off. Or, it could be a marketing ploy to encourage sale of SP's. Perhaps they're hoping to brainwash newbies into thinking that this is how Veritechs should look and that the 1/48's are an abomination.
  15. Omni, you should consider finalizing this piece. It's got so much potential, and how often do we see good pics of all the Macross sirens?
  16. As long as the 1/48 line keeps selling, we'll eventually see an 1/48 Ostrich. Fortunately for us, Yamato isn't above whoring out their Valkyries.
  17. Bottom line is, video wise, AnimEigo could only use what HG handed them, and unfortunately those weren't included. Which is odd, since both the first epsiode opening at the fanracer ending are on the Robotech Perfect Collection Vol. 1... Very true, Harmony Gold did have access to the original OP and fanracer ED. The Perfect Collection was released in 1993 or 1994, so it's possible that HG might have lost it since then. Or, HG simply did not bother to send the footage to Animeigo. Apparently, Harmony Gold was frugal with the materials they gave to Animeigo, which is why we got stuck with those lame DVD cases.
  18. The first "Valkyrie" I ever came into contact with was my brother's Jetfire. The first Valkyrie, that I could truly call my own, was a 1/100 VF-1J variable bootleg that was given to me in 1986. It was a pretty sweet toy, my mom had gotten it for me in one of those giftshops in Miami's aiport.
  19. I'm sure Shawn will re-activate custom titles eventually, he's just got a lot more important things to do for now. Sure, the mods probably thought that earning it might've been a cute idea, but we've all just shown how needlessly complicated that could become.
  20. Sadly, I have yet to see Orguss 02. However, I do remember hearing something about the opening and ending tracks. They are very rare and I heard that they were released only as a single, or that they were only released on that particular artists cd? I'm not exactly sure, as it has been almost ten years.
  21. I have to agree with Shin. If you're on a limited budget, definitely use the 'wait and see' approach. You don't have to worry about missing out on the boat; in the long run, very few of Yamato's products actually appreciate in value.
  22. Actually, many of us love the 1/55's. MW's first year and half online, all we ever talked about were 1/55's. But for right now, Yamato Valkyries are the current "it" Valkyrie.
  23. Amazing work, Nanashi! This should be required reading for all Macross fans. Hmm, no VF-0.
  24. Part 3. Note that you can see the word "TV" appears several times in the above pic, could mean nothing or everything.
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