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Everything posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. After seeing all the gaudy tampo on the YF-19, I'm keeping my VF-19 Advance. I rarely display my VF's with their canopies open, so the only things that appeal to me are the YF-19's accessories.
  2. Back in 1984, Big West did license out at least one Macross branded piece of merchandise in the USA, but they appeared to have stopped after DYRL was released (most likely because DYRL was originally supposed to be the franchise's swan song). Since they stopped licensing out any more Macross products, nor contested Harmony Gold's subsequent usage of the Macross mark, they've lost all claims to the trademark. If Harmony Gold and Tatsunoko Production fail to renew their contract, then Harmony Gold will be required to assign the Macross trademark to Tatsunoko, as per the arbitrator's order. Even though Big West was the first party to release a Macross product in the USA, trademark common law gives priority to "continued use" over "first to market". When a trademark is assigned to another party, it doesn't lose any of the strength (ie: continued use) that it's accumulated over the years. In other words, the assignment process won't leave an opening for Big West to try to claim the trademark. This isn't related to RavenHawk's question, but damn, there's finally a Youtuber who actually gets it! Thanks for posting this video!
  3. Don't have time to read the full order, but it's great news for Harebrained
  4. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear I was looking at a bootleg.
  5. Excellent point! But there are certain defenses to copyright infringement. That commercial has a lawful purpose: to market a legitimate product. Second, Jetfire only appears for mere seconds, so it would probably be considered de minimus (ie: trivial) infringement. A de minimus appearance with a lawful purpose wouldn't be a cause for concern. If it was an indisputable infringement, don't you think that commercial would've been, ya know, banned?
  6. Or Hasbro just had a dutiful legal office (what a concept!) that sent out a staff reminder saying "We heard you all want to give the Autobots an aerial transportation vehicle. Just a reminder that we only paid for Jetfire's toy rights, not its film rights, so don't include it in any way, name, or form in the cartoon." In the absence of reliable evidence, I tend to find that the more mundane explanation is usually the correct one. Because otherwise...
  7. There's no mention of any actual adversarial legal action from the 1980's in that article. Just a vague reference that the controversy's origins date back to the 80's. If that's what Toy Galaxy is basing their information on, then they're doing sloppy research. There isn't, because Harmony Gold never did take any legal action against Hasbro in the 1980's. Hasbro's contract with Bandai and Tatsunoko Production predates Harmony Gold's own contract with Tatsunoko (source: Robotech Art 1). Likewise, the 1/55's design patent was filed on April 13, 1984 (source: U.S. Patent No. 287,037), which also predates Harmony Gold's contract with Tatsunoko (signed on Sept. 11, 1984). Since they predate Harmony Gold's contract, there's nothing Harmony Gold could've done to Hasbro and Bandai back then.
  8. Can you provide a source?
  9. Just got a chance to watch those videos. In the 2nd video, Toy Galaxy claims that Harmony Gold's very first Macross/Robotech legal action was taken against Hasbro for selling the 1/55 Jetfire. They also imply that Harmony Gold brought about the demise of the 1/55 Jetfire. Did I miss something, or is Toy Galaxy pulling random crap out of their asses? And they weren't talking about the SDCC Jetfire lawsuit either, since they kept mentioning the 1/55 mold.
  10. "Pending renewal" is the key phrase. I wouldn't count out Harmony Gold just yet. As azrael mentioned, if Apple and Samsung can continue doing business together, so can Harmony Gold and Tatsunoko.
  11. To make their creators money?
  12. TheLoneWolf

    Hi-Metal R

    I doubt it. Since I consider it one of the VT-1's signature features, it'll be an easy pass for me if it's not there. My wallet won't be complaining either.
  13. TheLoneWolf

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm not going to pre-order a VT-1 until there's confirmation that he head can be folded away in non-FP fighter mode. I didn't pre-order the VE-1 and had no problem getting it at a decent price, so I'm not worried about the VT-1.
  14. I think the mods want to limit Harmony Gold/Robotech threads to actual (or potential) products. This place became more peaceful after the "HG and Robotech Debates" threads were closed.
  15. Unfortunately the 2002 Hikaru VF-1A was molded in a bright, fluorescent white plastic that no other 1/55 has ever used. The closest match you'll find is the eggshell white that was used with the 2002 Super VF-1S and Jetfire. There's still going to be a noticable difference, but it won't be too drastic.
  16. My experience with Loopaza was completely different; my order was out their door in less than 48 hours. My guess is that their outgoing packages are picked up once a week and I managed to hit the sweet spot through dumb luck.
  17. Just got my VF-31A from Loopaza. They must have really good connections to Bandai's distributor, because I placed my order less than a week ago. I figured that late stragglers like myself would've been at the mercy of eBay scalpers. After seeing those YJA auctions, I made out like a bandit at under $300 shipped
  18. TheLoneWolf

    Hi-Metal R

    I hope Bandai makes some adjustments so that the head can be completely stowed away in fighter mode. I know it sounds strange, but that was probably my favorite feature on the VT-1, since it made for a sleeker fighter mode.
  19. Thanks for the link! Managed to get my order in before they raised the price. But even then, I can see the VF-31A's eventual markup quickly exceeding the current one.
  20. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who thought that Fantastic Beasts was better than any of the Harry Potter movies. I've got high hopes for the sequel, but I'm really not looking forward to seeing Johnny Depp as Gellert Grindelwald. He's a decent actor, but I'm burned out from seeing him in yet another movie. If the movie needed publicity or funding, I could understand why they'd go with him. But the last thing a movie in the HP universe needs is help with publicity. And with J.K. Rowling herself writing the story, I highly doubt they had a hard time securing the funding. With a sea of exceptional British actors out there, I find it hard to believe that Depp was the best that they could find, especially at the price tag he probably comes with.
  21. The 1/72 looks promising, though my only two gripes are the glossy plastic and the overdone panel lines. I can forgive the glossy plastic because glossy plastic is cheaper than a matte finish, which saves the customer money. But the panel lines don't save anyone money and may even bump up the price tag a little. If they were expertly done, then it'd be a different story.
  22. That's hilarious, thanks for posting that! I'm pretty sure that "YF-19" is fan made, and not from any official Macross animation, because its canards are facing the wrong way.
  23. Oh I'm completely aware of the pricing factors that come into play with niche toys (looks at pile of Yamato VF's). But as someone who doesn't collect action figures, the pricing doesn't tempt me into starting another collection either. Still, I wish KC all the best!
  24. Ouch! As nice as KC's Minmei and Rick figures are, they're not worth $50 to me.
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