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Everything posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. WOW! The white SV-51 looks fantastic! The color really helps bring out the finer details, I have a newfound respect for this mecha now.
  2. You have to be young and angst-ridden.
  3. Now that we've pointed out the arm armor several times, I think Toynami will change it. Remember a few years ago when VF1X introduced us to his custom Super Posables with Fast Packs? I don't think it was a coincidence that 5 days later Toynami announced that they would be releasing SP's with Fast Packs.
  4. I lurked since winter 2000, but I finally gave in and created an account in March 2001. edit: what's this alt.fan.macross all you young whippersnappers are talkin' about?! Why, in my day (1995), all we had was alt.tv.robotech.
  5. On the other hand, their 1/65 Fire valks are $29.99.
  6. I believe they used the MGS2 engine on this one. Konami should have used the original voice track, it was perfect! The new voice acting seems lifeless compared to the original.
  7. And how many people are clamoring for HG to produce Robotech: The Odyssey or a direct sequel to the Invid Invasion? From what I've gathered on the RT.com boards, the desire to see The Sentinels stems from a fervor to see what happens to Rick, Lisa, and the rest of the Macross crew. Moreover, there is the blind assumption that the Sentinels will carry the same magic that the Macross saga did. Macross saga fans seem to be the driving force behind a Sentinels remake.
  8. Since this file was made in 1997, could any tell me the original media used? Was it from the VHS or laserdisc? Also, what bitrate is it at?
  9. With all the registered folks at RT.com, why haven't the MPC's sold out? The Rick MPC was the only one to do that, which I'd attribute to initial hype and curiosity (quality-wise, it is the worst of the bunch). Also, there are less New Generation/Mospeada fans than Macross fans. If the Macross saga MPC's failed to sell out, how will the New Generation MPC's sell with an even smaller fanbase? I believe Toynami will sell out of their NG MPC's, only because the mindless corporates at Robozone, BBTS, Gamestop, Babbages, will buy these by the truckload. But that doesn't necessarily mean that Robozone et al will sell out themselves. In the end, Toynami will walk to the bank laughing, while Gamestop et al will wind up selling their MPC's at a loss (FYI: all Macross MPC's are $29.99 at Gamestop now). "Success" is a subjective notion.
  10. The English version of "Voices" was never released on any CD, Japan nor USA. IMO, it sounds nice, but when you listen closely the lyrics make no sense.
  11. Does it pop off or simply just fall off? I'm not splitting hairs here, if the piece seems like it's popping off, then the pegs are too large. Your best bet would be to carefully sand them until they're snug, just don't overdo it. Now, if the pegs just fall off, then they're too thin. In that case, the clear nail polish will do just fine. Shin: Yes, the leaking rubber is a common problem. When I did own 1/48's, they all had the same problem. The more you play with it, the more the problem is exacerbated. The problem isn't with you, it's a design flaw.
  12. DA, I'll rescan those images for you and Blaine23 tomorrow. Unfortunately, I don't have either of those. But if it's any help, the Flashback 2012 picture was released on a Macross art CD-ROM back in 1999 or 2000. Perhaps Shawn or someone more familiar with Japanese merchandise can say which one specifically. It's entirely possible that it got reprinted in a post-1999 artbook as well.
  13. Well, I just finished digging through my art collection, and here's what I've dug up so far... Obviously, these are "mock ups" as I don't want to kill my webspace will 300dpi tifs The first two pics were taken from mini-posters, so I couldn't fit the entire things on my flatbed. DA, can you combine multiple images into one? If so, then I'll just scan it in portions and let you re-assemble them. Anyways, I'll keep looking for more pictures. Can you let us know what images you've got and what you still need?
  14. Finally, a refreshing idea for a poll. But it should've been 'Poll Only.'
  15. Try saying that 10 times fast! Opus is indeed wise. Vote for Opus & Bill 2004!
  16. Hey Graham, I'm glad that you've indexed the pages by scale, but could you also index by custom also? When I click on the 1/48 page, it takes F O R E V E R to load, and I'm on broadband too. For example, how about 1 or 2 sample pics of the Minmay Guard valk that lead to a page with all 27 thumbnails.
  17. Must be why it's called Star Wars then!
  18. I've always been baffled as to the popularity of Vader designs (ie: the 1990 remasters). As cool as Darth Vader is, the series isn't about him. There's a grander story to be told in Star Wars, which I feel the cover art should reflect.
  19. Thought it was an excellent movie. I love films where you can't predict the entire movie after the first 10 minutes. Btw NERV, why the sudden interest in it? DD's been out for a while now.
  20. I vote YES for a Nousjadeul-Ger TV mecha. edit: just read the feedback forum
  21. Someone give that man a cigar!
  22. Examples? When the Hikaru 1/60 VF-1A came out, a lot of us here bitched that it was too white. Ever since then, every Valkyrie they've released has been a dull gray version of white. There was also the case of the dragging 1/60 gunpod, which Yamato remedied with a collapsing handle. Of course, it's possible that Japanese fans were bitching about the same things, and Yamato's responded to their cries instead of ours.
  23. Nope, it was never released on any album. Although, Valkyrie did make an mp3 rip of it off the laserdisc version a while back.
  24. 2 years ago, I absolutely loathed the X-Box. But now, I'm really starting to warm up to it, all because they're willing to work with SNKP. Boo Sony, why do you guys have to be 2D haters! Hey MMX, when KOF 2k4 is released on Live!, I'll keep an eye out for ya!
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