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Everything posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. Probably the latter, as domain names are first come, first serve. That's why squatters make so much money. Acutally, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act outlawed cybersquatting. The only cybersquatting that continues are those who go unnoticed or uncared for by their respective copyright owners.
  2. Definitely have got to order mine now! As for the M+ box, it's too bad it's not a Macross Plus & Macross 7 box.
  3. Maybe I'm late to the party, but it's nice to see the Alpha with a clear canopy. I'll admit, it does look rather nice, but not enough to warrent $80. Especially when GameStop will be selling them for half that price in a few months.
  4. Cool news, but it's meaningless. We've all known that Yamato has owned Toycom for years now. I'm willing to bet the name change has to do with easier customer identification. Don't go thinking Yamato did this just for Macross, they have several other toy lines too.
  5. I dunno, have you read the RT.com forums? These are the same fans who are talking about other anime series that HG could hack into Robotech.
  6. It looks like you may be right. At least I hope so, as that should take care of the arm problem. While I have no evidence to back up my belief, I'd say the 1/60 Monster is dead. This time last year, Yamato was very candid about the Monster. This year, nothing. Unless it's been cancelled or indefinitely delayed, you don't hype a product one year and play mum the next. Pity, I was looking forward to owning the world's coolest footrest.
  7. The arms do look short in gerwalk mode. According to the linart, the arms extend well past the feet, whereas in that picture they appear to be at about the same level. However, it wouldn't surprise me if that funky angle is screwing with my perspective. Yamato, we need more pics! edit: Added pic. Upon closer inspection, there are a few other inconsistencies, but nothing worth mentioning.
  8. ADV and Harmony Gold are going to milk this thing harder than a farm hand. I predict we'll see two or more releases of DYRL. 1) Robotech: DYRL/ Macross: DYRL - Dubbed by most of the original Robotech crew DD 5.1, and a seperate audio track for Japanese Dolby Surround with English subs. The kicker: mature scenes edited out to make it Robotech-friendly! 2) Robotech: DYRL / Macross: DYRL "eXtreme eDition" (or something insipid) - Same release, but now uncut! 3) Robotech: DYRL / Macross: DYRL " sUper dUper eXtreme eDition" - Audio now in DTS ES, for the audiophile. Plus, remastered video, but at a lower bitrate (hey, those DTS audio tracks take up a lot of space!). As an extra bonus, it'll come packaged with a lame morpher!
  9. By far, the best American illustration of Dana yet. But, like JsArclight said, what the hell is going on with that gun? Is it canon?
  10. ***looks at the pictures on the first page*** Nice Mao and Sara figures!
  11. And they wonder why we download SVCD's and DVD's. I thought the movies were great, so I'm definitely going to buy the final set. As for the rest, well lets just say that I'm just grateful for broadband. As for Miramax, well they're a business, and they're making a good business decision here. After all, all the Joe-schmoe's of the country are guaranteed to gobble all these releases. Even if they are gloating, at least Miramax is letting everyone in on their plans.
  12. what kind of video card do you have? mine can output to tv. If yours can you can watch it on tv with ease. Do any video cards support component or DVI output? I refuse to use anything less with my hdtv White Comet, I believe the R2 DYRL is a dual layer disc. If it is, then you'd need a dual layer burner and media to properly burn it. Otherwise, you'd have to downsample it to fit on a regular DVDR. After going through the laborious task of subtitling it, would you really settle for anything less than perfection?
  13. Macross M3 is awful. Poor control, unrealistic physics (even for a game), and boring missions make this one a lame duck. The only good thing about the game is the sweet intro, but you can download that one. I'd recommend you pass on this one. If you want a good mech game for the DC, get Virtual On.
  14. Cool find, 1BRD! To me, Dana's voice sounded like that of an old woman's, so I always assumed her voice actress was in her late 50's when Robotech was produced. I never would've guessed she was a 20-something. Being the daughter of Paul Newman, no wonder Melissa ever bothered to appear at Robocon 10 or any other Robotech reunion.
  15. You worked for SNK?! I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy! Anyways, given how much larger Roy and Kakizaki are, I'm surprised no one's complaining that Roy's 1/48 pilot figure is the same size as Hikaru and Max's.
  16. Damn dude! You're gonna sacrifice a Mac+ Movie Book?! No wonder why you have an angry Asuka as your avatar That takes balls, man. I might be able to save your book, though. I recently won a yahoo jp auction for th R2 Macross Plus box sets. They've got some really sweet artwork that I'd love to scan, but I don't know when I'll recieve them. If you want to take a peek, here's the auction. Please note you need a yahoo jp account to view completed auctions. Or, maybe some kind soul here with a yahoojp account can post the images. edit: Sadly, I don't think Paul Champagne's box set is designed the fit the R2 boxes, so I doubt I'll be buying one.
  17. Sharon pics! blarg!
  18. Tried to keep these at low res for the sake of our 56k'ers. Oh yeah, from the OAV book.
  19. Ok, just read the above post. Ask, and ye shall recieve. Personally though, I wouldn't use it. From a design standpoint, it's too "busy" and doesn't follow the coherence of the rest of the layout. Congrats on the Mac+ Movie Book. You're going to find some nice images, but they're all going to be so damned close to the spine, you'd think the people who published the book purposely chose not to make it scanner-friendly.
  20. I know I'm way late to the party, but I completely with you, Anubis. I'm going to rummage through my artbooks again, but before I do so, can you list what images you already have sources for?
  21. Am I the only one who sees a problems with the name "Universal Media Disc"? Way to go Sony?
  22. Definitely not buying this set, I've already got the Southern Cross box, what more do I need But a Masters remastered has piqued my curiosity. I mean, the "first" was cobbled from the pieces of several other episodes, I wonder what other scenes ADV could throw into the melting pot. Also, will episode two feature the song "Walking in the Sun"
  23. OMFG!!!11!!! CEL-DA IZ 4 KIDZ!!! OMGLOLZ!!! You DO realize that the style Miyamoto went with looks almost exactly like the Link from the original NES instruction manual. I have to disagree with you there, Max. While I have no problems with Wind Waker's cel shading or style, I was actually dissapointed that it didn't look anything like Miyamoto's original Link. New Link.
  24. My thoughts exactly. When I originally saw Gunbuster, I was thinking "WTF! Hellooo!! The 1970's called, and they want their robot back!" Of course, after finishing the series, I thought the Gunbuster was an awesome design. So far, this OAV seems to carry the whimsical nature that marked the first GB episode. Honestly, I don't really care if the sequel is good or not, I just hope it sparks enough interest for some US anime company to release the first series on DVD.
  25. No doubt a lot of work went into the Q-rau, it is a very elegant sculpt. But if I were given the choice of designing a toy, I'd go for the non-transformable type as it would be a lot easier. Good eyes! Yup, it's none other than Jake himself, the Jedi pimp! You're the first person to notice that here, it's nice to meet another member of the "Romp Mafia"
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