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Everything posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. Hey Dangard, I just sent you the super-secret link AlphaHX, thanks for posting those pics, they're amazing. Like Dangard said, we can't use images unless they're scanned in high resolution. However, I really do appreciate your effort and enthusiasm. One more thing to everyone who're making mock-ups: please remember that the cockpit images are rectangular. If both were to be squeezed on to one side of the box (almost the same size as a regular DVD case), they would end up being very small and lose most of their detail. Of course, this could be avoided by simply cutting the cockpit image in half (as I did with my mock-up), but then you'd have only one YF cockpit on the box. Choices choices... Just my nickel
  2. Oh man, major droolage! Thanks for sharing that info, it's nice to know that Bandai did have some grand schemes for the 200x reissues. Are those heads plastic or resin? Also, how did you come across them? Finally....more pics, please!!
  3. Holy moley, I got busy and completely forgot. I'll get on them right now!
  4. Can we say Virtual Boy? No thanks, I've never played a game where I caught myself saying "Damn, I wish I had a 2nd screen!" A larger screen? Always! But a 2nd screen? Nah. While it could be helpful in RPG's where I could keep a real-time view on my items or maps, I'm horrible at multi-tasking. From the games I've seen on the DS so far, they make nice gimmicks from of the 2nd screen, but nothing that brings gaming to a whole new experience. Pass!
  5. I second this request! Here's a third request, chunky-munkey lovers unite! xstoys, when you speak of reissues, are you reffering to the 200x reissues or the 1990 reissue(s)? I knew Bandai had new head molds planned for the 1990 series, but was unaware they that had new heads planned for the 200x line as well. Thanks!
  6. Those fighter pics are awesome! But, before we even consider using them, we need to know if you have access to the original images? We need tifs, not jpegs
  7. Ooohhh, if it supports Live, I'm so back!! I wonder if Capcom will fix the resolution issues that plagued the PS2 released. I'll still buy it regardless, I've still got my DC copy of it, I just want some competition. I've played SvC Chaos, it's a fun game, but I don't like to play broken games competitively. I'll play it for fun with my friends, but not competitively when my Live stats are on the line.
  8. ***removes foot from mouth*** Bleehhh!!! Well that explains it, I take back what I said.
  9. I'm surprised that no one's mentioned that Lucas reneged on one of the changes that he made in Empire SE. In these new DVD's, Luke doesn't scream when he throws himself down the airshaft. Now, this is a change that I'm grateful for Lucas is free to make whatever changes he wants, they're his movies after all, but please spare us from all the "this is how I always intended my movies to be" bull crap. If Luke's scream was "supposed" to be in the original 1980 movie, then why was it added in in the 1997 SE, only to be yanked from the 2004 DVD's?
  10. As awesome as Dracula X is, it looks a whole lot better on the Xbox with the Mame2x filter applied.
  11. I agree with Js. I confess that I haven't watched the DVD's thoroughly, but from what I've seen on my HDTV, they look simply amazing! I still have my laserdisc box sets (Definitive THX and SE set) and the video quality is by far superior on the DVD's. The audio's excellent too, but for some reason, the Definitive box set just sounds more "right." It seems like the music and sfx are ever so slightly out of balance in the SE and DVD sets, probably has to due with the old Dolby track being mixed to DD 5.1. Funny that people are mentioning problems with ANH, because the guy who burned me my DVD copies had a problem copying that particular disc. That's right King George, you're not getting any more of my money, muhahaha!
  12. My roomate had an account with Live (Gurana) and I used to play Capcom vs SNK 2 and Mech Assault for him. It was great playing against Japanese gamers in CVS2, every battle's a school lesson. He never renewed the account, so I'm no longer on Live, but it's no big deal. The competition was starting to dry out in CVS2 and I don't take any of the other fighting games on Live seriously. But if 3rd Strike is released on Xbox, I'll probably buy a new subscription myself
  13. For someone who writes verbose posts, it would be helpful to spend a comparable amount of time reading the posts of others. We're dealing with a simple inquiry here. Yet, you're starting to internalize this thread on a level that borders unhealthy. I, for one, don't care about anyone's political beliefs. But, I would like to see the rules of MacrossWorld clarified. WDC could have taken your suggestion and privatley PM'd Roy or Max, but then what good would it do the rest of the board? Sure, WDC would know their decision, but everyone else would be in the dark. Political sigs are a gray area of MW law and some of would like to know what the mods think about it.
  14. hey Datterboy, thanks for the tips. We got some good pics of the poster, one of the corners looks warped, but it's nothing a little Photoshop can't fix.
  15. People's opinions on pricing are subjective. The most accurate place to check would be E-bay's completed auctions.
  16. The reason it got pinned is that we got near-weekly posts asking about the Legioss. As far as I've seen, it's done a great job deterring the same questions from being asked over and over.
  17. I think it's called "fanboy-ism." Complain to high hell about product X, then buy it regardless. But I think it's also important to differentiate between fanboy-ism and impulse purchases. Fanboy-ism knows no limits, whereas impulse items usually top out at $20 (naturally, this number is higher if you're bill gates). With such things as life and saving up for a house, I'm not going to spend a lot of money on a POS. Call me crazy.
  18. Great recasts! If the head lasers come cast in black resin, put me down for a set. I can't paint, but I sure can glue
  19. Well, tomorrow we're going to use a digicam in a ghetto attempt to snag an image of the poster. It doesn't have to be perfect, since we'll be editing the background colors anyway. I don't think anyone is terribly fond of the red and green "christmas" colors. Anyways, anyone got any tips when it comes to taking pictures of posters?
  20. tisinc does base his prices on what he sees here, after all, he used to post here regularly. Haterist, looks like your price-gouging conspiracy theory has some merit. Everyone, quick, start saying the 1/48 Roy is only worth $10!!!!!!!!
  21. TheLoneWolf


    Actually, yes. Yamato's executive board and marketing department. That's exactly what Yamato did with the VF-11 and YF-21 FP, and look where it got them.
  22. TheLoneWolf


    I agree. But I think the decision to axe it had less to do with the complexity of the 19 and more with the abysmal sales of the Fast Pack VF-11 and YF-21.
  23. Neova, that's an awesome offer! You can count me in! Oh yeah, when I read this thread, I automatically assumed that these were going to be the same covers that Garoquel showed us a few years ago. I know the man is capable of amazing stuff, I want to see what it looks like before plunking down some cash
  24. $127 is a lot cheaper than what I was expecting, I guess I'm just used to Yamato's price gouging It's a decent toy and I must applaud Yamato for making a non-VF1 toy, but from those pics, I'm going to pass. The battroid mode just doesn't do it for me. Also, I'm not looking to start collecting a new scale of toys. 1/48, 1/60, and 1/72 are enough for me.
  25. Yes, and it's already been done by one of our (former?) members. I'm with you on this one, watching movies and anime on a computer moniter is lame. I'm the kind of guy who wants to sit back on the couch, remote in hand, and watch it on a home theatre system. If you want to save yourself the time of the ripping, subbing, and DVD burning process, you could always invest in a hacked xbox, they're great for watching divx movies and are also region free.
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