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Everything posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. I remember people doing this to the old PSX's, they amplified the lasers power so that they could better read (cheap) CDR media. That helped out in the short run, but in the long run, the lasers burnt out even quicker. I wonder if something similiar is going on here.
  2. Compression. The file(s) could have been tarred, rarred, and/or even zipped. I've yet to see a DVD on the Internet that hasn't already been packed with some sort of compression scheme.
  3. peolesdru, thank you very much for posting that tutorial. If Shawn doesn't get back to you, I'd be willing to host the page for you. Just let me know.
  4. I have both sets and they're both around 11x17.
  5. Stormrider, you've got a PM
  6. Yamato won't release any two-seater 1/48's because Yamato hates me.
  7. TheLoneWolf

    Burning VF-X2

    Swap magic discs don't boot PS1 backups on the PS2. Try using a GameShark or Pro Action Replay, the only downside is that you have to fumble through their respective menus. Also, the GS and PAR don't work too well with games that use Redbook audio, but the majority of PS1 games that used that type of audio were the first gen games.
  8. Just got mine in from HLJ and it has one crooked skull and it's a little loose. Compared to what I've seen here, I'm not complaining.
  9. By far, the most accurate colors I've seen have been from Hasegawa. True, you have to paint the majority of the model, but the sample pics on the box are the best. Yamato's record, on the other hand, has varied from exemplary to awful. The 1/60 DYRL Fast Pack colors are perfect, yet they added a green tint in the 1/48 versions? IIRC, Yamato did say that the 1/60 colors were "official", so why the change in the 1/48 version? Then there's the horrid purple-people-eater YF-21 FP, why Yamato, why?! edit: grammar
  10. TheLoneWolf


    Fighter mode and gerwalk rock! But, as usual, the battroid mode sucks. The arms hang too far away from the body, the torso needs work, and look at how plain and unsightly the "backpack" is. With the exception of the "backpack", I guess this further demonstrates that it's near impossible to make the YF-19 look good in all three modes without swapping parts.
  11. Naaaaahhh. Bring back Yoshi World.
  12. MacrossWorld is scheduled to be updated the same day Yamato releases the 1/60 upgrade parts. Just kidding, Shawn did take the board down a few days ago, probably had something to do with that.
  13. Then why are you comparing an American series (Star Wars) with a Japanese one (Macross)? We're discussing Macross here, let's leave Gundam in the Other Anime forum.
  14. That's an easy one: Star Wars is science-fantasy. SDF Macross is science-fiction. I can imagine Star Wars fans would be upset if Lucas changed genres on them.
  15. The most likely thing MS is doing is scanning for HDD key as well as the xbox's eeprom. If your hdd key is different than what the xbox's stock hdd key, you're banned. Of course, there are a few ppl still playing on Live with non-stock hd's, so it's still sketchy. The only known way to get yourself unbanned is to create a new GT, new stock hd, and eeprom, so I've got to assume that the hd plays a vital role in the banning process. More than likely, it's a mix of the three variables (HDD, eeprom, GT). Also, Xbox live isn't the only way to play Halo 2 online. Xbconnect and Xlink are alternatives, and did I mention they're xbox-modded friendly
  16. Okaaaaay. Since SDF Macross has poor animation, does that make it suck? In terms of animation and the generation it was shown to, hell yeah. ... I hope that answers your question. No, I believe you missed the entire point of this diatribe. There's no denying the role animation plays in an anime. However, the overall merit of anime is determined through a dynamic interplay of story, characters, dialogue, and animation. Naturally, there are other components too (ie: music, editing), but for the sake of brevity I've only listed four. From your posts, you're implying that animation is the primary factor in determining whether an anime is good. I quote again: I have to disagree here. According to that statement, it's implied that the past 40 years of anime history are substandard simply due to animation quality. If you judge anime by that, would you be able to enjoy Macross Zero twenty years from now? Dialogue, characters, plot, that's what truly makes an anime able to stand the test of time. An anime that can carry the same level of admiration that it did decades earlier is truly a great anime. Boy, this reminds me of kids who walk into a videogame store, pick up a 2D game and automatically say "What, it don't have 1 billion polygons?! lololol, this game Sux0r5! "
  17. Okaaaaay. Since SDF Macross has poor animation, does that make it suck?
  18. Ummm, what??? I know there are some who did not like the Masayuki character designs in Plus, but overall, Plus has bar none, the BEST animation next to DYRL that the Macross franchise has ever seen. The CGI in Zero was spectacular, but the hand drawn stuff I thought was lackluster, especially the drab, one-dimensional character designs. rol! You can put all of Plus' animations in the fighter and mecha dept and it still would not hold any candle against the animation of just episode-5 of Zero. Since when does animation make a series great? If that's what you're going by, Macross Zero blows away SDF Macross.
  19. It shouldn't come as any surprise that the Protodevlin (primarily, Glavil) and the AFOS resemble each other: they both have the same creator, Kawamori. both are humongous both are capable of flight both are nearly indestructible both are capable or projecting powerful bio-organic blasts of energy both are capable of interstellar travel both are capable of speech both are, apparently, immortal both are just plain freaky looking
  20. Just finished watching episode 5, very dissapointed. I wasn't even this dissapointed the first time I watched Macross II. First off, let's start with the good. Great cgi mecha battles! And, that's about it. Now, the bad. Way too preachy. I guess no one told Kawamori that the cardinal rule of film making is never preach to the audience, especially as blatently as he does in episode 5. To make matters worse, it's the same unoriginal maxim that we've heard before. Nothing original. Speaking of original... The dialogue, it's a standard b-grade movie script. Who wrote the dialogue anyways, George Lucas? D.D. and Nora: they start out the series as cookie-cutter villians and die as cookie-cutter villains. These two, especially Nora, had the potential to become complex and compelling antagonists. There are several moments that defy logic, like Shin falling for 10 minutes and never hitting the water. Or, unprotected characters who able to stand, speak, and breathe without the slightest of difficulty, despite being thousands of feet in the air. But since this is an anime, I can write these off as "anime magic" rather than bad writing. I won't factor the fantastic or magical events in to my review. This is the Macross world and, apparently, anything is possible. Overall, I'll give the Macross Zero OAV two out of four stars. I'm not critiquing this OAV on how well it ties in to SDF Macross or how awesome the fight scenes are, just Kawamori's ability to put out a well-rounded and sophisticated story.
  21. Not necessarily. - The R1 SDF Macross by Animeigo is superior to the R2 release - The R1 Macross Plus features a rich Dolby Digital 5.1 English audio track. The R2's feature a pathetic Dolby Digital 2.0 track for both English and Japanese audio.
  22. you mean like the elintseeker yet everybody wants. I was one of those who paid $500+ for a 5-second Elintseeker. But unlike super-unposable, pilot-less Q-Rau, the elint transforms and is far more than a repaint. If the q-rau were in the $50 - $60 range, I might be tempted to get it. But as it stands (no pun intended), it's too much money for too little.
  23. Yup, only took 'em 5 years! If you factor in that the fact that the DC used off the shelf parts, has a user-friendly OS, and is easy as sin to program for, 5 years is a long time. Anyways, you're better off waiting for a PC port rather than a PS2 emu. It'll look better at a fraction of the processor power
  24. Probably not for another 2 years, unless you're willing to settle for 1 fps and glitchy hell.
  25. Hey Renato, can you tell us what Japan's reaction is to Macross Zero ep.5?
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