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Everything posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. I used to like the whole series, until I saw Zero's conclusion.
  2. I like Mechamaniac's idea of a pinned thread dedicated to our love & hate of Macross 7. True, it's not fair to the other series like Plus, but our Toynami Masterpiece and Harmony Gold threads have been pinned and have effectively contained the garbage they were meant to. Not to mention it'd make the mods jobs a lot easier. Screw fairness, didn't the mods decree long ago that MW is anything but fair.
  3. I don't think the 1/60 VF-1 pilots are a good measure of the 1/60 scale. When the 1/60 VF-1 was originally made, it didn't come with any pilots. The pilots were an afterthought, contorted to fit a cockpit that wasn't really designed to accomodate a pilot. I think it's safe to say that Yamato had pilots in mind since the inception of the 1/60 VF-0.
  4. The most likely reason for the price hike is that Yamato know fans will pay it regardless. If you're looking for something more elaborate, then you can say that Yamato won't be able to sell as many variants of the VF-0 like they could with the VF-1.
  5. I'm pretty certain most of us were aware of the credit card valk, I for one thought the "stealth" valk would've been the same, just a shade lighter. Btw, that's a pretty declarative statement you made there. Is the stealth valkyrie an old project that's finally come to fruitition, or has Yamato welcomed you back into the inner circle?
  6. Macross VFX has one redbook audio track, but it's the traditional "This is a Playstation disc, please do not play it in your CD player" track. I can't vouch for Macross Plus: Game Edition since I don't have it, but the rest of the Macross PSX games should work fine if you load them through a GameShark\Action Replay. edit: Before you plunk down money for the Breaker Pro, try rummaging through EB's or GameStop's used bin. You can usually find a PS2 compatible PS1 GS\AR for dirt cheap.
  7. Use a PS2 compatible PS1 Gameshark (try saying that 10 times fast) or an Action Replay on your flip top. The only imports/backups that it won't work too good on are those with Redbook audio, fortunately very few games (first gen) use that format.
  8. Fantastic! Your skills never cease to amaze me, Kurt! The one is definitely going to go to a good home
  9. Yup, it's definitely a Banpresto with a 1/55. Btw, the Banpresto's are not 1/100. I don't even think they're at a set scale, but I'd put them closer too 1/120.
  10. Hikaru's voice is definitely too high pitched, but MM is right when he said he's only supposed to be 16. But I hope his VA plans on making his voice deeper as Hikaru get's older, it'd be a travesty to have the leader of Skull Squadron sound like he's plugging his nose the entire time. My final gripe with Hikaru's voice is that he's making Hikaru sound like the goody-two shoes Rick Hunter. When we're introduced to Hikaru, he's pretty much an a-hole who's clueless when it comes to women. Again, the voice acting director is basing Hikaru off of Rick Hunter, two very different characters. Overall I think Jake Gyllenhaal, or someone with a similiar voice, would've made a better Hikaru. As for Roy Focker, he sounds like Randy "Macho Man" Savage trying to impersonate a California surfer dude. Don Worren (sp?) got it right when he gave Roy a deep, relaxed but commanding voice. The script Don was given wasn't the best, but he nailed the voice perfectly. Mari doesn't sound too bad as Minmay. A little too old, but not bad. As for the rest, I'm scared to know.
  11. For a while, people were repainting so many Jetfires that I wondered if Jetfire would eventually become rarer than the Takatoku/Bandai. Then Yamato stepped in and TF fans rejoiced as their beloved Jetfires were now safe.
  12. You'd think with a name like Honneamise that their first release would be none other than The Wings of Honneamise. Oh well, it's nice to see a classic mecha anime get the royal treatment rather than some fanboy/girl anime like Inu Yasha.
  13. I can't believe some people were stupid enough to move their x360 while a disc was spinning in it. It's common sense not to move CD\DVD players while there's a spinning disc inside UNLESS the device is *specifically* designed to handle movement (like a discman). Sorry, but if someone's x360 got scratched because they moved it, then they deserve to be laughed at. Now if the disc got scratched outside of user-error...
  14. They are 1/100 scale! 329745[/snapback] Hate to say it, but the Banprestos are probably 1/144 scale. I have a 1/100 Valkyrie and it's significantly larger than the Banprestos.
  15. Great details on the mechanical portions of the costume, such as the chest plate and backpack! But the rest could use some work. While the texture on the actual flightsuit is probably more realistic than what we're shown in the animation, it just doesn't look right. The biggest problem is with the shoulder pads, they're way to droopy. I agree with everyone else that the face doesn't right, but that's to be expected when trying to bring a 2D anime face to real life 3 dimensions.
  16. Hey fulcy, any updates yet?
  17. that pic is straight out of Studio Nue line art with Hikaru pasted and colored. I'm thinking it's still a pure Studio Nue art. 347683[/snapback] Yup, the cockpit originally appeared in B&W in several Macross artbooks (I believe it was actually drawn by Kawamori). The background, colors, and Rick illustration were all added in by Harmony Gold (or Streamline) for the double-disc Robotech Perfect Collection back in 1995.
  18. If you get on Xbox Live with Halo 2, my screename is MarkofTheWolves. Of course, I'm only playing it on the old xbox.
  19. Adding in a bigger fan or heatsinks would take care of overheating, but Microsoft is trying to keep the 360 small and elegant. One of the (many) factors that led to the original Xbox's failure in Japan was it's large size and unsightly design. Microsoft had made dominance in Japan one of it's top priorities, and they're not going to do that with another system that's humongous and has a lot of noisy fans. Your theory of the overheating problems being due to the power supply make more sense than the entire system overheating. If the system itself were overheating, I'd imagine there would be a lot more complaints and would be surprised that quality control never encountered it during their tests. But, an extraneous variable such as a different power supply makes perfect sense. What concerns me most about the X360 is the possibility viruses. The original Xbox was immune to bugs because it could only run one process at a time. While I've no idea how the software infrastructure of the X360 is designed, from what I've read it appears that it can run multiple processes at once. Maybe in a few years, we'll be able to buy anti-virus X360 software from M$ too.
  20. Keep digging that hole deeper, Roy.
  21. Since Global is supposed to be Italian, I nominate Joe Pantoliano!
  22. Last I checked, it goes for around $40 - $50 on ebay. Not exactly the $100+ it used to command, but not a bad price either. I work part-time at an anime/videogame store that actually sells Super Famicom games, but even we give no more than few dollars for Super Famicom games. The reason is that, while they're rare, most of our customers (think Inu Yasha fans) don't know what they hell they are and the carts simply languish in the display case. And our few customers who do know what Super Famicom carts are already have the roms. The Scrambled Valkyrie cart is strictly for the collector. I'd put it up on ebay or just sell it here. Should you choose the latter, shoot me a PM, I'm interested.
  23. Yes, the pilot should be significantly smaller than the 1/48 pilots. If I had to guess, I'd say it should be a little bit smaller than Toynami's VF-1 pilots. Now, if you're thinking of the craptastic 1/60 VF-1 pilots, not to worry. When the VF-1 1/60 cockpits were originally made, Yamato didn't plan on having actual pilots sitting in there. When they eventually decided to cram pilots in there, their legs had to be cut off and arms molded onto the body. This time around, the 1/60 VF-0S is being designed to accomodate a pilot from the get-go, so the pilot should look decent considering the scale.
  24. For shame, confusing authentic Studio Nue artwork for Tommy Yune's! Is it really that bad or are we looking for the slightest reason to bash HG?
  25. Are you sure about that? I just got a hard drive magnet to stick to the leg of my 1/55 Bandai, unless the 1/55 doesn't use true die-cast.
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