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Everything posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. Check out my WIP at the MacrossNexus: http://www.macrossnexus.com/index.php?opti...&Itemid=372 Most of the artwork at the bottom of the article can be found in the 2036 booklet. I hope this helps!
  2. TheLoneWolf

    Graham's Sig

    1/60 Destroid Monster! one can always hope
  3. Those are Japanese prices that you're quoting. Even after converting the yen to USD, Japanese games are still more expensive than their US counterparts. That said, all those prices appear pretty unremarkable with the exception of Armored Core 4. Though I have no doubt that once the big budget titles that you mentioned (MGS4, FFXIII) are released, we'll start to see more expensive pricetags. I just hope that Konami and co. can throw in some free giveaways (cd soundtrack samplers, small artbooks, decals, etc) to mentally aleviate our perception of the pricehike
  4. I think the nose is tilting downward in the lineart because the YF-19 is standing at an odd angle. The cod piece is definitely a lot thinner, but if Yamato made it thicker like they did with the 1/72 version, then fighter mode would look a lot chunkier from the profile view.
  5. Nice screencaps valk1j! That's what I'm talking about! Do you have those in color?
  6. Congratulations on your find, I too was checking out that auction on ebay years ago and figured it would make the occassional appearance, boy was I wrong! I honestly don't think Yamato would be interested in seeing the kit, from all the hints that Graham drops, I wouldn't be surprised if their 1/60 YF-21 was 90% complete by now. But still though, it's a nice gesture
  7. Opinions are like 4ssholes, everybody has one. danth: I'll see if I can get those pieces scanned.
  8. Awesome sketch! The ELS manual doesn't show the FAST Pack equipped VF-4, it just shows the standard VF-4 in fighter mode. Sadly, the ELS manual lacks any significant original art, most of it from 2036. The only images of the FP VF-4 are from the cut-scenes within the game, and your sketch comes pretty close to what it looked like.
  9. You're absolutely right, it was Yoshi who posted all that material on the PC Engine games. I too was surprised when he stated that 2036 and ELS are not within the same universe as MacII. The existance of a playable VF-4 is ELS (which takes place in 2037) contradicts the existance of the VF-2 in MacII (which takes place in 2080). Man I wish I had saved his post. He even posted screenshots of the VF-4 equipped with FAST Packs.
  10. The hatch that opens for the battroid head to move through snapped off mine. I wasn't stressing the plastic, just opening the hatch normally during transformation and it snapped right off. Shortly afterwards, the VF-1S' head also snapped off. I definitely got a dud. Even if my toy didn't break, these things are made of crap. They make the Banpresto's plastic look golden. To anyone who hasn't gotten one yet, save your money, these are not worth $20.
  11. Excellent job! I don't think I've ever seen a VF-4 how-to before. Great work with the added locks, while they look like an easy mod, it must have been a nerve wracking experience adding them in. Was the kit too floppy before?
  12. Actually Imai's Legioss models aren't 1/48, they're more like 1/52. You'll notice that the cockpit and pilot are small compared to Yamato's 1/48's
  13. Who wants to take bets that this OAV will create more questions than it does answers?
  14. Are you sure the Takatoku Henkei/Converters/Macres Bootlegs should be included? I don't even think that thing was MEANT to be transformed to fighter mode. You literally just turn the arms & legs backwards and fold the head in. Does anyone have a digicam? You'll know what I mean. Haterist is right, the Matchbox VF-1 should be excluded as it'd be the default winner. That's not fair to the rest of the losers.
  15. Battroid - 1/72 HCM. The large chestplace, combined with the small head and long backpack make its proportions horribly inaccurate to the lineart. Gerwalk - 1/100 Takatoku/Bandai. Bleagh! Fighter - 1/100 Takatoku/Bandai. BLEAGH!!
  16. I too would love a fold booster, but since no attachment points are seen I'll assume Yamato isn't gonna release one. The VF-0 didn't come with a Ghost, I don't see why Yamato would make an exception for the 19. If a Ghost is going to be made, looks like it'll be up to MW'ers to do it.
  17. what? thats it? thats all you had to say? i figured if anyone was going to slam the 1/48 it would be you. nice to see you back. 425069[/snapback] Just admit it haterist, you created this thread solely to bring back drifand. Great to see you back, drifand!
  18. Battroid - The 1/60. It's overall proportions come the closest to matching the lineart. While it's true that the S head was stumpy, the A and J heads look fantastic. The 1/48 battroid's arms are too long & thin, the chest to big, and the rat claws (hands) are an abomination to mecha. Gerwalk - The 1/48 without a doubt. Fighter - This one was close. The 1/60 has good proportions, but the 1/48 has equally good proportions, plus the 1/48's feet tuck in nicely and it overall has less gaps. 1/48's the winner here. Great thread, it's so simple I wonder why it hasn't been done before
  19. When Ryuji mailed my painted kit, he broke down the kit into 4 large pieces and wrapped them in baggies. The small fragile parts were packed within their own small boxes. As for packing materials he used primarily air pillows and I believe (it's been a while) a little newspaper. It worked because nothing broke, and this was a very very fragile kit. All I had to do was glue the main pieces back together and it was done. Oh yeah, it was also shipped from Brazil to Maryland, USA.
  20. Actually, Phantasy Star did come out on the Mega Drive (Japanese Genesis)! It was a remake of the original Master System Phantasy Star, but the sprites were redone to take advantage of the Mega Drive hardware. Alas, Sega nor Backbone Entertainment can be bothered to translate so many pages of text for so old a game. 424215[/snapback] What I've heard is that it's actually the SMS game, on a SMS->Megadrive adapter board(the Genny was backwards-compatible YEARS before the PS2). Also why there's no ROM image, as the Genesis can't run it in Genesis mode. 424243[/snapback] That doesn't sound unreasonable, but I've actually held the Phantasy Star Mega Drive drive game in my hand. When I flipped through the booklet I was expecting a straight port of the SMS game in all it's 8-bit glory, but all the screenshots were definitely 16-bit. I asked the guy selling it what was up since I had never heard of it and he said that the game was a limited release in Japan. Nearly every cart has been dumped by the ROM scene from obscure games to betas, but it's not impossible that a title or two such as Phantasy Star have slipped through the cracks.
  21. Actually, Phantasy Star did come out on the Mega Drive (Japanese Genesis)! It was a remake of the original Master System Phantasy Star, but the sprites were redone to take advantage of the Mega Drive hardware. Alas, Sega nor Backbone Entertainment can be bothered to translate so many pages of text for so old a game.
  22. WTF is that?! As for the MP-03 SS, I'll pass. I've got a good feeling that Takara will release an anime color scheme SS later on and that's when I'll buy it. The current colors just don't do anything for me.
  23. Delays? Since when do new Yamato releases come out on time anyways?
  24. Ironically my PS1 copy of SOTN was one of the games I traded off to pay for my 360 and my inititial batch of games! (Still have my Saturn version, though) I got to give some major props to Konami for some of the stuff they are bringing to Live Arcade (including the arcade versions of Contra and Super Contra). I'll probably download this puppy so I can have the game in English again (bad voice acting and all). 422590[/snapback] I was hoping that it would have been the Saturn version so that we could get the extra levels and a playable Maria. But I guess it would have been more difficult to emulate the Saturn and not worth the effort since I can't see many Saturn-exclusives appearing on XBLA. I wonder if you'll be downloading the full ISO, a stripped down ISO (streaming audio replaced with synthesized audio), or a heavily compressed ISO. If they're full ISO's, depending on how many are released for XBLA, how long till you fill the 360 hard drive?
  25. TheLoneWolf

    M+ Valks

    I'd have to see the completed products first. I love the VF-11B, but if by some fluke it turned out to be craptastic...
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