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Everything posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. It sounds like the lens on your DVD drive has gone bad. Playing FMV's is the most taxing activing for the optical lens and when FMV's begin to skip, it's downhill from there (unless the disc is scratched). The drive should be able to load polys and textures (for now) because if it gets an incorrect read it can always try again, the seek time should be so small that you wouldn't notice. But with an FMV, if it gets an incorrect read, you'll notice right away because the FMV will begin to skip. Do you have any other games that use true FMV's? If it is your lens, then they should also skip. If they read fine, then I'm stumped.
  2. Have you ever heard of man named "George Lucas?"
  3. Hey BoB, since the mfc went down you should repost your artwork or contact Mechamaniac about including your stuff in the Fan Submissions part of the main page. Your stuff was great!
  4. Big West, please take Macross away from Kawamori.
  5. Ditto. My 200x model PS1 gave out, but to its credit it did last me over 3 years, especially good when you consider that my friends and I played the f**k out of it in those three years. I had no qualms purchasing a new system because I clearly felt that I got my money's worth out of the old system. My original clunky GameBoy also has a couple of columns on the screen, but I can forgive that because I literally took it with me wherever I went as a kid. It survived so many family trips that I'm just amazed it's still playable some 15 years later. Back to some 360 news... Has anyone heard of Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD? It's Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, but with sprite resolution that blows Guilty Gear out of the water. Supposedly the game play will be the same, but more frames of animation will be included as well as high res sprites to bring the game into the 21st century. First Halo 3, then Ace Combat 6, now this! The Zephyr can't come out soon enough
  6. Hey, thanks for the suggestions guys! Those are some really ideas! I really like the plastic tubs and desiccant/silica packets method. What if I just got a tub(s), placed the toys in there plus the desiccant/silica packets?
  7. TheLoneWolf

    Storing toys

    I'll be moving into a new apt next month and one of the cool things about it is that it's going to come with it's own seperate storage unit. I'm planning on storing some of my extra toys & resin kits in the unit, which is in the basement of the complex, but the place is a bit humid & very dark. Fortunately they'll be out of the sunlight, but does anyone know what effect humidity has on plastic and resin? Will it be safer to wrap my toys in airtight plastic bags?
  8. Either the animation's timing is off, or it looks like the lights are blinking way too rapidly. It's no big deal because I wasn't planning on ever turning them on anyways. My only concern is whether or not the FP release will remedy all the design flaws.
  9. Wow! Very nice screenshots! Thank you for sharing them with us!
  10. Sounds like Japan didn't like Macross Zero either.
  11. I work part-time at a videogame store where we repair broken systems and the 360 is by far the system most often brought in for repairs, keep in mind that the 360 is not our top selling system. To put things in perspective, the DS Lite, PSP, and Wii consistently sell out, yet they account for only a small amount of our repairs (and the PSP is usually due to user error, such as dropping it). The 360 sells an average amount, yet it accounts for a disproportionate amount of repairs, this is not a good correlation. I'm not saying all 360's are duds, but from our experience I'd say 1 in 5 360's comes back for repairs within a year, personally I find that to be a discouraging number. The sad part is that the 360 has a very good selection of games now and I really do want one, but its reliability is keeping me back.
  12. Haw! The Elite's are already breaking down and some people are getting the red rings of death! http://news.spong.com/article/12415?cb=541 I'm definitely gonna wait for the 65nm version.
  13. I can't read Japanese, but does the headline in that pic say "Mospeada 2" ???
  14. I agree to a certain extent. Comparing the battroid lineart to the 1/60 and 1/48 VF-1's, the 1/60 battroid is overall more accurate. Comparing fighter mode, both VF-1's are pretty accurate except that the 1/48's nosecone seems to a little too thick. By comparison, the 1/60's nosecone is a little too thin. Since I like my fighters sleek I prefer to go with the 1/60. The 1/60 also comes stock with normal sized fists/hands, unlike the rat claws that the 1/48 comes with. Where the 1/60 falls short is the transformation. The mandatory removal of the legs and canopy/heatshield during transformation are two huge black eyes on the 1/60. The leg attachment in gerwalk mode is very flimsy, another drawback of the removable legs. The "S" head is also pretty crappy, but like Mister E said, the "A" and "J" heads are quite good. In fact, I prefer the 1/60 "J" head over the 1/48 "J" head as the chin is more pronounced. Overall the 1/60 makes for a good hybrid between the models and toys. Look fantastic in each mode and you don't have to paint & assemble it, but you won't have fun transforming and posing it. Also, with the 1/60 being the current definitive Macross scale, you have plenty of other mecha to stand beside it. OTOH, the 1/48's transformation is perfect and is very posable in each mode. It's accuracy to the lineart is excellent in fighter & gerwalk, but a little dissappointing in battroid. It's also bigger to boot. Sadly the 1/48 scale is exclusive to the VF-1 and I highly doubt Yamato will ever produce other Macross mecha in this scale (if they were to make a 1/48 YF-19, it'd probably come close to being as tall as Fortress Maximus at 2x the cost). I like both toys, but I'll have to give the edge to the 1/48.
  15. When did I say I hated dubs? I actually like some dubs (Macross Plus, Cowboy Bebop, etc) and have no problem buying anime dvd's that have multiple audio tracks. The point I was trying to get across is that if an anime DVD is lacking a dub track, I look at that as a plus because then the video will (usually) look better. It helps to actually read the post that you're replying too. Right, we also know that anime also looks like crap in color because it was always designed to be in black & white.
  16. John isn't going to be working on anymore mods for Macross toys, just models.
  17. I actually prefer anime DVD's without a dub. Leaving off the dub means less compression needs to be applied to the video (assuming the distributor takes full advantage of the space offered on the DVD). It might seem insignificant to some, but when you have an HDTV every little artifact is noticable, especially in anime.
  18. They already DID a live-action Macross Plus movie, it's called "Stealth"
  19. I hope Namco allows you to change the colors of the textures or even draw your own insignia's on the planes when play on XBL
  20. $155 shipped for the YF-19 is a bargain! I don't think any other store can compete with the kind of price. Now I know where I'll be buying the YF-19 & Fast Pack when it comes out. Thanks!
  21. I agree with Phyrox. From what I understand, Southern Cross was a failure in Japan. At least Mospeada and co. was a moderate success with a small, but loyal, fan following. Southern Cross will get the usual Imai reissue, and if it's lucky an HD-DVD and/or Blu-Ray for it's 25th in 2009.
  22. That makes sense. But if Japanese twenty-somethings aren't buying the Toynami Alpha is it because they don't know about? Or are they in the mindset that if it's a Toynami/American product that it must be lousy?
  23. Thank goodness for that!! Japan isn't exactly known for it's stellar live-action science fiction movies A US production is completely out of the question with the Macross rights being tangled up between HG, Big West, and a few other smaller companies. See the license thread HERE.
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