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Everything posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. It doesn't make sense to me neither, but that's what MS told my old roommate when he tried to revive his lapsed account. But if you want to go ahead and try it anyways then let me know how it works out. I suppose, in a way, they're holding your gamertag hostage. To someone with the gamertag of Bob543979 it won't make any difference, but if you really like your gt and don't want to lose it then MS has you by the balls.
  2. Edit: Whoops, misread your post. But yeah, that's a cheap way to keep your gamertag "alive" if you don't plan on playing too much. Or you can grab an Xbox1 Live 1-year prepaid card and use that instead. Most places are clearing them out because they think they're worthless, lol. My store was one of those places so I picked up a 1 year subscription for $20 plus my employee discount.
  3. If your Xbox1 Live or 360 Gold membership has lapsed for more than 3 months then you'll be forced to choose a new gamertag if you want to play on Live. The weird part is that Microsoft doesn't delete lapsed gamertags so no one else can take them, but they will not (or cannot) revive them either even if you verify that you're the original owner. In the case of 360 Gold memberships the account will be automatically downgraded to a Silver membership, but after 3 non-paying months on Silver status your gamertag will permanently be stuck on Silver status. There are four Xbox1 dvd drives out there: Philips, Thomson, Samsung and Hitachi. To my knowledge, all these drives are interchangeable on all Xbox1's. But if you're trying to install a standard PC dvd drive onto your Xbox1 you're going to notice that the pc dvd drive is missing an extra connector that's exclusive to the Xbox1 drives. It it possible to physically mod a pc dvd drive to work on it, but at this point it's not worth the hassle and probably cheaper to just buy a used Xbox1 from Gamestop.
  4. Good news! Your memory card, game, and system are fine. Your situation piqued my curiosity so I decided to backup all my AC3 saves (US and JP) off my PS1 card to my PS2 memory card, I then deleted them all off my PS1 card. Next I fired up my US version of AC3, started a new game and saved. Next I fired up my JP version of AC3, started a new game. When I tried to save the game it asked me an extra question than it normally would (wish I could read kanji), I don't know what it asked so I just answered yes. I'm not sure what happened next, but it looks like it saved. Finallly I rebooted my JP PS2 and went to the memory manager, my US AC3 save was there but the JP one was no where to be found. I'm not sure what that extra question was, but I believe the existing US AC3 save is causing problems with the JP's ability to save. I'd back it up to another memory card and keep two memory cards: one for the US version of AC3 and the other for the JP version of AC3. PS1 memory cards are cheap, you should be able to pick up a used one at gamestop for $5 max. I never had this problem because I originally had all my games spread over 3 cards and consolidated them onto 1 card years ago.
  5. If they want my money, then damn straight.
  6. I don't think it was a complete waste of time. After Blastotoys had their lawyer ask Harmony Gold for proof of ownership the letters stopped being sent out. I guess Harmony Gold wasn't expecting anyone to formally call their bluff.
  7. Is it still possible to lock polls so that people can vote but not post any text?
  8. The original 1A Hikaru and 1S Focker also couldn't bend their forearms to a complete 90 degree angle, they could only do about 80 degrees. And beginning with the 1J Hikaru the headrests were notched to better fit the TV pilots.
  9. So the R2 DVD is in stereo then. Imaginasian really dropped the ball by giving us Japanese mono instead of stereo. I was going to purchase these, but I don't feel like giving money to a company that intentionally gives us an inferior product.
  10. It turns out the "software" wasn't 100% percent software driven, Sony had to include hardware dedicated to the emulation which ended up only saving them $20 per console after all was said and done. Sony also admitted that their software emulation wasn't as accurate or comprehensive as they originally planned, so rather than pump more money into coding updates for the software they just axed it completely.
  11. I agree that human vs human gets boring very quickly, but I'm hoping through Xbox Live that we'll be able to have two teams of 4 planes each dogfighting each other. Or even two teams of 8 planes each. A deathmatch involving 8 planes with every man for himself should be pretty intense also.
  12. I know Graham said that Yamato will never do a VF-2SS for obvious reasons, but when did he put the kibosh on the VF-4?
  13. That's what I thought too, but it turns out the early versions of the Halo 360 used the old board design. Any Halo 360 manufactured after 8-25-07 should be 65nm. And JB0's right, placing consoles on carpet is a very bad idea. Aside from blocking vents carpets also do a great job of capturing heat. And as we all know heat travels upwards, so if you're on the 2nd story of a warm house or apartment the carpet is going to capture the heat the from floor below. Carpets also gives insects easy access to the console. With the amount of heat modern consoles generate it makes a cozy home for the buggers.
  14. Great work, Ryuji! I love how you went with Misa's DYRL hair.
  15. The Halo Edition 360 in that picture is NOT a 65nm. The manufacturer date on it is 2007-08-16, which predates 65nm.
  16. Try saving with another game.
  17. Good luck finding a translator who would be willing to tackle an enormous project like this at a reasonable cost. By comparison, scanning the entire book would be the easy part.
  18. Interesting. According to this article the new PS3 will be missing both PS1 and PS2 compatibility. I guess we'll have to wait for an official word from Sony. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7030164.stm
  19. Wow, no PS1 or PS2 compatibility. I understood why Sony removed the Emotion Engine in favor of the cheaper software emulation, but the removal of software emulation is a little unsettling considering the software emulation was "completed" earlier this year. My only guess is that the software emulation released was not as accurate or all-encompassing as Sony originally advertised and shelved it because the development needed to bring it up too speed would cost too much in the long run. If this PS3 is ever released in the US, you can count on Microsoft trumpeting the backwards compatibility of their Premium 360. How many bullets can Sony shoot into their feet?
  20. This is the really weird part. I've never had problems saving games on my Japanese PS2 and all my PS1/PS2 memory cards are US versions. We can safely rule out the console since it saves fine with other games, and it's not a bug in the game since I can save on mine, so my guess is it's the memory card. I'd borrow a friends PS1 mem card and see how that works. Btw, is your card an official Sony brand card?
  21. All I did was manually delete all the videos, extra themes and free (worthless) games that were pre-loaded on my hd and noticed a significant speed increase. Overall I recovered 2+ gigs of space and it does take a bit of time, but at least you know your extra maps et al will be safe.
  22. He's talking about Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere, which is a PS1 game. SpacyAce2012, I think your memory card is full or it's just a bad one. I've also got a Japanese PS2 and AC3 (both US and Japanese versions) and have both save types on a single US PS1 memory card. When loading your AC3 save game are you selecting "Download" or "re-open" from the game menu? It's supposed be "Download."
  23. If you think that's bad then you should see some of the systems that come through my store for repairs. I've seen a number of systems that died because there were too many dead cockroaches in them
  24. TheLoneWolf

    Graham's Sig

    I know Graham said that the VFX2 license is up in the air, but how the hell did that happen?! They've already released VF-19A and Konig Monster, and Los says that Yamato will be issuing a 3rd run of the Konig this fall, so what's up with that? If there was something wrong with the VFX2 license you'd think they would've noticed a long time ago.
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