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Everything posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. One thing I just noticed about the new 1/60 VF-1 is that it's shoulders don't droop whenever doing dynamic poses with it's arms, unlike the 1/48. Good work Yamato.
  2. I wouldn't mind 1/60th jets, but I'd rather Yamato get to work on other VF's first. I'd rather Yamato release a 1/60 VF-11B before something like this.
  3. I can think of a lot of reasons, foremost to keep them in scale with their original 1/60 VF-1's. Yamato knows a good number of us like keeping our toys in scale. 1/48 - They'd be too big and most likely too expensive. 1/55 - They'd still be pretty big and only be in scale with Bandai's chunky's. Why help Bandai? 1/65 - Definite possibility, Bandai's done it with their M7 VF's. But again, why help Bandai when Yamato can help themselves? 1/72 - They'd be small and it'd also be more difficult to achieve such complex transformations at this scale. The original 1/72 Macross Plus toys proved this. 1/100 - They'd be too small. 1/144 - They'd be way too small.
  4. I was wondering what happened to the old thread. Well I downloaded the Legendary Map Pack for Halo 3. So far I'm really digging the Ghost Town map, it's fantastic for slayer matches. Avalanche is ok, but this map is best suited for 16 player CTF or Assault, oddly enough Live is limiting it to only 12 players so far.
  5. When I first saw Macross II back in '93 I was extremely disappointed. At the time, it was the first true Macross sequel and my expectations for it were very high, needless to say I wasn't too happy with the outcome. I rewatched it again 2 years ago and found myself liking it more. That's probably because Plus satiated my need for a good Macross sequel, so I'm now able to judge MII solely on its merits rather than what I think it should be. It's still no masterpiece, but it's okay. I love the character & mecha designs as well as the music, but the story was uneventful. It borrowed too much from SDF and DYRL, I got the impression that the writer(s) were afraid to stray too far from the original Macross formula and decided to play it "safe." The media censorship and inept military themes were refreshing, but the writers underplayed them IMO.
  6. I call shenanigans. How did they get data on our enthnicity, household income, education and children's ages? Nowhere on our MW profiles is this information listed. As for gender and age, listing that information is optional on MW, I know I didn't bother to fill in that information. It's possible that these questions were asked during our initial registration and not listed on our profiles, but I seem to recall only needing to submit my e-mail address for registration and not needing to fill out a questionaire. Quantcast's numbers are probably fudged, at least for MW.
  7. TheLoneWolf

    Latest custom.

    Another masterpiece, great work Kurt!
  8. Does it cost more to manufacture die-cast metal verses ABS plastic, or are they the same? If die-cast metal is cheaper, then it may explain why the older version was cheaper. Or not.
  9. Los' preorder price is much better at $138.95, but after shipping that'll be close to $150. That's still too much for a scaled down 1/48 IMO, I'm going to have to pass on these unless the yen seriously falls to the dollar.
  10. I'm not too sure about that, Bandai did reissue Hikaru's DYRL VF-1A back in 02.
  11. It looks fantastic, but one small thing that's bugged me about the 1/48, and this new 1/60, is how close the pilot sits to the front of the cockpit. The pilot should sit in the middle. With all that empty space in the rear you'd think Yamato would put a second seat in there. Props to Mr. March's Macross Mecha Manual for the image.
  12. The 1/55 Hikaru and Roy cost 6800 yen back in 2002 and now they cost 7800 yen 6 years later. That increase can probably be due to 1 part inflation and 1 part greed. Given that the 2002 line didn't sell that well and was abruptly aborted, I hope that Bandai is improving the old 1/55's this time if they want them to fly off the shelves.
  13. I understand where you're coming from, but the old Compendium will still be up, at least for now. There's always the chance that some erroneous entries will be overlooked or that an edit war will flare up, so for the forseeable future I'd use the new Compendium as an semi-formal resource and stick with the old Compendium for citation purposes. Finally, like azrael said, Egan will be moderating this wiki and it exists with Big West's blessing.
  14. Agreed. If you got to Preferences \ Skin and select "Classic" it'll fix the problem.
  15. Very cool idea, especially since Wikipedia's Macross entry is abysmal. But does anyone else find it ironic that Egan will be allowing outsiders to enter content? Whenever Egan pops in MW, it's usually to correct our own content. edit: Interesting. During registration it explains that adding in your e-mail account is optional, but if you try to view any categories you get the error: Registration should state that if you wish to view any of the categories that e-mail confirmation is required.
  16. Considering that I'd be using a $130 toy, plus $50 armor, plus the time and labor spent disassembling and painting the toy, yes I would go and acquire the TV arm armor. That's what MW's Wanted Section is for But you're right, it is a minor imperfection and if it doesn't bother you then by all means leave it as is.
  17. So Yamato went ahead with the De-limiter mode. There's no question now, I'm definitely going to wait for a 2nd or 3rd release. Whatever attachment method Yamato uses, I don't trust them to make it rugged enough to withstand prolonged use.
  18. Not bad, but you're using the wrong arm armor. Jetfire came with TV arm armor, you're using DYRL arm armor.
  19. Bandai could be convinced to make a 1/55 VF-1D if this latest round of reissues sells well. If not, they'll probably assume it's not worth their overhead costs. I'm sure Bandai must realize by now that the 1/55 Elintseeker and Super Ostrich are the must-have's of the vintage line. But they're probably worried that if they reissue the most-wanted toys first, no one's going to care about the rest of the line. Ironically, no one cares about the rest the line anyways
  20. Way to go, Shacky!
  21. Bandai's probably testing the waters with these two 1/55's. If they sell well, we may see the Elint or SuperO reissued. However, the 1/55's didn't sell well back in 2002, and there's even less of a market for them in 2008. So we'll see.
  22. I wonder if Hikaru's poor VF-1J will finally come with a heatshield.
  23. TheLoneWolf

    Thunder Hammer

    Give my compliments to the sculptor, and much props to you EXO for putting your money behind your dream. Is it made out of ABS plastic?
  24. According to one of Hurin's earlier posts, both the English and Japanese audio tracks are inferior in comparison to the Animeigo release.
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