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Everything posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. I couldn't agree more. Yamato's 1/60 Q-Rau is also solid, more than likely because it doesn't transform either. Unfortunately, like the 1/60 Tomahawk, it was also horribly overpriced. So I just waited and picked it up on clearance at 50% off.
  2. Unfortunately the Wayback Machine didn't crawl MW too much back then, so you just a few scattered pages. It looks like it crawls the site regularly now, but it's kinda redundant since Shawn's got a reliable backup system now.
  3. That would be awesome, especially since your old photos have been lost along with the old forum.
  4. That would explain why the Mardook don't recognize Earth, but the problem is that we're using supposition to reach a conclusion. This may be a dumb question, but do DYRL and SDFM definitively share the same pre-2009 timeline? If so, then we know what happened to the Protoculture that left the Earth in DYRL. I agree that it would take a long time for the signal to reach across the galaxy, but again, we would have to suppose that the Mardook were too far to pick it up. As for your second point, if the Mardook were to receive the signal, then they should be able to interpret it. The Zentradi/Meltlandi were able to interpret the signal just fine, and in Macross II Ishtar demonstrates that the Mardook understand Zentran as well as their own language. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of the Mardook being the Protoculture, but it seems all we're left to work with are clues and hints that are subject to interpretation. We can easily say that the Mardook are the Protoculture with a little bit of fan conjecture, but I just don't feel comfortable completely subscribing to that notion without explicit proof. Good discussions, Seto Kaiba!
  5. Thanks for shedding some more light on the Mardook and Zentradi. But there are some things in DYRL which, to me, don't quite gel with the notion of the Mardook being the Protocultre. In DYRL, Misa and Global say that the Protoculture fled to Earth a long time ago and created/modified the human race during their time here before leaving the planet 20,000 years ago. If the Mardook are the Protocultre, then why don't they recognize this Solar System nor their creations, the human race. From Macross II, it seems the Mardook randomly happened upon us. Second, when the Protoculture ruins rise from the ocean, the Laplamis (and presumably Bodolza) fleet detects it and comes to Earth. If the Meltlandi and and Zentradi were able to pick up its signal, then why not the Marduk? After all, if the Marduk are the Protoculture, then it's their city and they should have eventually picked up its signal. Personally, I think Ken'ichi Yatagai purposely left the question open-ended in order to pique the interest of Macross fans. And it worked too, because we're still discussing it 16 years later.
  6. I take back what I said earlier, you're right about Macross 2036, ELS, and II occurring in the same universe as DYRL. I completely forgot that Komilia is 17 years old in 2036, which removes that game from the TV continuity. Seto Kaiba's above post cements that fact. Next time I'll know better than to trust in-game graphics.
  7. Except that the Flashback footage wasn't added in to DYRL until 8 years later. While the original storyboards called for a Minmay concert at the end of DYRL, nowhere does it state that it takes place after reconstruction or even in 2012. For all we know, that concert could've taken place a few months after DYRL.
  8. Thanks for the info, Kevin. Whenever Toynami's involved, I never expect anything to be released on time.
  9. Agreed. Macross 2036 and ELS are non-canon and take place in the same universe as Macross II. DYRL is not a part of this universe. I don't quite follow you. Was that a question or a statement? Jinna Fiaro (female) works alongside Quamzin in both games and the Neld Fleet also uses Q-Rau's in battle in 2036, so I'm not sure what the developers were thinking in ELS.
  10. Nowhere in Yoshi's timeline does it explicitly state that Macross II is a sequel to DYRL. It should be: SDF Macross--->Macross 2036--->Macross Eternal Love Song--->Macross II First off, the title of screen of 2036 shows the TV version of the SDF-1, complete with the TV color scheme and Daedalus and Prometheus attached. The SDF-1 in DYRL has a different color scheme and has the ARMD carriers. The pic below is pretty bad, I can post a better one without the logo obstructing the SDF-1. Second, according to the Macross II OST v2, Macross II occurs in 2092. In the Macross II OAV it's stated several times that it's been 80 years since the first conflict. 2092 - 80 = 2012. As we all know, SDF Macross ends in 2012. DYRL ends in 2010 and doesn't correspond with any of the dates given. Like YLM said, inserting Macross II into the Studio Nue timeline in unnecessary.
  11. I would be one of those folks. While I never felt it was worth filing a complaint about, I definitely lost the motivation to post in certain threads because all I would see were dozens of smileys and the same people parotting the same (un)funny jokes at each other. This sort of behavior has occurred in MW before, but it's becoming less the exception and more the norm.
  12. I'm inclined to agree with AcroRay. The VF-1D kit is on Yahoo JP right now at a starting bid of 1,000円 (approx. $10) with 3 days left and no bids. http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n62974153 Also, last month I saw four of these on a single Yahoo JP auction at a starting bid of 3,000円 (approx. $30) and I don't believe it got a single bid either. The link to that auction is dead, otherwise I would post it.
  13. Very awesome! Capcom's marketing department get an A+ for that one, the CD "jewel case" is fantastic!
  14. LOL! Kicker773, thanks for immortalizing my VF-1D on your box. Three of the VF-1D pictures featured on your box are actually of mine.
  15. For all those complaining about the piss poor d-pad on the 360 controller there's good and bad news. The Good: Microsoft will be releasing a green version of it's controller with an "optimised" d-pad to address all the complaints. The Bad: The controller is a limited edition release and will NOT be sold in North America. The Ugly: The controller! Ugh! It's a shade of green that only the Hulk could love. http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=218894
  16. I wish. At the video game store I used to work at, if a big name game ends up being a shelf warmer, we're stuck with the overstock. But we're a small local chain, I don't know the policy is with Best Buy, Walmart, et al.
  17. I don't know, I still haven't received my Max Super 1A yet.
  18. Good question. It's been a while since I've watched the entire series, but I think it's 98% family friendly. I believe Sivil appears nude in a few scenes, but she's curled up in a fetal position so you don't see much. And Ivane Gyuntar appears topless, but instead of female breasts you see generic male pecs due to her physical transformation by Geperuniti. As for racy outfits, your girlfriend will definitely spot Rex's cleavage shots for the fanservice that it is, but that's it. Mylene's stage outfit does reveal quite a bit of her legs, but nothing less than a bikini would show. It's such a long series that I've probably missed a bunch, but I hope this helps.
  19. Here are some pics of Hikaru's Super 1A that I grabbed off of ebay.
  20. Good news about GB3, but I wonder if they'll try to be more politically correct and include a female Ghostbuster this time.
  21. That's not a good sign. Just curious, but how is the Hikaru 1J and Roy 1S doing?
  22. We've been getting a good number of 40gb repairs at my old store, the usual culprit is the DRE error. But one thing to keep in mind is that 40gb units have been selling briskly and I think it's safe to say that there's more of them out in the wild as opposed to the 60/20gb units. Another theory I have is that I've seen the 40's selling quite well among casual gamers, who are more likely to put their PS3's through a hardy workout and less likely to take care of them (most of 40's we've repaired looked like they've been pulled from frat houses). Whereas when we were still selling the 60's/20's, a lot of our customers admitted they weren't gamers and we're getting them because they were A/V enthusiasts. Feel free to draw your own conclusion, but I think it's another factor worth considering.
  23. When my friends and I were kids, we had all heard that the Ultimate Warrior died. It wasn't until recently that I found out he was still alive.
  24. So it's not an exclusive, great news.
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